Friday, December 24, 2010

Gallbladder Itchy Skin


"For us, the older generation, too disillusioned by war and for war, as well as other experiences, - wrote John Guareschi - the goal remains the sentimental Christmas of each year. Christmas is for us to stage the annual long hard journey: the leafy shade of the tree which, left the sunny, dusty road, we stop a moment to collect our ideas, our memories, and look back. And together with our loved ones are: the living and the dead. And in our crib for reborn every Christmas, with baby Jesus, the hope for a better world. "
's right, as it tells the immortal pen of John Guareschi, which is Christmas.
's right, as they depict the words of the father of Don Camillo and Peppone, the Nativity of our homes back to life and meaning, every year passes, never going out of fashion.
's right, like all our elders have taught us that the Christmas season takes shape and heat, even in a world like ours too often blinded by the cold arrogance of those who feel they have more need of Christmas.
Guareschi was an extraordinary man, a man born in the wrong era, a man of another era. Behind the mustache and checkered shirt under his lurked the heart and mind of a man who could not tolerate the bad habit of progress, of that "pork progress" if it has "enriched the material life of man" has, at same time, "depleted, up to destroy it, their lives spiritual. "
Guareschi was a guy who sent her to say, was an Italian who has always had the courage of his ideas, he was a Christian who did not care too much about the pacifism end in itself. Feel that they belong to a world he saw and slowly disappear, including the church, the house and a glass of red wine, Giovanni Guareschi has painted with his words an Italy that often made people laugh but still believed. A small country, one of which he wrote Guareschi, even if that split had already damned forever, deep inside, that's the lowest common denominator represented by the simple wooden cross that symbolizes the Christian identity of Europe of ours, our home and of each country.
"I am a reactionary, I'll post my delight, because I am opposed to progress and want to relive the things of the past. But on a very reactionary, because the real sinister reactionary is someone who, in the name of progress and social equality, would have us go back to the wild cave and was able to dominate a mass of well-developed but uncivilized brutes. " So, without too many turns of phrase, Guareschi described himself, beyond any boring rhetoric of mediation and tolerance. He was a man all of a piece Guareschi: a simple Po never willing to compromise enough to end up in jail while the law does not recant his ideas, his values \u200b\u200band his writings. And jail, actually, we ended Guareschi: because of its indomitable spirit of writer assault without fear of anyone. In 1950 he was sentenced to prison for insulting the Head of State, Luigi Einaudi, Guareschi and in 1954 he was again accused of defamation for publishing the "Candide" Alcide De Gasperi two letters dating back to 1944, in which De Gasperi asked to Anglo Americans to bomb the outskirts of Rome in order to demoralize the spirit of the Italian people.
short, Giovanni Guareschi was a consistent man who always had the courage of his actions and his words. But in addition to his journalistic activities indomitable Guareschi is the image of a great father family and a old man who knew how to dig deep in the hearts of men of his time.
Guareschi's strength was the strength of a Christian who breathed the air of the people - that is our - that sinks its truest identity in that Child's crib. Because from there, and only from there, by that Jesus who was born just look at our crib is the very meaning of life. And in that regard
Guareschi, one day, he wrote: "The fact is that we all think of Christmas as a day off the calendar. As a day out of time. Christmas is for us all as an end point. And our dream is to trudge all year then drops to stop for a bit '. As if, that day, the time should stop. But you can not ever stop, because time does not stop. It would be enough to stop a minute, but this is not given neither to the living or the dead because eternity is a closed circle that always begins and never ends. It 's something that continues without ever having started and never able to finish. And unconsciously we think that, when it comes to Christmas and try to explain our immense anguish with trivial reasons. But the fact is that we, on that day, look out for a moment on the abyss of infinite admiration for the greatness of God is not enough for us not to men enough faith to make us forget our infinite smallness. "

Emanuele Pozzolo


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Bullets To Use Remington 870

Auguri di buone feste

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Put Your Head On A Different Hairstyle

