Monday, February 14, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Sprite Sheets


I wonder if it was simply not the case, or if it is un perfetto esempio di coincidenza significativa. Fatto sta che ho da poco finito di leggere la "La trilogia del ritorno", di Fred Uhman , e in particolare il primo dei tre romanzi, " L'amico ritrovato ", del 1971, da cui nel 1989 è stato anche tratto un film.
Il libro, davvero bellissimo, racconta dell'amicizia fra un ebreo tedesco, il sedicenne Hans Schwartz, e un suo coetaneo, il giovane conte Könradin von Hohenfels, ultimo rampollo di una stirpe di nobili svevi. I due frequentano entrambi il liceo Karl Alexander Gymnasium di Stoccarda, negli anni dell'ascesa al potere di Hitler. Il romanzo non affronta in modo specifico il tema della shoah o dei campi di sterminio, ma descrive soprattutto the period prior to the outbreak of racial persecution. The Schwartz, like many other Jews feel perfectly in Stuttgart in Germany and are even proud of it.

When Nazi ideas began to spread, the father of Hans refuses to move to Palestine, as it is proposed to do, Hitler convinced that racism is a kind of temporary madness that would never have plagued the nation of Goethe , Beethoven and Schiller. Instead, the madness ends to split Konradin from Hans, who had been friends for life, and sows hatred in their classmates. The young Schwartz manages to escape to America in time to avoid being overwhelmed by events (not This will, however, the fate of his parents) but what happens in Germany, of course, marks him forever. Twenty years after the war, Hans found a list of names of its student body, which next to each item is an indication of what was the fate of his companions in the storm of war. To avoid long check out what happened to Konradin, which has heard nothing. Alive? Dead? But above all, with blood on his hands?

course not reveal the ending (which is worth to go with your heart in your throat), but step to explain what is the coincidence that I'm concerned. Just as, completed the first novel trilogia, passavo al secondo, ho ricevuto una telefonata da Barbara Burzi, giornalista della redazione pratese del quotidiano " Il Tirreno " (molto diffuso in Toscana).

Mi chiedeva una intervista, per una iniziativa che il suo giornale sta portando avanti da qualche tempo: presa una classe di un istituto scolastico di Prato , a distanza di venti o trenta anni dalla maturità, si trattava di verificare che fine avessero fatto gli studenti, o meglio, se ce n'erano alcuni che si fossero realizzati in un particolare campo o avessero sfondato o fatto carriera in un settore più o meno insolito o degno di nota. Per la puntata destinata a venire pubblicata domenica 13 febbraio, la classe presa into account was the third high school section at the Liceo Classico Cicognini Prato, school year 1980/81. That is just my own.

I was very impressed by the request. I immediately responded to questions from the hard-working reporter, I sent some 'documentation, including some photos, and I was waiting to read the stories of others. That is, to discover what you do not know about where they got my friends, what has given them life, if they are happy, if you have children who may go to our own school and if those children are like us and if we look alike to our parents.

may seem strange, but I do not have details of almost anyone, if not a couple. But not because he avoided meeting them. Simply because life, whirling, he took me in other directions and I imagine that the same has happened to them. I have a life complicated and are not even on Facebook, which does not simplify things. But if I close my eyes I see them all, I listen to the voices, I get emotional recalling the smiles, I laugh at the memory of the jokes, I still beats the heart remembering a girl when I was in love, school trips and relive the festive season I return to the film club at that time were still in the dark of a room where I gave her first kiss during the movie "Hair" (not that girl, but a fourth high school, I I was in school first).

piece was released on Sunday. Two full pages of the newspaper, and center, big, a photo of the student body in which I struggled to recognize, under an impossible basket of hair. In the color photo above, and are the ultimate right of the sitting. At school, however, I was still a boy for good and took them shorter. I'm the one in the front row, seated, second from left, in black and white photo below. Lower down still, one of my companions I photographed asleep during a school trip in high school first.

