It 's been out a few days the new Fumo di China , dated January 2011: The number 189, it costs € 3.80 for thirty-two pages Large format color and has a Goofy and Mickey Mouse Massimo De Vita on the cover (so that alone are worth the price of the magazine). Inside, among many interesting things (such as an article of Paolo Guiducci on Lino Landolfi, an author much loved by me when I was a kid and I read it on Messaggero dei Ragazzi), there are two pages with many color photos, signed by me.
This is a report on the trip to Istanbul for a group of Italian authors, including Ferri Gallienus and myself, which took place in November, there have thoroughly discussed at the time of this blog with four post . In the article on Smoking in China, however, have enriched the record with some more particular, I mentioned turkish genre cinema of the seventies and above, in collaboration with the local expert Eren M. Paykal of which are good friend, I drew a picture of the essential cartoon on the shores of the Bosphorus from 1930 to today.
However, looking at my article so well formatted in the facades 20 and 21 of the magazine, I could not help but think of smoke when China was offset printed fanzine I struggled to get hold of but which always tried to gain possession. The magazine was founded in 1978 as a bulletin of the Young Friends of the Cartoon Club , reaching the current passes through various incarnations newsstand distribution. We are already at the age of Christ, then. I remember the special issue on Tex edited by Franco Fae, then switching to an eye-catching graphics that at some point bearing a controcopertina Magnus me stunned, the period of the paperback Alessandro distributions, then the time Ned 50 to the ferry to the current management Cartoon Club .
remember the emotion of the moment when the old way of China on Smoking appeared the first review of my "Collecting " occurred on No. 27, November 1986. It seems only yesterday when I read the articles of mysterious characters Bus as Franco, I never imagined that his name was actually Busatta and that was to become my colleague in drafting Bonelli. And the same goes for Mauro Marcheselli Michele Masiero and . So, to me young fanzinari (a period which I have already told you with a wealth of photos), Smoking in China and its editors had Hollywood movie stars. Of course, in those days were a lot of fanzine: Smoking in China, however, was the first class (but not himself off as the queen of celebrity, it must be said).
At one point, us to "collect" we had the idea to organize, near Florence, the first meeting fanziners of Italians, that is, those who created the amateur magazines devoted to comics. It was a small success, they were many. There were even people to become as famous as Paul Welcomed Gil. And there was, of course, Franco Fae. I have several photos of that rally and one day I'll pull out of the drawer.
However, at some point too, I started to work with the magazine Bolognese (now Romagna). I do not know how many articles I have published, maybe a dozen over twenty years, always with the kind request of the Director of the moment. At one point I even risked I to become the Director of the moment. But it is a story I have already told .
On another occasion, when I entered (just acquired through the merits "Collecting") among the staff of the Comics Show Prato (born in 1978 and she also missed today) and already I was a member of the jury award of meritorious Pier alembic dedicated to young authors (which have gone a bit 'all), I suggested to the organizer Stefano Bartrolomei to establish also the awards voted on by fanziners, and Prize Comics was born Word . Fourteen different newspapers picked the votes of seventy of their critical care nursery, aliens, from games of stable and dynamic power, and the winners were chosen in different categories. It was 1991.
The prize, I think, had only one or two issues because then the same exhibition of Prato started to cross the big problems. The name " Comic Word" was taken from the title of the second Italian fanzine, created in 1967 by Gianni Bono and Nino Bernazzali . The first, a few months earlier, it is usual Alfredo Castelli that mel 1966 gave birth to Hall with Nino rivistina Comics Club 104 , lasted only four numbers, but pave the way for all subsequent publications. In 1967 as a supplement of 104 Castles and Comics Club Hall released the legendary " Guide to Mickey Mouse," in which for the first time you cited names such as Romano Scarpa, unknown to all those who believed that Walt Disney did everything .
The fact that you remember the heroic period of the fanzine (now replaced by blogs and websites, with few exceptions, including some that relate Zagor ) I was reminded that at the beginning of the nineties I sobbarcai the thankless task of tracking a history of the Italian fanzine, which I published on "Collecting".