Fini Guareschi finished second

dint of jumping here and there, sooner or later, you fall ill. That 's what happened today at Gianfranco Fini and his parliament: the group of "Finian" has no right to political pressure and came apart. The team orders of the President of the House and his faithful mouthpiece have not had the expected result: so, the vain dream sfascista of no confidence in the Berlusconi government has melted like snow in the sun. Gianfranco
Fini had staked everything on his shoulder to Berlusconi: if he succeeded in missing the parliamentary majority to the government, Fini law was to enter the Olympus of the great myths of the left. That was not good and Gianfranco must accept it.
the eve of the long-awaited important, the Chamber of Deputies, Fini met with his Future of Freedom and to take stock of the situation and close ranks. And it seems to have said: "If we lose we destroy everything, my story and yours." Unfortunately for Mr. Tulliani Parliament is sovereign - giving confidence in the Government - has buried the politically "Farefuturo" Finian and sudden reversals of vari.
Gianfranco Fini non è un uomo stupido, è un cinico e un calcolatore: eppure stavolta il suo pallottoliere ha fatto cilecca. E assieme al pallottoliere finiano hanno fatto cilecca anche tutte oniriche speranze di costruzione di una non meglio precisata destra anti-berlusconiana e anti-leghista.
Il confuso progetto politico di Fini è abortito prima ancora di vedere la luce: e questa è una benedizione per la nostra terra. La voglia trasformista insopprimibile che albergava da qualche anno nel cuore del Presidente della Camera dovrà rimanere soltanto una voglia: e non troverà sbocchi realizzativi.
Con una splendida battuta il sociologo torinese Massimo Introvigne ha riassunto quello che poteva essere il dilemma dei “finiani”: "They could choose between shame and Berlusconi. They chose the shame and Berlusconi are also held. "
E 'exactly what happened to the various Bocchino, Grenada, Briguglio, Red and Tremaglia They had before them the opportunity to betray their constituents, their values \u200b\u200band their own history or continue to support the Government of which, until 'yesterday, were staunch supporters. I "tullianini" chose to betray all the way, by voting no confidence in Berlusconi behaved like a casino and any D'Alema.
But their treason was punctuated by the mournful notes of defeat: Silvio Berlusconi, the axis of the North and the majority have held up. That that did not hold, however, was the group of future and freedom that imploded at the first serious parliamentary test.
was livid Gianfranco Fini's vote just after reading the results of the count of the Members, because the new leader of the "Farefuturo" and "bocchiniani" knows that politically it is finished. Fini wanted to be a bully, yell and force the hand: he wanted to play tug of war with Silvio Berlusconi and the Northern League but was defeated on all fronts.
now remains to be seen what will happen between "Finian" after tummy recorded vote of confidence before and after the first significant dissociation of deputies from the ranks of the Future e Libertà, ora, bisogna capire chi sono e quanti sono i “finiani pentiti” che tenteranno ci accorrere piangenti ai piedi di Berlusconi. Di sicuro non sono pochi coloro che si staranno già mangiando le mani per il terribile passo falso commesso: abbandonare Berlusconi e andare con Fini per molti parlamentari eletti nel centro-destra era una scommessa sul proprio futuro politico. Gianfranco Fini ha comprato gli ingressi in Futuro e Libertà di gente come Roberto Rosso, Benedetto Della Vedova e Daniele Toto promettendo in cambio l’assicurazione sulle prossime candidature politiche: molti dei parlamentari “finiani”, dopo la batosta di oggi, vedono molto traballante la loro carriera e quindi non stupisce che già si vociferi about obscene thoughts and nth jump. Roman
The situation is still delicate: beyond the achievement of confidence in Parliament, it remains to be seen whether the numbers available to the majority will work to continue the path of reforms. But this is a whole other story that will cover the future of our country. With today's vote, Italy was completed at the shoulders (hopefully permanently) processed the old politics of left, center and right. Today from Rome came good news: Gianfranco Fini is over.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Transporting Mini Cupcakes

Roberto Rosso, the face of the old politics

I got to read the convoluted letter that his friend Roberto Rosso left a few newspaper groped to explain the outrageous antics of policies which he and Gianfranco Fini's followers are becoming protagonists.

Perhaps the politician formerly known Democrat, former DiPietro, a former legal secretary, and former ex forzitaliota pidiellino relevant today as neo-riciclatosi finiano, believes that people have short memories, and yet few are those who escape the political parable Mr. Roberto Rosso.

Few among the citizens of Vercelli, forget that Roberto was red until Berlusconi made him comfortable, just forget that even Roberto Rosso has held positions of government, always and only by Silvio Berlusconi; e pochi dimenticano che Roberto Rosso ha giocato a fare l’alfiere dei valori cristiani sino a quando non gli è convenuto maggiormente abbracciare le istanze del laicismo finiano più turpe e deteriore.

Nessuno può dimenticare che Roberto Rosso, proprio lui, il “grande” cattolico che promosse l’astensione per far fallire il referendum sulla procreazione medicalmente assistita, oggi, si trovi nel partito fondato da Gianfranco Fini: ossia colui che criticò duramente le “ingerenze confessionali” volte a far fallire il referendum sulla legge 40.

L’esercizio della memoria è una nobile attività che certe persone dovrebbero avere la dignità e la decenza to apply to themselves first, before we criticize the consistency of others. Just in terms of values \u200b\u200bof righteousness comes from smile to read the "catechetical sermon" that Roberto Rosso addressed to myself: I am afraid that the new regional coordinator and the Future of Freedom is too used to looking at the speck that is in the eye of others without being able to see the beam that is in his eye.

conclude these few lines of comment suggesting a fact that perhaps not everyone knows: that makes the story on the "Roman step" by Roberto Rosso halfway between the tragic and the comic. About three months ago - September 2, 2010 - on the columns of "L'Espresso" proprio Roberto Rosso, assieme ad alcuni suoi ex colleghi pidiellini, scriveva di “non aver mai espresso l’intenzione di aderire al gruppo politico dell’onorevole Fini” e che rinnovava la sua “più convinta adesione al gruppo politico” di cui faceva parte (Pdl) e, dulcis in fundo, esprimeva “la più ampia fiducia al Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi e al suo Governo”.

