I have a little 'hesitated before attempting to devote an article to Sanremo Festival. Not because, ever, I am one of those snobbish snobbish with that if they pull a priori schifano and Italian songs. Indeed, I am pleased to reaffirm without the slightest embarrassment that I prefer the pop of our house to any other form of musical expression.
No, the only hesitation stemmed from the fact that, in short, those who frequent this blog are expected to talk about comic books or topics of neighbors and therefore we Sanremo guesses?
Ma ecco che di colpo i collegamenti hanno cominciato a fioccarmi in testa in bella evidenza, per cui parlerò senza alcun ritegno proprio del Festival della Canzone italiana e, in modo particolare, del vincitore dell'edizione 2011: Roberto Vecchioni .
A rigor di logica non servirebbero giustificazioni, dato che questo il mio blog e posso scrivere di quel che accidenti mi pare (infatti ho parlato di poesia , erotism or hunting wild boar and ). However, the first excuse that comes to mind is that I left the festival looking at the eyes on Nathalie (the most beautiful of all among the girls who have trod the stage in this edition) and the singer came from a victory X-Factor program, which in addition to stealing the title of a comic book series American has been the subject of detailed comment Diego Cajelli in his blog (comments which I have never missed a single episode). So if Diego, bloggers cry and fashion writer, talks about competitions among Italian singers, why should I hesitate to do so? Let it never be said.
Faced with the victory of Roberta Flack, the first thought I had was here, now everyone will buy his new album and who knows how many times " Call still love" will go to radio. Which makes me a little 'anger because I want to know how many have bought the previous solo album, "The anger and stars," as I did, and how many radios have passed, I know, "Fiddler on roof "with the duet between him and Teresa De Sio. I follow Vecchioni continuously since 1979, when it came out, "Robinson " (with "Mr. Judge" in the opening). I remember perfectly when I bought that vinyl, that I must have worn on the turntable in force to hear it. And incidentally, who was the beautiful illustrations which served as a double cover? of Andrea Pazienza. Other connection with comics. More and Patience were the covers of some of the subsequent albums such as "Hollywood Hollywood" and "The Big Dream" (attached to the latter there was also a book of poems of the same Vecchioni illustrated by Hugo Pratt and Moebius).
There is also a link between the new album by singer-songwriter and Milan this blog: I have spoken several times of my list of " things that everyone is doing and I do not ", which contains the incredible revelations signed. I've never seen a 3D movie, I never played the playstation, I have never seen a cup match, I never heard the word end of the year the President of the Republic, and now also add in that I have never downloaded a single song from the network. I'm almost eight thousand songs on my iPod, but all I also regularly bought the CD version in stores. So know that soon also will buy the CD "Call me love again, with another that I can not lose, the new album Max Pezzali . Another link with this blog: I once knew, thanks to Ade Capone, just Max Pezzali, by going to find in her dressing room after a concert. I brought a gift of a drawing made Zagor Mauro Laurenti which was greatly appreciated.
Pezzali I mentioned once before in my birthday, and I remember someone on a forum of Zagor was shocked because I just liked him, instead of, say, some of the international rock god or some group placed on the altars of those who want it. In this matter of being mocked for my musical tastes by now I've made the corn, but at school we stayed pretty bad. I was a fan (and still are) by Umberto Tozzi , the Pooh and Renato Zero, and my classmates mocked me because they heard the Van Halen . The difference between me and them is this: in front of every manifestation of ecstasy from my friends who heard about the discs, I wondered to hear too much wonder, and begged them to lend me to have a vinyl or cassette, and hanging from their lips as I explained why some of schitarrata Deep Purple had to obtain an orgasm. But if I offered to reciprocate by recording them a compilation of my beloved singer-songwriters, or tried to explain the beauty of a text that moves me, I obtained sneers, sarcastic laughter, the mimic of retching.