My scrutiny since 1983 because, until 1982, there was a previous history of species already drawn up by Claudio Bear and appeared only on the number of mimeographed "Treviso Comics Fan Magazine. Claudio Bear was a critic of the beautiful pen, which always read all the books and speeches, a very nice gentleman who wrote more often erotic comics, which often met around the exhibitions, I had (his goodness ) in sympathy and that at some point he also wrote on collections, since it did not grant her beautiful foreclosure in prestigious journals and texts fanzine he liked. I do not know what happened to (but I'd love to hear from him). In short, this Bear had written a summary of the phenomenon of comics fanzine from its origins to the early eighties, I had read and studied diligently. I asked him to be able to republish to "collect" No. 16 (May 1990), and he consented to the reprinting of the piece. Since the early nineties there were no updates, I decided to continue the work and wrote my " Fanzine Story" which appeared in the next, 17.
For any of the good times that were curious, here's that article below. First, however, point out that on "Collecting" No. 15 (October 1989) appeared in a dossier on the history sia di "Fumo di China" che di "Fox Trot", la rivista di Marcello Toninelli con cui in quel periodo si era fusa. Infine, esistono spazi in rete appositamente dedicati al fenomeno fanzine, come la Fanzinoteca di Forlì (l'unica struttura del genere in tutta Italia - via Curiel 51 - 47121 Forlì FC).
di Moreno Burattini
da COLLEZIONARE n° 17 (novembre 1990)
Sono due le accezioni del termine fanzine che vanno per la maggiore. La prima, più riduttiva, tende a limitare il campo alle pubblicazioni realizzate con mezzi di fortuna from a few fans, inspired by a great desire to do but do not have a true professional, who print their magazine in a very limited edition and distributed in rather narrow areas without seeking any profit. The second expands the boundaries instead of the fanzine magazines to include well-written and well printed, edited by editors really capable, spread throughout Italy through specialist bookshops in a reasonable number of copies, but in any case, the employees do not receive compensation and profit is not the ultimate objective. Personally I incline to the latter interpretation of the term: in my opinion, well-made products such as clear line and Exploit Comics can be amongst the fanzine because, although made at a professional level, are set up by enthusiasts and hobbyists are addressed, whereas smoke China has now landed on the shore of the most widely circulated magazines in newsstands and is distributed by a real publishing house that also attempts to determine the right of the profits for their livelihoods. The target toward which we aim and entrepreneurship that drives the choices of the editors seem short, the elements of discrimination that serve to identify the fanzine, distinguishing them from some other kind of publications.
Trying to inventory according to these criteria, the fan magazine that animated Comicdom between 1983 and 1990 (to integrate so the previous discussion of Claudio who stopped at the Bear 1982), the number of titles that came out is very impressive: almost 80. And are the only magazines that have somehow "left their mark" with a broadcast at least inter-and therefore have been reviewed by other industry publications. Of printed only distributed locally, or made worse by the receivers run only between friends and relatives, it is impossible to account. The sea of \u200b\u200bthe fanzine is a kind of seething primordial soup where life forms are created continuously and destroy, and where the harsh law of natural selection allows only a select few the transition to higher categories. Some distinctive features still distinguish the fanzines of twenty, ten or even five years ago by only the most recent. First, while what once were especially interested in the fanzinari content, today is essential to the look. So here we study carefully the logo and the setting, we try to avoid typos, you wisely balanced texts and illustrations, is spared because the binding and trimming are done in a workmanlike manner and, if possible, try to have a plastic cover at least two colors.
This phenomenon is facilitated by the spread of computer graphics that allow you to create videos on those pages that once had to be laboriously typewrite and fit with scissors, glue, ruler, laser printers and then devise original and almost perfect, however, be modified easily. The mimeograph machine was finally ousted in favor of copying, printing, facsimile or printed reproduction, and frankly, it's better that way. The new fanzine come in short, very often, as adults: with their graphic and editorial line with a well-defined. And not infrequently, have sponsors (publishers and libraries). The age of a few typed pages held together a badge is tramontata.Un another element that has only recently become part of the game is the flowering of specialized libraries, once found only in big cities, but now spread a little 'everywhere. The main fanzine can be found so easily, and once you had conquistarsele with great difficulty writing left and right or frequently met Exhibitions-Market.
Recently difficulties also appear in publications presenting works by amateurs, probably because it is always a problem to find buyers for a container only specialized in this type of proposal. Finally, to be reported is the proliferation di riviste amatoriali legate ai generi editoriali che catalizzano intere schiere di fans: i super eroi USA, i fumetti giapponesi, i giochi di ruolo. Comunque sia, le fanzine continuano a svolgere il loro compito specifico, che è quello di fare critica e informazione seguendo le ragioni del cuore, al di fuori delle logiche del marketing e degli interessi di scuderia, o promuovere giovani autori offrendo spazi alternativi altrove negati, sempre e comunque lavorando per la stessa identica ragione: l' amore per il fumetto.