Oggi Roberto Rosso – aderendo a Futuro e Libertà – è riuscito, ancora una volta, a smentire se stesso: questa sua dote naturale sicuramente è stata molto apprezzata da Gianfranco Fini, il gran maestro di tutte le abiure. Per questo l’on. Rosso è stato ritenuto degno di conseguire “ad honorem” il titolo di “ras piemontese” di Fli: se lo è davvero meritato.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Flatbed Scanners Fastest

The pro-life poster of Pope Benedict XVI

Articolo pubblicato su "La Padania" di venerdì 19 novembre 2010

Che Papa Ratzinger non sia un mieloso predicatore attento a non urtare le moderne sensibilità del “politically correct” si è capito da tempo: Joseph Ratzinger ha sempre avuto il coraggio di dire tutto quello che pensa, fino in fondo, e ha sempre dimostrato incredibile determinazione nel difendere i valori più profondi dell’identità cristiana.
Ieri, a Roma, durante il saluto participants of the "International Conference for healthcare professionals," Benedict XVI has confirmed a man capable of not to retreat before the least radical and secularist ideologies of our time: with great candor the Pope said, in no uncertain terms, that "love for justice, protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being should be sustained and witnessed, even against the grain "because" the core ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and the basis of democratic society " .
not like the words of the Holy Father to many ideologues and supporters of the "culture of death "that" with the use of artificial breeding techniques involving embryo destruction, or euthanasia legalized "try to offer a distorted picture of human life and severely impoverished.
the address Benedict XVI delivered yesterday to defend life "from conception to natural death," is in fact a real "pro-life manifesto" which should be signed by all those who, by Christians and from the West perceive the importance of not unreasonably divest the temptations of secularism.
It 'hard not to notice the similarity of the words of Benedict XVI with the "Pact for Life and Family" that the Governor of Piedmont, Roberto Cota, has signed with the Catholic world in Piedmont: "abortion is never a victory for anyone but is always a defeat," Cota said at the signing of the pact, adding that "life really is and full life until natural death. "
A closer look, in fact, in view of Italian party, it is the Northern League political party the most reliable and secure way to interface with the "Catholic world, especially with regard to upholding the values" pro-life "very dear to Benedict XVI.
The commitment of the men and women of the League on issues "ethically sensitive" has always been very clear: "we are opposed to an anarchist political ethical issues" has repeatedly reaffirmed the League's parliamentary Massimo Polledri. And, given the parliamentary hand, are precisely the honorable senators and members of the League who, during the voting on the measures of ethical importance, have maintained the position more compact and more consistent defense of life in all its phases.
attention and respect to political life as indispensable value is one of the key points of the pontificate of Joseph Ratzinger, who has spent several times in person - scandalized even some Catholic clergy and well-meaning - just to reiterate with force il richiamo in favore di una “politica per la vita”.
In un tempo come il nostro, dove confusione valoriale e relativismo assoluto, sembrano trionfare serve che da parte del Capo della Cristianità giungano, come accade, parole coraggiose e chiare: perché tra le fila cattoliche (e anche tra alcuni politici sedicenti cattolici) regna troppa confusione.
Il “manifesto pro-life” che ieri il Papa ha pronunciato deve rappresentare la stella polare per tutti i cattolici impegnati in politica: senza infingimenti e senza balbettii, è giusto e necessario che le parole del Santo Padre vengano prese in seria considerazione da chi, come la Lega ha sempre fatto, si propone come paladino dell’identità cristiana of our land.
genetic manipulation, euthanasia and abortion: these are the three major challenges which need to be addressed, with faith and reason, by all those who refer to our Christian roots.
"I'm against the legalization of abortion because they consider it a legalized murder," he once wrote Pier Paolo Pasolini. And Pasolini is not a person suspected of being a dangerous "reactionary fundamentalist" nor a "clerical of the past." No, this is not to be bigots, fundamentalists, or worse, baciapile: it only wanted to defend the most precious thing we have, that is our life.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lifesaver Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping

The left drowning in the With waves of gossip

Article published in La Padania "of Saturday, October 30, 2010

Once upon a time the left in Italy. It was made by the communists and socialists, with the addition of some heretical Catholic. There was a political party that rocked the Soviet dream in vain, and sought the establishment of a paradise on earth. There was a deep sense of belonging, to the left, based on values \u200b\u200bdiscutibilissimi but still worthy of respect. Some
struggles for workers and clean way of understanding the politics - by "communists" - unquestionably deserve a clear recognition storico, da parte di tutti. L’essere di sinistra di un Antonio Gramsci, di un Nicola Bombacci o di un Enrico Berlinguer era dettato, anzitutto, dalla passione per la causa del popolo.
La sinistra era, una volta, l’interlocutore politico primo e naturale della gente semplice: si andava alla sede del “partito” (quello comunista) per rivendicare diritti, scambiare quattro chiacchiere polemiche e per sognare un futuro nuovo e diverso. Poco importava alla gente se il futuro che sognavano e volevano i comunisti era un futuro senza speranza, un futuro cupo e terribilmente dittatoriale. La gente voleva che le cose cambiassero: e la sinistra si batteva in questo senso.
Come ha scritto e cantato l’indimenticato e indimenticabile Giorgio Gaber:
“Qualcuno era comunista perché chi era contro era comunista.
Qualcuno era comunista perché non sopportava più quella cosa sporca che ci ostiniamo a chiamare democrazia.
Qualcuno credeva di essere comunista, e forse era qualcos'altro.
Qualcuno era comunista perché sognava una libertà diversa da quella americana.
Qualcuno era comunista perché credeva di poter essere vivo e felice solo se lo erano anche gli altri.
Qualcuno era comunista perché aveva bisogno di una spinta verso qualcosa di nuovo.
Perché sentiva la necessità di una morale diversa.”
Oggi, che il Partito comunista italiano non c’è più da tempo, i “comunisti” are orphans of a great political history: missing people, ideas, courage and consistency. The left of today has abandoned factories and sat on the velvet armchairs of middle-class living rooms. The modern Left has abandoned all the great folk tradition of the working class to embrace the desires of the homosexual lobby is more unrealistic, Masonic and transnational. The left these days is the shield of the waste and theft of some "cunning" forgetting the duty to fight against oppression and injustice.
There are so many left, now in Italy: there is a flaccid left the Democratic Party, the left of the diverted Vendola, the vulgar and the left "sfascista" of Di Pietro, la sinistra delle grandi banche e quella delle lobby industriali. Ma dove è finita la sinistra che sta dalla parte del popolo, dalla parte dei lavoratori, dei giovani e dei deboli? Dove è, oggi, la sinistra che combatte l’illegalità e che difende i sani diritti della gente normale? Dove si sono nascosti coloro che dovrebbero, in questo tempo delicato e difficile, rappresentare la sinistra?
Non resta che l’ombra dei grandi uomini politici della sinistra, non rimane che l’ombra delle grandi lotte politiche della sinistra e non si scorge che l’ombra dei principi inossidabili della sinistra.
In odio a Silvio Berlusconi la sinistra attuale non sa che proporre slogan vuoti e privi di ogni significato: all the positions taken by the Italian left from the past twenty years, are determined by morbid desire to mark a stellar distance than the "right". If Berlusconi and Bossi said "x" in the left promptly says "y" for bias, without too much thinking and not have at heart the welfare of the people. The left
today continues, tireless and battered, on the precipice of vulgar contrast, day after day, the grandchildren of Stalin and Dossetti throw mud reeking of the lives of their political opponents, as defined from time to time "mafia", "pedophile" "Fascists," "backward" and "racist." Step by step to the left is going down, with impressive speed, the steps of decency to take refuge in the lobby of the sad gossip worse. Difficult to proceed in this direction, the left will be able to recover its historic role: the waves of gossip more fetid and violent are already carrying the boat left adrift. "He who sows the wind picks up storm" if what the Bible says the proverb is true, the future of the left will be red again. But shame.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Make A Barbie Sleeping Bag

Cota also won the true Catholics

know that Roberto Cota will govern the Piedmont, until the end of term, is a source of serenity and hope not only for all those who have confidence in the Northern League, but also for all those men and women who identify with the traditional values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, epitomized in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. Just
Roberto Cota, in fact, less than a year ago - February 24, 2010 - had made a bold and far-sighted clutching a true alliance with organic and programmatic associations Catholic pro-life, by signing the "Pact for life and family. " True Catholics Piedmont - disgusted by the UDC unforgivable betrayal that had just announced to support the electoral pro-abortion Mercedes Bresso - Roberto Cota subjected to the then proposed a series of political demands relating to respect for human life, from its embryonic stage until natural death, and for protection and promotion of the traditional family based on marriage between one man and one one woman: Cota responded with enthusiasm and conviction of the proposals came from the Catholic world, engaging in first person to promote, not only in theory, policy action in the regional government to realize the values \u200b\u200bdefended by the Catholic Church.
Introvigne, deputy national coordinator of the Catholic Alliance and a great promoter of the "Pact of Steel" between Cota and the Catholic world Piedmont - just by colonne de “La Padania” – disse che “la sottoscrizione del 'Patto per la vita e per la famiglia' da parte di Cota è un fatto storico e senza precedenti a questi livelli in Italia, sia perché gli impegni sono precisi, dettagliati e tecnici, sia perché non si tratta di una semplice dichiarazione di buona volontà ma di un patto bilaterale sottoscritto con quattro garanti, uno dei quali sono io, che vigileranno – e lo faremo davvero – sugli impegni assunti”.
La grande vittoria elettorale di Roberto Cota e della Lega Nord è stata duramente avversata da certe frange del laicismo militante anche per questa ragione: crea fastidio un uomo politico che si riconosce nei valori sociali del cattolicesimo, much less than it horrifies some propagandists of nowhere the electoral victory of the Catholic faithful ready to implement those Christian values \u200b\u200bin society are rooted in Europe. Against Cota, in fact, have tried everything, both before and after the vote, but unfortunately it went wrong at those who have tried to put under the protection of democracy in defiance of the values \u200b\u200bembodied by Cota.
Now, following the ruling Council of State, the bad brackets of the attempted coup against the people of Piedmont was ruthlessly closed, Roberto Cota will finally bring all the 'political attention of the Piedmont regional government to implement the "Pact for life and family. "
our respect, from the defense and promotion of social values \u200b\u200bof Catholicism will unfold that wind of profound change and true not only in Piedmont, but the whole Western society desperately needs: the Piedmont region can and should be the pioneer the rediscovery of the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, which is based on the identity of our lands and our peoples.
Only by attention to the family and educational policies and, above all, the sensitivity to the smallest and most defenseless members of our society can start a 'work of real change. Indeed, as Benedict XVI said, "children have the right to be conceived and brought to womb, brought into the world and brought up within marriage: it is the relationship that is accepted by their parents that they can discover their own identity and achieve his own proper human development. " "In company with a noble tradition of defending the rights of all their members, one would expect - the Pope said, during an 'audience at the Vatican - that this fundamental right of children had priority over any alleged right of adults to impose their alternative models of family life and, of course, on any alleged right to abortion. Since the family is the first and indispensable teacher of peace, promoting more reliable coesione sociale e la migliore scuola delle virtù di buona cittadinanza, è nell'interesse di tutti, e in particolare dei governi, difendere e promuovere una vita familiare stabile”.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Articolo pubblicato su "La Padania" di giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Patto per la vita e la famiglia

Testo del patto sottoscritto da Roberto Cota, candidato alla presidenza della Regione Piemonte, il 24 febbraio 2010 a Torino, con quattro garanti – Massimo Introvigne (vice-responsabile nazionale di Alleanza Cattolica), Marisa Orecchia (presidente di Federvita Piemonte), Mauro Ronco (docente di diritto penale, già componente del CSM) e Maria Paola Tripoli (fondatrice del Servizio Emergenza Anziani).