I searched one by one all the faces, so family to the point that it seems impossible to thirty years have passed. I swear I left them in class this morning to the sound of the bell and review them tomorrow at eight, going back to school with the urge to copy the version of greek. I do not remember much of greek. I stopped to study it just came out the matters of maturity and the writing was Latin. On the other hand I could support some good discussion on poetry, history and philosophy (too bad I do not happen often to do so: it is easier to find people with whom to talk about hunting wild boar ) .

not remember who said it, but I agree with the main purpose of a humanistic education is to make his mind a pleasant place to pass the time. After the classic, I never had any difficulty in studying anything, and understand what he was studying, if I wanted to understand it. Yet, the maturity of my class was a disaster. I removed almost everything except the fact that there were many mouths, none of us took sixty and I the quarry for the skin of our teeth with a shameful forty-two. After confessing to a journalist, I said, if you write it, but then add that I graduated with honors and one hundred and ten. Ah, those commissioners and find him a raspberry and gesture umbrella waving his degree with honors.

Burzi Barbara has dealt mainly Giuseppina Tesco, which I found to be become a neurologist who does research in the United States , Antonello Giacomelli, MP, Simon Massai, music producer in Cuba , Angelo Formichella , architect and painter, and myself. journalist's article starts like .

" PRATO . That year, the examination was very severe. A third of the 3 rd of A Classic Cicognini 1980/81 was rejected at maturity. Among those that did make it, no 60, the highest grade. It could be called the classic error of assessment in which that group so varied, thirty years later you may recognize a scientist, an architect, an elected official, a writer of comic books, a music producer and then again, lawyers, pharmacists and trade unionists. For these nearly fifty years old today, it is impossible to forget the years of high school.
There Moreno Burattini , who before becoming the principal writer of stories for Zagor Bonelli Editore, the comic has been a signature of the school newspaper The Stork. Basically it was he who re-edit. "I wrote stories all over the world - admits - The classmates I went to the diary during the course of asking us a cartoon." In short, a sealed his fate, like that of Giuseppina Tesco, scientists already excellent student with "superior intelligence," recalled his former classmates, some of which are ready to bet that sooner or later win the Nobel. He would, however, never imagined his seat in Parliament Antonio Giacomelli, deputy Pd, for his skills as a communicator aspired to become a lawyer. Uninterested in handball (sport school), the architect said that he Formichella passionate about painting, especially in the last year of school when he went to class by painters locali. Presente all'appello anche Simone Massai che oggi vive a Cuba ("fui tra quelli respinti alla maturità", ammette). Tra gli altri Francesco Chiaravalli, oggi è un sindacalista, dirigente Cisl; e Bottari ("il bello della classe") un farmacista". Nella foto sopra, l'edificio del Classico Cicognini .

Già, " La Cicogna ". Un'altra delle tante pubblicazioni a cui ho collaborato. Sono andato a ricercarne i numeri e ho scansionato una delle vignette che ci disegnavo sopra (se cliccate sul disegno, potete ingrandire l'immagine e leggere la battuta). Ho ritrovato anche qualcuna delle mille freddure che scrivevo firmandomi " Il viper. "For example, how you translate a Latin phrase," Tomorrow I will be questioned "? Answer: opus est facere forcam . Of course they can understand only those who are in the classic Tuscany, or those that are particularly acute in other regions. Question: What is the greek word meaning "to be rejected? Answer: stùdiomai . This is still less understood, therefore, Okay, forget it.

I read the article. The Pezzullo I'm concerned contains some inaccuracies. They say that I conceived the Exhibition of Comics in Prato with a group of friends to which he belonged Stefano Bartolomei, whereas the credit is all about Bartolomei (with associates and Riccomini Vianova) and I, somewhat younger than them, I joined the group when the show had existed for some years. It cites a sentence of this blog: "I attended the same high school and D'Annunzio Malaparte and who knows if anyone will ever say the same." It 'obvious that all students Cicognini could say the same thing: the correct phrase is "I wonder if anyone will ever say of my having attended the same high school." At the exit of Prato I worked a little 'more than two years, almost eight. Also Sergio Bonelli is not "the inventor of Tex and Dylan Dog" but, of course, the publisher. Finally, you write Kattivik Cattivik.

and others, that mean? I marvel at the adventures of Simon, of Joseph and Antonio. But think about it, it was all written. Josephine was already a superior mind girl (here the next you see in this picture de Il Tirreno , with his team of researchers in Boston). Antonello always he applied as class representative and was the chairman at meetings of school (so boring that avoided if only I could: I preferred to give me the day of the patient rather than the task of Latin). Simone was a force of nature can not be harnessed. And me? Perhaps my destiny you could guess, looking to read the stories of Isaac Asimov during the interval or draw cartoons on the blackboard. I want to go back and relive it all.


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