Piccolo dizionario delle fanzines 1983 - 1990
Piccolo dizionario delle fanzines 1983 - 1990
ANSEL E GRETEL Fanzine bolognese nata nel 1987. Musica, fumetti e umorismo demenziale confezionatiin somewhat spartan.
BLACK AND WHITE Born in Treviso in the early eighties by submitting articles and interviews, has closed its first round in 1985 with the No. 6. E 'immediately resurrected as a B & N COMICS, especially for beginning the work of young amateurs, although a small part / critical information has been always present. In 1988, the publication finally closed due to the inability of the editors, the only time reduced by Carlo Rossi, to make the commitment required.
COCOA humor magazine linked to the group Black Comix, to which we owe the most famous lobotomy, which is still more COCOA sofisticata. Un piccolo spazio viene dedicato anche all'informazione.
CADUTANOIA Il numero zero esce a cavallo tra il 1984 e il 1985. Si tratta di un prodotto molto sofisticato, graficamente addirittura geniale, realizzato da redattori... neo-futuristi.
CASABLANCA Nata a Modena nel 1984 propone fumetti, in genere umoristici, di vario livello pubblicando accanto alle tavole di professionisti già affermati (Bonfatti, Clod, Ghiro) lavori di puro dilettantismo. La veste grafica è comunque di buon livello, il formato simile a quello di COLLEZIONARE.
CASBA Fanzine siciliana nata nel 1988 che, come il nome lascia intendere, offers the reader a little of everything ': cartoons, articles on comics, music, and more.
COLLECTING After a muted start in the fanzine which was distributed only in the local area and was involved in all kinds of collectibles, with the No. 10 September 1987 the collection was to be renewed from time to improving time, and especially specialized on comics and fantasy literature, which are dealt with critical approach popular. Made in Florence, celebrated in March 1990, five years of life. To report its numbers special monographs.
COMIC BOOK Produced in Sicily by Dario Gulli, COMIC BOOK esordisce nel 1989 con il suo numero zero realizzato a stampa con una notevole tiratura. Nata con l'intento, dichiarato fin dal titolo, di sfruttare il rinnovato successo dei super-eroi americani la fanzine non è riuscita ad andare oltre il secondo numero.
COMIC CULT Di piccolo formato, sorta a Roma nei cantieri della libreria Metropolis, che poi i redattori hanno abbandonato mettendosi in proprio, COMIC CULT è tutta dedicata al fumetto statunitense. Il numero zero è datato 1988.
COMIX L'esordio avviene nel novembre 1988 con un numero zero dattiloscritto e fotocopiato che lascia ben presagire per il futuro. Ed infatti Alberto Bonanni, who is the soul of COMIX, coming soon to give your magazine to all the charisma of the real prozine: impeccable graphics, typography, text (articles, interviews, reviews, news) intelligent, even journalistic scoop.
CROM Born in Grosseto in 1989, is a fanzine dedicated to all role-playing games. His sottotilo fact well explains: "Fantasy and Simulation." Inside, however, there is also a section in comics.
DENEB Fanzine Roman Science Fiction, presents comic sf authors carried out by amateurs.
Otherworld staged in Rome by the same Deneb, and without begin with a No. 1 dated January 1988, is dedicated to comics and science fiction to yellow.
ECO Swamp Made in Genoa since 1986, presents large-format pages with text very well written and generally devoid of illustrations. The magazine is primarily concerned with French comics, cards and presenting detailed dossier about authors and characters of Bede, often completely unknown to us. However, there are other articles.
HE is what is called a personalzine , namely a fanzine created by one person. In this case, the text and drawings signed by Giancarlo esclusivamnente Tonna, that makes the magazine a photocopy.
EXPLOIT COMIX Issue "historic" the Italian Comicdom, EXPLOIT COMIX born in Florence in 1977 as a publication for small and agile turn into a prestigious quarterly monograph large format that has hosted the most illustrious names of the criticism of our house, Faeti by Antonio Franco Fossati, called to say their topics are always interesting (remember the numbers on the "ligne claire", the humorous, the comic book). Directed and edited by Gaetano Strazzulla especially from Leonardo Gori, after passing time in a crisis of adjustment, relaunches with Salon Lucca its 1990 initiative with new ideas and new employees.
