
The massive roll has 286 tables designed by Domenico and Stefano Di Vitto here at their first trial Zagor, and is in many ways a truly unusual episode.
Even the beautiful cover of Ferri Gallienus will surprise someone for the presence of unidentified flying objects similar to aircraft. Besides, if all in the past were happy to see giant robots and alien spaceships on the cover of Zagor, no one can contestare dei semplici biplani (che però semplici biplani, in realtà, non sono).
Insomma, sulle pagine dello Spirito con la Scure hanno da sempre piena cittadinanza diavolerie di questo tipo, e questo dai tempi di Nolitta che oltre a Titan e a un sommergibile chiamato Squalus è anche l'ideatore del Barone Icaro La Plume , un costruttore di macchine preposte al volo.

In secondo luogo, fra i personaggi a cui Bonelli si è ispirato per assemblare Zagor, oltre all'evidente input ricevuto da Tarzan , c'è senza dubbio l'Ombra che Cammina, ovvero The Phantom, l'Uomo Mascherato . E una fra le primissime avventure dell'eroe in calzamaglia viola è appunto intitolata " La banda aerea ", in cui compare una gang di piratesse del cielo, tanto belle quanto pericolose. Anche se la mia storia è del tutto diversa, la suggestione offerta dal titolo rimane e soprattutto serve a ricordare come l'eroe di Darkwood faccia parte, al pari di quello del Bengala, del grande regno dell'avventura aperta alle infinite possibilità della fantasia. Peraltro, uno degli scrittori simbolo della letteratura d'avventura è Jules Verne , senz'altro centro di gravità permanente dell'universo bonelliano, autore di ben due romanzi, " Robur il Conquistatore "And" Master of the World , "which comes to flying machines and a madman who wants to conquer the Earth. Moreover, the debate between the proponents of flying machines lighter or heavier than air which can be observed at 'beginning of "The Air Band" follows a debate in progress over the years really Verne, of which the French writer echoes in the pages of the first of two novels. Robur the wheel of the ship, the same image in the picture below , is called "Albatros", and not coincidentally the same name I gave to one of my super-bad volivoli Mr. Rope.

So, from the first moment I started to write the screenplay for the Maxi entrusted to the brothers of food I prepared to face any kind of criticism king, however, being sure that among many possible charges that could have been put to me, surely would have been unreasonable to have gone off topic or failed to comply with the orthodoxy Zagor.
Moreover, no one could reasonably accuse him of lack of plausibility of scientific or technological anachronisms a story that comes after fifty years in which the mutant animals are seen, guided missiles, biological weapons, invisible men, eagles domesticated creatures, water death , winged men, and so on and so forth. In short, if there is a series where a story like "The Air Band " has full citizenship, that is Zagor, always open to any contamination between the genders.

However, my constant effort (I hope it is understood, after twenty years) is to explore new roads trying to find ideas that, despite the hundreds of stories already written , are as original as possible within the fifty-year series. It would however be very ungenerous of the detractors would acknowledge that their own flights of fancy nell'implausibilità me, that is, more than any other man who has led the Spirit with the Hatchet in contact with reality history of his time, letting him meet, well-documented contexts, people like the president Jackson, the philosopher Tocqueville, the Cherokee Sequoya.
Another reason that prompted me to do just this story was that I was offered the chance to debut in the pages of Zagor two veterans of the comic as Stefano and Domenico's Italian Dining (who have their picture taken in the first tables between the public attending the conference in La Plume Icarus). The two brothers came from Abruzzi more than twenty years of stories Mister No what better story I could write for them, ideally one in which proprio Jerry Drake e l'eroe di Darkwood si passavano il testimone? Alcune sequenze in cui Zagor indossa un giubbotto nero o pilota una specie di Piper sono stare sceneggiate apposta per creare un corto circuito fra i due personaggi.
Ma c'è qualcosa di più, qualcosa di estremamente singolare. Da qui in poi sarà meglio che chi non vuole avere anticipazioni troppo puntuali dovendo ancora leggere la storia, provveda a leggerla prima di continuare. " La banda aerea " arriva in edicola nel gennaio 2011 dopo essere entrata in lavorazione all'inizio dell'autunno del 2008. Venerdì 10 ottobre di quell'anno, infatti, scrissi un annuncio in rete, per la precisione nel mio " filo diretto " ospitato in un forum dedicato a Zagor.
Il mio messaggio diceva così: " Approfitto di questo spazio per una richiesta di aiuto, una consulenza che mi serve per mettere a punto un nuovo soggetto zagoriano a cui sto lavorando. Mi serve poter rivolgere qualche semplice domanda a qualcuno che sappia di fisica, intesa come scienza delle forze, dei vettori, della gravità, delle interazioni fra particelle, delle leggi della gravitazione universale , di principi di aeronautica. Direi qualcuno che studia (o ha studiato) fisica a livello universitario. If anyone can make me a consultant via email (only reward: the quote to fit a name and face in the story), I will be happy to be contacted .

" I'll be right down to it, hoping not to steal too much time. Anything you write, of course, must remain between us! Probably everything will feel like a big dick, and indeed it is, but I'm quite sure that Half idea I have in mind, if packaged properly, may also work. If, after having heard your opinion, I will understand that you do not go anywhere, give up all or part the project. I'm thinking, in these days, a history of Zagor entitled 'In search of Icarus La Plume' . Now, it is clear that if history will be made a work of fiction in the tradition Zagor, without a scientific basis (as there can be no foundation in the magic that can be seen in many stories, in the inventions of flying machines or Hellingen precisely Icarus La Plume). However, assuming a premise without fantastic explanations from the perspective of the laws of physics, I like that the practical effects were at least plausible.