“Sottoscrivo un patto per la vita e per la famiglia: non generico – perché è facile parlare di vita e di famiglia come concetti astratti, senza precisare in concreto che si tratta della vita dal concepimento alla morte naturale e della famiglia monogamica ed eterosessuale, fondata sul matrimonio di un uomo e di una donna – ma specifico e articolato in impegni precisi.

1. Considerando che un aborto non è mai una vittoria per nessuno ma è sempre una sconfitta, m’impegno per quanto riguarda le competenze regionali di applicazione della legge 194 a proporre e sostenere percorsi di Practical support and active women who, rather than trivialize abortion as a solution, always look for alternatives, opening up regional institutions to the collaboration with the voluntary pro-life. In application of that law, whether in Piedmont will be given the RU486 pill, this will only happen with a protocol that provides for the admission of women after administration of the pill until the completion of the course abortion, ruling out any possibility of abortion do it yourself at home own.

2. Life is truly and fully alive until natural death, as I tried to witness with my commitment to Parliament on the occasion of the tragic story of Eluana and discussion of Draft legislation on end of life. To be more clear, the virtuous model for me is humble, quiet and heroic efforts of the Sisters of the newspaper who witnessed Misericordine Eluana to bring it to life, not that of someone who - to quote the document Federvita - "offered a Piedmont Hospital for her death. " Rejecting in the strongest terms any suggestion of euthanasia, the region led by me will be close with not only theoretical support to the families of patients in the state today called persistent vegetative state, and will support its mission in palliative care.

3. Rejecting any suggestion of a clear approval of the family founded on marriage, in accordance with article 29 of the Constitution, all other forms of cohabitation also homosexual. I am opposed to ceremonies, records and other initiatives to introduce surreptitiously equivalence between homosexual unions and heterosexual monogamous marriage.

4. I am committed to a regional policy for the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, I recognize as a fundamental unit of society, through support to young couples wishing to marry and policy services, taking into account the load family and the number of children.

5. Aware in particular the unique role played in Piedmont in over three hundred years of activity from the Catholic school, which has made our region servizi inestimabili, praticherò una politica che renda effettiva la libertà di educazione mediante erogazione di bonus o rimborsi che consentano alle famiglie la scelta della scuola libera, la quale andrà sostenuta anche quanto all’accoglienza di portatori di handicap e di figli di immigrati cui proporre percorsi autentici d’integrazione, prendendo in esame anche una politica di detrazioni fiscali nel quadro del federalismo fiscale.

6. La politica a favore della vita e della famiglia andrà a beneficio anche delle famiglie e in particolare delle donne e delle bambine immigrate. Prenderò misure regionali, e sosterrò quelle del governo nazionale, che vigilino contro gli abusi sulle donne e sui minori, non tollerino le mutilazioni genitali femminili, l’avviamento alla mendicità e alla prostituzione da parte di organizzazioni malavitose, la poligamia e i matrimoni forzati, e prevengano l’imposizione del burqa e di altre forme di velo integrale a donne e ragazze che non desiderano portarlo. Di concerto con il governo nazionale, farò il possibile per convincere anche chi insegue l’utopia di una società aperta all’immigrazione senza regole e senza limiti che si tutela davvero la vita e la famiglia degli immigrati onesti, venuti da noi per lavorare, e si pratica la virtù cristiana dell’accoglienza, solo tenendo conto che il numero d’immigrati che il Piemonte può accogliere non è infinito, e che le regole e la lotta against illegal immigration are also for the benefit of legal immigrants, as well as the safety of all. "

Turin, February 24, 2010

Roberto Cota

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kates Playground Strawberry String