THE guncotton Fanzine featuring Lucca, photocopied on A4 paper, short comics, usually satirical and humorous.
COMICS dell'ANAF prestigious magazines (National Association of Friends of Comics) for distribution to its shareholders is of great size, well printed, and proposes various content and always interesting essays, articles, histories, interviews, files, reviews. Until a few years ago seemed to prefer the cartoon of the 30 - 40 - 50, now also features excellent work on newer ones.
COMICS Fanzine dell'ANAF homonymous with the magazine, with which has nothing to do, is done in Bari by Alessandro Lattanzio. After a number of zero-testing and adjustment, released in September 1989, photocopied, No. 1. Nice texts, among which interesting interviews.
SMOKE OF CHINA The adventure of FDC as class president of the fanzine is finished with the No. 35 in the second half of 1989. Immediately after the head has risen, along with FOX TROT, in totally different dimension of the magazines sold at newsstands. In the years that preceded the big leap, DC were grown in quality, quantity and distribution, by moving the 1987 to book format that has characterized the management of AD. Always coordinated by Franco Fae, the dean of Italian fanziners, the magazine has never lost the inimitable characteristics that have earned a place in the hearts of Fumettomania throughout Italy.
Funnies in May 1989 in Florence rises funnies that had interrupted years before his adventure with the sixteenth number. It rises with the look of a classy magazine, recovering the heritage of the previous management team with the most accurate histories and reviews on the subject, and adding comic book author. The only number out of the new series is now the 'a / seventeen. Hopefully soon arrives two to eighteen.
FROM BEYOND Fanzine of SF cinema and comics. These are photocopies stapled 29 to 21 cm in size.
Fumettomania The No. 0 is dated February 1990. This is a zine created in Messina fotocomposta that in addition to reviews and interviews of young people entering public comics.
Glamazon It 's really amazing how the seasoned editors Glamazon despite the cover altogether unattractive to their No. 1 (May 1990) and the graphics very poor have filled the inside of articles, reviews, comments, history cards and really very interesting and certainly recommended. Congratulations and best wishes.
GRAFFITI Fanzine of small size, made in Milan. Among the outstanding contributors Welcomed the name of Paul-Gil, well known to Marvel fans of our country. And the magazine, after all, is devoted almost exclusively to American comics.
GROUCHO & HARPA Taken in Savona thanks to the care of Nat Russo, presents 96 pages of size 21 to 29 articles, cartoons, short stories of multimedia character.
GULP Made in Carpi (Modena), similar in format to that of the collection, typed and duplicated offset with excellent graphics and meticulous care, the magazine is characterized by almost monographic character of its files, accompanied by charts and earnings histories. Since time does not give news of himself.
Harn Magazine Florentine died and risen several times but never matamorfosi undergoing transformations and is detached from the character-demented humor that has marked the beginning. Presents not only comics, but is also involved in music, politics and news of costume.
HELZAPOPPIN Born in 1987 in Casale Monferrato, appears to be a container-type articles and cartoons varied.
Hyperborea It 's the first fanzine Abruzzo. He debuted in 1984 featuring interviews, articles and comics in particular of young beginners.
KIOSK Founded in Veneto in 1979 thanks to Claudio Orso, this fine fanzine (which had poverty as the only defect of the press) has closed its doors in 1985.
LETTER VENETA Fanzine made in Treviso. The heritage of black and white and of THE LORDS OF THE STARS. The bulk is devoted to amateur comic book authors, but there are also interviews and articles. The size is 16.5 cm by 24.
clear line The debut album in January 1989 with the number zero, but behind there are the experiences spent STRIPS and other publications of the promoters stand out because the names of Daniel Billard, Antonio Florio, Giuseppe of Genua. With the No. 1 April next thing you notice is they do seriously: plastic cover in two colors, professional approach, articles, interviews, dossiers good livello.Con No. 6 setting the Neapolitan magazine reaches out to embrace all media of visual communication.
Lobotomy Founded in 1983, presents comic book-humorous demented often hilarious. To note the 1985 calendar year with 365 days of 40 cartoons with commentaries by Italian designers including Staino, Vincino, and Bonvi Cavezzale. After a long silence, the outputs are set out in 1988, with the same irreverent style. 60 pages in print, fomato 17 for 24.
BUSH Realized Milan, presents works by aspiring cartoonists from very different styles.