I never understood why people ascolta certa musica si debba ritenere superiore e si consideri in diritto di guardare con disprezzo noi poveri sanremesi, ma tant'è: ormai me ne faccio una ragione. Continuo a non cogliere la ragione per cui " L'isola che non c'è " di Edoardo Bennato debba essere snobbata in favore, non so, di un qualunque pezzo di Bob Dylan . Non si possono ammirare entrambi? Peraltro, chi disprezza Tozzi o i Pooh (dico due nomi a caso) non sembra conoscere davvero la produzione di quei musicisti, di cui pare saper citare a malapena soltanto un qualche remoto successo, per cui magari si prende in giro " Ti amo " (che pure a me sembra un capolavoro) senza nulla sapere de " Il fiume dentro il mare " e senza essere in grado di sostenere una discussione sull'evoluzione dell'autore e della differenza fra i testi scritti per lui da Mogol piuttosto che da Giancarlo Bigazzi.
E qui scatta un altro collegamento con la letteratura disegnata: la stessa cosa sembra accadere quando si parla di fumetti Bonelli e di Zagor in particolare con qualcuno che legge quelli alternativi, o quelli sperimentali, o quelli underground, o quelli americani, o persino i manga, e mi sembra che si sentano tutti superiori. Mi sono trovato una volta a parlare con un autore italiano (si dice il peccato ma non il peccatore) di quelli che lavorano per l'estero e si ritengono, giustamente, degli artisti. Mi è capitato di dire che, secondo me, covers Ferri Gallienus are among the finest in the comic world has widened his eyes and he replied: "You must be joking, I hope." No, not kidding. I really think. Should I be ashamed?
But back to Roberta Flack (who also wrote also, as an author, very light songs like "Woman happiness" of the New Angels, and you have my admiration for those). I know almost all of his compositions and is the only one able to write pieces on Alexander the Great or even Vincent Van Gogh, but also on the ass of a woman saying what all men think, without being vulgar in any way .
Alcune sono dedicate invece a dei poeti, come "A.R." (le iniziali di Arthur Rimbaud) o "Canzone per Alda Merini". Ma ce n'è una, temo sconosciuta ai più, dedicata proprio a chi poeta per mestiere. Si tratta de " La corazzata Potemkin " e comincia così:
Siamo i poeti, i nani sui giganti,
metaforiamo, metaforiamo tutto,
da non capirci più se c'era un senso sotto.
Abbiamo in testa idee meravigliose,
che raramente coincidon con le cose: voliamo alto, se non capite niente
peggio per voi, mica scriviamo per la gente...
Più avanti, la satira colpisce ancor di più.
Non hanno scampo le goffe imitazioni
di 4 o 5 scribacchini di canzoni:
loro non sanno scavare la parola
fino a ridurla come un torsolo di mela!
Caro Roberto, hai perfettamente ragione. I veri poeti del nostro tempo sono proprio gli scribacchini di canzoni. Non soltanto perché, a tutti gli effetti, i loro testi sono versi di poesia. C'è di più. La poesia, quella di coloro che non scrivono per la people, has reached almost anyone's heart. These are the lyrics that have undertaken the task of poetry in society: they are describing the motions of the soul, which perform a function or cathartic release, or that make you react, or shedding new light on the real or convey ideas or just make you dream. The verses of lyricists and songwriters passing from mouth to mouth, are learned by heart, repeated in meetings with friends, thinking in moments of solitude. Everyone has their own song at least once did cry.
Italian literature was born after the troubadours of Provence, between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries, began to write verses in the vernacular, in a neo-Latin called langue d'oc (now disappeared, as the modern French derives from another neo-Latin, the language of the oil). Well, the lines of those troubadours were written to be sung. We do not know exactly what were the melodies, but our literary history comes from there. And the storytellers who traveled to the medieval villages, they did so with the help of drawings depicting scenes of their songs. I think that as a final link with the balloon there is no evil.
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