Di Pietro sowing hatred and Italy is likely to raise blood

The attack in Mauritius Belpietro, director of the Free is the obvious result of the hate campaign that some political forces have begun by some time now. While Umberto Bossi and Silvio Berlusconi are not spared even the most innocent jokes, to many other Roman politicians are condoned many statements of intolerance and violence charges. One of the most political
is distinguishing per il suo volgare “squadrismo verbale” è senza dubbio Antonio Di Pietro: il noto dislessico politico italiano non perde occasione per usare i suoi spazi pubblici come fossero ghigliottine. Ogni affermazione del leader giustizialista puzza di violenza: contro Bossi, contro Berlusconi, contro Napolitano, insomma contro tutto e tutti. Di Pietro, sia ben chiaro, non è l’unico ad usare le parole come fossero ghigliottine sanguinolente: non sono da meno i vari Travaglio, Santoro e compagnia rossa.
Anche qualche “chierichetto” del Pd, talvolta, scivola nella spirale della “guerra civile permanente”: la superiorità morale di berlingueriana memoria, molto sbandierata dai vari Bersani e dalle varie Bindi is the respectable face of hate politics. When you go around the streets and squares of Italy, said that on the one hand there are the "good" and the other are the "bad" it is natural for someone to take the letter and the speech, feeling an executioner, to act.
Italy is not new to this climate, unfortunately. In the seventies was too much blood has soaked the conscience of our country: the dead of all ages and all colors have paid dearly for the price of ideologies that we are murderers. It would be better to avoid today to go over that road. Let us
. And instead of Bossi and Berlusconi to investigate morally ironic or goliardic, we come to understand from where the bullets and Molotov cocktails: do not get either of the parties or those Bossi Berlusconi. They go to other beaches, less inclined to irony.
E 'this is the whole point of the debate: while some raves about "Berlusconi regime" or "racism League", others are riding the ignorant hatred, enhanced by the various bards of the guillotine, to turn into terrorism.
In Milan there was a polite exchange of ideas, but was pressed the trigger of a gun. And only thanks to God is not the tragedy happened. Someone should reflect well on the event and understand that the only "Rapists of Democracy" are those politicians who can not discern between legitimate political opposition from verbal abuse, not at all ironic that the hand of some terrorist weapon.
The climate of hate, fed by the left and from some quarters of the pseudo-right executioner, is producing very bitter fruits, which could soon become indigestible: those who persist in their desire to "militarize" the political battle to stop the season reforms, are guilty of political and moral responsibility for what is happening.
without discount and without awe must have the courage to say enough to those who seek to transform our democracy into a slaughterhouse will not be the guillotine that many rely on us to improve our country. Urge the "examination of conscience" very thorough for all those who wield political intolerance as the flag was a banner of honor. Urge understand by all, that freedom is a manifestation of plural different "world views", even antithetical to each other. Urge to say, finally, that anyone holding a gun to stop the ideas of others is a terrorist who does not deserve anything but to spend the rest of his days in jail. No discounts.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Consumer Reports Best Dishwasher 2009

The "book that no one could read" Western

During the Middle Ages could have happened that a pilgrim traveling to Rome stopped in a town valley for a few days stay: a little 'rest, a few glasses of wine and eaten a healthy rifocillante. Sometimes these travelers come from afar, often from the North Saxon, brought with them valuable documents and cases full of objects of great value, especially if these men were clerics on a pilgrimage to Rome in the heart of Christianity.
could happen, as often happened, that the "bystanders" who came from the North, died during their short stay in the Po valley, and therefore there leave their precious baggage. Exactly this happened to Vercelli, in the heart of the Middle Ages, when a clergyman came from Great Britain died during his stay in Vercelli: the pilgrim had with him a rich and valuable luggage - then inherited by the Church of Vercelli - which, above all, books.
One of these books immediately attracted the attention of early observers witty: a book written in a strange language, quite unknown to men of culture Vercelli medieval era. This book, however, was a precious object and it, along with other such beautiful specimens, was preserved in great precision and that is occupied by the canons of Vercelli, in the centuries to come, the preservation of religious, artistic and cultural life of the Church Eusebian.
This large book by the numerous pages and the most valuable time in the invoice had been nicknamed "the book that no one could read" in reference to the extreme difficulties of translation, which had accompanied the troubled history. Yet, having been shrouded in mystery for centuries, the secret "book that no one could read" was finally revealed in 1822: the language they were written the beautiful pages of the text was an Old English, what became fledged English. It was understood at once, then, extremely important and invaluable historical value of the book which has since taken the name of "Vercelli Book".
Between the pages of the manuscript, contenenti in gran parte omelie religiose e componimenti poetici, si cela però un altro intricato mistero: la presenza di rune celtiche, apposte quasi come firme autografe, in alcune parti dei componimenti sembra poter essere la chiave di volta per svelare la misteriosa origine dell’autore del libro o quantomeno del proprietario originale dello stesso. Le rune presenti nel manoscritto sono segnale evidente del legame indissolubile e profondo che intercorreva tra le popolazioni del Nord, celtiche e anglosassoni, con il mondo cristiano romano: proprio il “Vercelli Book” è uno dei documenti storici più preziosi che testimoniano la presenza e la vitalità, ancora nell’Europa medievale, di quel “cristianesimo celtico” many researchers are talking about, that is born of that extraordinary union between the peoples of Europe and Celtic and Anglo-Saxon view of the Christian religion as a complement and not as a denial of the identity of those peoples. E 'on this union, between Christianity and ancestral European identity, based Western European identity, which can not do without its symbols originating at the same time it would never become bright and flourishing - as he became - without 'fundamental contribution of Christianity.
on this course of historical research and use of identity is based on the location of the exhibition these days to the beautiful rooms of the Archbishop's Palace Vercelli: between manuscripts of great artistic and religious value, accompanied by the mysteries of the runes and immersed in the world of ancient Christianity, you reach the climax of the exhibition, beholding the exquisite workmanship of the "Vercelli Book", exposed to the public for the occasion.
The opening of the exhibition, visitors to the success and interest shown by them, has postponed its closure until 5 October, when Vercelli will be held - at 18, in the diocesan seminary - a conference Closing event: "The extraordinary values \u200b\u200bof our civilization," which will be attended by Governor of the Piedmont Region and Roberto Cota Vice-President of the National Catholic Alliance Introvigne. The perfect ending for a period of high culture, a moment of synthesis between art and religion, for, as said Nicolas Gomez Davila, "a work of art is a covenant with God."