MADE IN USA Fanzine fotocomposta made in Pisa. After a number of zero evidence, have spread their No. 1 in May 1990, produced by presenting a decent graphics. This is a magazine devoted almost entirely to Marvel and DC superheroes, not without scratching Tuscan verve.
STOCK not only deals with comic books but also music, painting, photography. It 'made in Bergamo.
MAGNUS MAGAZINE a fanzine which all lovers of great regret the untimely death of Magnus. Produced by Lorenzo Altariva in Sassuolo, was dedicated to the meticulous and painstaking examination of the entire production of large ravioli, however histories focusing on the comments.
Mangazine Of Mangazine came out only 5 numbers. The last, in September 1990, announced the closure of the fanzine and its resurrection as a newsstand magazine published by Granata Press. The color covers enclosing all content focused on Japanese comics.
MARVEL MARVEL SERIES SERIES In fact, she never left. In fact we have only seen the agguerritissimi "news" that the intention of the editors, were a prelude to the publication itself, which would be presented dettagliatissime cronologie sulle serie Marvel. In attesa che le promesse vengano mantenute, anche i notiziari (peraltro fotocomposti e ben stampati) sono gustosi e, soprattutto, molto pungenti.
MARVEL STORY Fanzine tutta dedicata agli eroi Marvel, allestita a Sassuolo da Lorenzo Altariva, MARVEL STORY è andata progressivamente migliorando la qualità della propria grafica, un tempo alquanto povera, oggi estremamente dignitosa. La qualità dei contenuti è sempre stata, invece, eccellente - anche se all'abbondanza e alla cura delle cronologie e delle schede tecniche non ha fatto sempre riscontro un'altrettanto sviluppata parte saggistica, inconveniente a cui a partire dal recente n° 10 dedicato Conan has sought to remedy. However, this is an indispensable tool for reading and research for all fans of the superhero genre.
MUSTAFA 'EXPLAINED Unusual fanzine consists of a paper / poster folded in the shape of the magazine, edited by the survivors of the group with the intention to propose TRUMOON nonsense humor. The N ° 1, 1986.
NEWS Founded in Catania in 1984 by Club Nostalgia Forties, the fanzine is presented as a very poor (photocopied sheets bound together by a pin), but always offering interesting content, however, linked to cartoons of the 'ante and war - although there have been exceptions, as a nice special issue dedicated to Raffaele Della Monica. Recently it was announced the closure.
WHITE CLOUD Ferrara Curated by Stefano Trentini, contains comics artists newcomers, some also of good standard. The first issue of 1983.
BONE Personalzine Ricci Oddone of Bologna, which publishes comic books of good quality signed by the editor.
PAPYRO Established in 1989 under the name of the library Metropolis of Rome, is a zine whose small size No. 0 had a dossier on the French comics.
POPULAR PRESS Made by Alexander Pollazzon in Belluno, it is proposed without a doubt one of the most interesting Comicdom Italian fanzine. It is agile monographic dossiers containing chronologies, fact sheets and essays really exhaustive. Too bad that the press leave to be desired (it's copying) and that the frequency is not more common: in 1984, the year of onset, have left only four numbers (dedicated to Ken Parker, Mister No, The Unknown and Martin Mystere ).
PUS Fanzine printed in San Remo, which contains articles and interviews, disappeared in 1986 to give life to the cry of mandrake.
controversy Publication Sicilian born the gathering legacy of numerous other recreational activities on the island. Presents comic satire and humor.
RADAR Number 1, brought out after a number of zero evidence and submission, is dated 1984. Made in Naples in paperback, published essays, articles and interviews.
THE RIVISTERIA The "journal of journals" was born in Milan by the homonymous library / library. Report on any number more than a hundred Italian periodicals, as well as articles and interviews.
THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Born from the ashes of otherworldly out of 5 numbers before 1986, anno del suo esordio, pubblica fumetti e articoli in linea con lo spirito dell'ominimo spettacolo. Ma non solo: i contenuti sono più vari di quanto il nome potrebbe far sospettare. Il formato è il 15 centimetri per 21.
SBADIGLIO SCHIFATO Goliardia, satira, umorismo a firma di nomi illustri (Vincino, Cavezzali, Cavallo) e giovani esordienti. Veniva fatta a Arma di Taggia (Imperia). Il primo numero è del 1984.