If a piece of the rock (a rock, for example) is left free to fall, instead of falling down, falling upwards. Or rather, not that there is something that draws him up, or reject it from below, not just the ore is subjected to the Earth's gravity.
already And here I remember the first question: do you think he does? Rises slowly? Squirts in the air like a proietile? Sketch of hand because it remains stationary in space while the Earth rotates on itself or around the Sun? But imagine that the stone has the property anti-gravity and float in the air tends to rise more or less slowly (if ever you can imagine that it happens) if I harnessed in some way, binding ourselves a flying machine, the stone also pulls up the car? And how much weight you can lift? That is, the stone without gravity raises only a body equal to its mass and is held in place by weights of greater mass? Imagine now that the great rock anti-gravity is incorporated into the rock 'normal' of a mountain, and imagine that someone might, with explosives, to make a piece off from the mountain rock containing the anti-gravity so much more than just a normal rock to lift the sky an 'island' like the design of Villa.

emphasize two things: first, like the idea of \u200b\u200ba mountain floats in the sky has come to me looking at the 'illustration of the small book that became the cover of the small book "The lands imaginary" attached to the third Zagor Special, "The city over the world" (where, however, no stone flying through the air) and trying to justify what 'fascinating picture as if there was really a story in which a similar scene appears, and secondly, as at the time of my subject is not public (I know) no image Film Avatar . Thus, the land going to dig up a Pandora mineral properties that anti-gravity floats in the sky flying in the mountains not have inspired me not to coincide times. After leaving the movie, and I for board we said now all believe that we have copied Avatar. What is not. But at least James Cameron us to avoid excessive criticism sull'eccessività of our imagination: the rock zero-gravity was cleared before it came out "The Air Band."

"Lasciami dire che la tua idea di 'antigravità' è attualissima. La Relatività Generale da sola non è in grado di spiegare l'espansione dell'Universo (se la gravità è attrattiva, come mai l'Universo si espande?), tanto che molti scientists ritengono che essa debba esser modificata per tener conto di una forza repulsiva su vasta scala.
Passando ai dettagli delle tue domande, si potrebbe supporre che la tua misteriosa roccia sia composta da materia "esotica" tale da invertire il campo gravitazionale, le stesse equazioni di Einstein ammettono, in linea teorica, qualcosa di simile, anche se il fenomeno non è mai stato osservato sulla Terra, mentre qualcuno sostiene che nello spazio potrebbe spiegare il celebre fenomeno della Materia Oscura (le velocità delle stelle in periferia nella galassia sono troppo elevate per esser giustificate dalla Relatività Generale 'standard').
Relativamente alle possibilità da te elencate, ossia se un sasso fatto con tale materia sale lentamente o schizza in aria come un proiettile o schizza di lato perché resta fermo space as the Earth rotates on itself or around the Sun, the third is excluded because the stone would still 'dragged' from the Earth around the Sun, unless you want to assume that the stone, as well as to reverse the gravitational field Earth, also reverses that of the Sun (in this case revolves around the sun in the opposite direction to Earth, but the discussion would be complicated). For the other two cases, this depends on whether, in addition to reverse the gravitational field, the 'rock exotic' it also alters the form, ie its absolute value. In case you do not alter, this rock splashing into the air like a bullet with the same normal acceleration of a rock would fall to the ground, and should tie una massa pari alla sua per tenerlo fermo a mezz'aria, se invece ne diminuisce il modulo, il sasso può salire più o meno lentamente,a seconda del valore di tale diminuzione. Dunque, immaginando che il sasso dotato della proprietà antigravitazionale galleggi in aria e tenda a salire più o meno lentamente, stiamo assumendo che la materia di cui è fatto abbia la proprietà di diminuire il valore del campo gravitazionale oltre a invertirlo. In questo caso, potremo attaccargli solo corpi molto minori della sua massa, in quanto, già attaccandone uno della stessa massa, il maggior modulo dell'accelerazione gravitazionale lo rimanderebbe giù. L' idea del grosso inglobamento nella roccia 'normale' però ti permette di giocarci sopra.

For example, assuming that the rock exotic only reverses the gravitational field, if we incorporate a number of mass just like normal rock, then the total incorporation remains fixed for air (and it is a stable equilibrium like a helicopter, that the wind can yank it, but the force of gravity combined with the repulsive it would take roughly in balance). Removing the rock could be done in the normal way to revive the rise in a more or less rapid, while removing the rock 'exotic' can reduce the rise until it locks again. Since the equilibrium is stable, a reversal may to be only an external cause, and a person who is above us in this case would fall. You do not need to be careful as it moves over, just because, being large enough, remains stable (as if we were on a plane). If we assume that fragments of rock are used to raise anti-gravity aircraft in flight, and imagine that type flying machines flying machines have propellers to move forward the only way to rise and fall is to continue to play with the total amount rock, that you start with a quantity of rock greater than the mass of the car to start with the climb, you get rid of rock to reach the same mass of the car when you want to fly horizontally and you get rid of rocks to fall back further. To back up after the first flight, we should get rid of some of the weight of the machine (the principle is the same airship, so you better bring along your weights!), And the same if you want to adjust the slope " .

Well, you'll see, now, because the villain of "The Air Band" is called Mister Rope , that Mr. Roper. And you'll also understand why the Board have given a villain to his face ( incarognito) excellent Christian who, at my request, I sent a number of his early plans to be transformed the bad guy (the same who then authorized me to publish, and among them I chose the two shots that you see just above). Of course, my advisor is not responsible for the scientific nonsense, I, on my own initiative and at the service of adventure, I slipped into history. But has the merit of all that is even slightly plausible only you can find. Thank you, Professor!
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