Emanuele Pozzolo

Open to the public:

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 to 12:00
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 19:00 Admission to the exhibition

and the Museo del Tesoro del Duomo
€ 5.00 full € 4.00 reduced

Tours € 1.50
Visits by appointment, for groups and schools, even outside opening hours

Foundation Museum and Archives for the Treasury of the Cathedral Chapter
Piazza A. D'Angennes, 5
13100 - Vercelli

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Love Money 2 Myammee Nipple

Fotovoltaico, il nuovo conto energia 2011/2013

Hello important news for those involved and working in the field of photovoltaics, it was announced the new Decree on the Energy Bill 2011/2013, which will come into force on 1 January 2011 .

The highly anticipated new decree on the Energy Bill 2011/2013, which will come into force on 1 January 2011, was finally published (Decree 6 Aug. 2010, OJ 24 August 2010, No. 197) . In a summary in several important respects.

Remember that what is supposed to be written in a note. And as such this post is not going to change the decree, therefore, every argument must be treated always satisfied with the official decree published by OJ August 24, 2010, No. 197.

The first important difference from the previous decree is the transition from three to six classes of the power mechanism, but also the elimination of the type of "partially integrated system" (which had created various problems in evaluation of incentive rate in relation to the choice of "plant Integrated ") to have only two types of system: systems installed on buildings and plants on land (or other plants).

Table A shows the rates that will apply from 1 January 2011, as you can see the same suffering a cut in their first year in three different periods. This close temporal regression in 2011 could create difficulties for plants for proper assessment of the economic viability of a plant.

In practice you may encounter cases where plants whose budgets have been prepared in a quarter are then applied and consequently networked in the next, and thereby lowers the incentive rate and change in the economic recovery plan.

In subsequent years, 2012 and 2013, however, the rates of 2011 presented in Table A, column C, will undergo a fixed reduction of 6% per year.

The order provides specific incentives for integrated systems with innovative features. We intend to photovoltaic modules and components that use special architectural features developed specifically to replace. Table B shows the relative rates. They are also considered to be specific about the increases in tariffs.

Among the awards considered:

• 5% for systems installed on buildings in areas classified as industrial, commercial, quarries and landfills, and those operating under the net metering placed on buildings made by municipalities with a population less than 5,000 inhabitants, of which such municipalities are responsible parties;

• 10% more for equipment installed in replacement of asbestos roofing or otherwise containing asbestos;

• 20% increase due in each day that a plant is part of a system with predictable exchange profile. This is a new concept introduced by the decree. Means a system which meets all of the following characteristics:

or consists of one or more photovoltaic systems managed by the person responsible for a unit with an aggregate of points of entry, sampling points and any of the storage systems' energy, and treated on an hourly basis to a single underlying primary substation;

or is made with one or more photovoltaic systems that have a total rated power exceeding 200 kW but less than 10 MW. This power nominale deve inoltre essere almeno pari alla somma delle potenze nominali degli eventuali impianti di produzione diversi dagli impianti fotovoltaici, nonchè alla somma delle potenze disponibili dei punti di prelievo di cui al punto precedente;

o ha un profilo complessivo di scambio con la rete elettrica che rispetta un programma orario nelle ore comprese tra le 8.00 e le 20.00, comunicato il giorno prima dal soggetto responsabile al soggetto responsabile con un margine di errore del 10% in ciascun giorno;

o il profilo di cui sopra è rispettato per almeno 300 giorni all’anno

• Finally, you can get a maximum increase of 30%, half the percentage improvement achieved by the reduction of energy requirements, if they are effectual work to improve the energy performance of a building.

The photovoltaic modules which are structural components of the arbors, solar greenhouses (which are eligible for fees only if agricultural activities are conducted throughout the period on the acceleration), sound barriers, shelters and canopies will also be entitled to a fee equal to the average between the price achieved for photovoltaic systems on buildings and the rate for 'other photovoltaic installations.

we consider plants with those on the ground to form a height less than 2 feet above the ground at the lowest point. All tracking systems are considered assemblies.

As regards the cumulation of the incentives the decree provides that the tariffs be combined only with the following benefits and government grants intended to implement the system:

a) grants capital by not more than 30% of the cost of investment made on buildings with photovoltaic perimpianti rated not more than 3kW;
b) capital grants of up to 60% of investment cost for photovoltaic systems that are made to public schools or any type and level playing field and that the person responsible for both the school or the subject the owner of the school, as well as public health facilities, or at the administrative headquarters buildings that are owned by local or autonomous regions and provinces;
c) capital grants for no more than 30% of investment cost for photovoltaic systems that are made to public buildings owned by organizations recognized non-profit social ensure that the provision of social services entrusted to local authorities, and that the person responsible for both the public body or organization non-profit social
d) capital contributions to an extent not exceeding 30% of investment cost for photovoltaic systems
by areas subject to remediation, are within the contaminated sites, provided the person responsible for the plant bears the direct responsibility of preventive remediation;
s) capital grants for no more than 30% of investment cost for photovoltaic systems integrated with innovative features;
f) capital contributions to an extent not exceeding 30% of investment cost for photovoltaic concentration;
g) soft loans granted pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 1111, the Law of 27 December 2006, no 296;

Another novelty introduced by the decree is that the GSE will and will provide the incentive rate payable within one hundred twenty days from the date of receipt of the request (the current time is much longer), and for reducing the time procedures, submitting the documentation required will be Only on the internet.