SCHIZZO Dopo un numero zero di prova, nell'edizione 1986 del Salone di Lucca veniva presentato il n° 1. Si tratta di una rivista realizzata a Cremona a cura dell'ARCIComics che ha poi messo Standing in the center Andrea Pazienza. The first two issues arise, for explicit admission of the editors, as a collage of the available material, since the magazine was considered a free space available to emerging authors. But already the No. 3 transition is declared: "Now is the time to work well for readers, otherwise why would they buy Sketch?." The renewal was in fact very beneficial for the head, which now also publishes articles, interviews, Reviews and files in a very interesting excellent graphics.
EFFORT The first issue is dated April 1990. Viterbo is the author group "Viva paper, which offers parodies of comics and amateur artists (which is also nice), along with short articles. The format is pocket-size, graphics, poor but dignified.
SEQUENCES EIGHTY Fanzine from various content, Savona made by Nat Russell. Proposes-demented humor pieces, cartoons, science articles, information and entertainment. THE LORDS OF STELLEFanzine made in Treviso, featuring comics and science fiction, whose curators are then fed into the drafting of THE VENETIAN POINT.
SIRIUS small size, made in Milan, made his debut in 1986. Features interviews and articles as well as short stories and comic books of young authors.
STOCASTIKA The No. 1 comes at Inovafumetto 1987, picking up the legacy of SIRIUS and THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. The contents are all focused on the comic strip as well as interesting articles and dossiers, are also offered strips of own production.
STRIP After 15 glorious numbers, with the 16th issue presented in Lucca in 1984, the magazine is renewed in napoletana Graphic in typesetting finally coming out. A 'no other way out and then again in 1986 with a restart from a new revision of the look. Interviews, articles, comic books are well packaged by the principal author of the magazine which is Giuseppe Di Genua. In 1988, inaugurates STRIP another new course: this information is almost pocket-size, interest is a bit away 'from comics to include science and literature, attempting even the newsstand distribution. The attempt failed. In 1989 was born from the ashes of STRIP LINE CLEAR.
STRIP TEASE The number zero is presented in Lucca in 1984. Shortly after this is the No. 1. Made in Florence, publish satirical cartoons and comics / demented many of them really tasty, thanks to the contributions of Stain and Cavezzale.
STRIP TEASE The number zero is presented in Lucca in 1984. Shortly after this is the No. 1. Made in Florence, publish satirical cartoons and comics / demented many of them really tasty, thanks to the contributions of Stain and Cavezzale.
STRIP This is undoubtedly one of the best efforts of 'publishing amateur. We owe that mainly Stefano Mercuri has staged for years in Reggio Calabria, offering pocket-sized papers, cards and dossiers on the characters especially the forties / fifties, but not all. Essential for collectors and detailed chronologies are not easily available elsewhere, the strip has recently become a publishing house that published, among other things, a monumental encyclopedia Bonelli.
TAMARINDO No. 1, dated October 1989, is a esaurientissimo special "Dylan Dog", typescript and photocopy with care in that of Verona. It 'just came out No. 2. We look forward to future developments.
TECNO WAY BODY Fanzine Sicilian output for the first time in 1988. Public experimental comics. The philosophy that animates it is debatable if not delusional, "he slams communication TBW, TBW is advanced operational cartoon." Mah!
TRAFALGAR Exits a single experimental number in 1988, presenting stories in comics, columns and reviews. It is not known if the experiment has been pursued.
TRACT Taken in Perugia, debuted in 1983. Collects cartoons and illustrations, as well as articles and interviews with designers in the industry. In 1985, inaugurates a new series by the numbering start from 1. Stands out among the employees as Luca Boschi.
thirty-PARALLEL Fanzine Sicilian nonsense humor, comics and other addentellati. He debuted with two numbers presented in Lucca in 1986.
TRUMOON Born in Salerno in 1983, well taken care of in the graphics and content, especially comics presented by young or almost all destined to go a little later in the pro: Piccininno, Della Monica, Coppola, De Angelis.
THE SCREAM OF THE MANDRAKE Born from the experience of PUS, which still improves the graphics and printing deals with comic books, theater and music. It is finished in San Remo.
VISIONS Taken in Reggio Emilia group of local ARCIComics, begins with a zero number dated 1984. Explores the entire landscape of graphic arts, then moved from the macrocosm to the microcosm of this situation in Emilia. Interesting, however, his notes on the world of comics.
WOW Edited by Louis F. Bona with the complicity of Nessim Vaturi WOW launched a new series in 1989 and described in a really nice graphics and interesting services in the world of comics, film and television. Were taken out five numbers, the latest of which is also distributed on newsstands in some Italian cities.
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