This will be prepared and made operational on the portal GSE a platform for communication between the responsible actors and the project supervisor. Finally, the new decree provides for the objectives and limits the cumulative electrical power.
The national target of nominal power accumulated by photovoltaic installation was established in 8000 MW by 2020 (this figure is considered to be greatly underestimated by all operators).
The availability of cumulative electric power of PV systems eligible for the incentive rates of this decree is established in 3000 MW, the PV system integrated with innovative features in 300 MW and, finally, that relating to photovoltaic concentration of 200 MW.

The GSE will publish on its website and continuously update the cumulative value of the power plant came into operation and, if the equipment is available, will be entitled to the incentive rates in plants that begin operation within fourteen months (twenty-four months for installations where only responsible parties are public entities) from the dates notified by the GSE on its website, which results in the roofs of availability above.


Pier Giorgio

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cva Wolf Loose Stock Tightening

Fotovoltaico, piccole pillole sul nuovo conto energia 2011/2013

Hello to all, with the publication in the Official Gazette (No. 197, 24/8/10) enters into force the new Energy Bill for the remuneration of the energy produced by photovoltaic panels. As already known for some time there is a decrease in the rate paid by the GSE and numerous other innovations. But let's step by step:

So now the Energy Authority, within 60 days, will establish the technical modalities for the disbursement of new tariffs to be "loaded" on a popular component A3 of the electricity bill.

One good thing is the simplification of the new standard: the old definition of disappearing solar panels "integrated, partially integrated and non-integrated" in favor of that, much more intuitive, panels "on the buildings." The main distinction is therefore between the ground and rooftop PV.

Stay, but change, only one form of "integration" within the definition of "photovoltaic system integrated with innovative features." Thus it defines the new Energy Account: This is the photovoltaic system that uses special components and modules, developed specifically to replace architectural elements.

A definition honestly not very accurate, probably due to the fact that the law tries to get behind the new technologies developed by the Energy Bill in the previous period, during which everyone was trying all possible ways to steps to integrate the system. The correct interpretation, at this point, Planting should correspond to an integrated system which replaces the roof. An example for all: the photovoltaic tiles.

soon with more information
Pier Giorgio

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can My Liver Hurt After Drinking Alcohol

Perchè la regina è senza Re!

words splashed with bitterness, for myself. Why is the queen without a king!

Why is the queen without a king? I do not know, just do not know. However I'm not hell, is not enough to suffer with the soul on fire. Now cry, cry strong "forever young", mind you live just hoping in other horizons, yours is a disease that does not go away. Heal the soul and fuck.

It's all right because you should, stay still while watching life go by. Poor soul, and that useless spectator. Illusion that all is well for te.Va everything all right, that's okay because it suits us. After only loves me stupid, unnecessary and unlikely lovers.

Forgetting is difficult to know the woman alone without me and waiting for a farewell. I know your limit, but it is difficult to forget.

only you were a bit 'more, I liked you now I want more. I do not ask polite but you turned the wheel of fortune and the fate this time is not on your side.

There's only because it is so wet it's raining outside and I do not I give you compromise now, now I understand that you were too. Remember, it rains for you, it was beautiful now, only heaven blacks on us. Everything was wrong all wrong. Now life is shining a new color. It's raining outside but I am only sad that your tears glide on your face. Expect the fear that still do not have, even if you're a good actress.

You are like the wicked queen who must still smiling, but how many will be like a lion tears. When you grow, you will understand the good that you lost. I speak as a man who was wounded, I write from angry man, dream like an explorer searching for the lost land. How hard!

Now woman approached, again caress the soul, tell me that I still have to give my love. Kiss me and be with me in the darkest night there and watch me because I'm on my knees to you.

Browse for a kiss is like snow, white and cream. From the night is dark and I live with no regrets. Browse without thinking, to kiss me dream.

Love will be thrown because the world will never change unless you change yourself. His arms like heaven, like the air my heat, living life.

I understood for the queen without a king!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What To Wear To A Sorority Interest Meeting

Islamic identity: either the law or comply with any Christian dialogue

The choice of the Islamic Association "Assalam 'take back to the courts to discredit the institutions of Vercelli says much about the concept of coexistence and dialogue that motivates the Muslim community Vercelli. In front of a repeated behavior illegal employment of unauthorized sites, by the Islamists, the Municipality of Vercelli could not intervene, as has rightly, to put an end to lawlessness.
The choice of the Islamic community to call themselves "discriminated against" by the city of Vercelli is simply ludicrous and totally without foundation: the guests that Muslims should take the lead law enforcement is not a useless trinket but it is essential for anyone who wants to live at home ours. If the members of "Assalam" Italian laws, procedures and timing of administrative measures are too narrow to do is advise them to go elsewhere.
Unfortunately, in the case concerning the construction of the center of Islamic worship in Vercelli, it became clear that strategy ambiguity that characterized the positions of the various Islamic communities of Europe: on the one hand pretend to be carrying box, while the other act - sometimes in conflict with the law - to get what they have in mind anyway.
The appeal against the city of Vercelli is further proof that the Islamic community Vercelli more interested in achieving their goals rather than engage in a harmonious and balanced integration process, noting further test of strength that the association "Assalam" We highlight what it intends to engage in act is, unfortunately, the tombstone on every possible attempt at dialogue with the city of Vercelli.

Emanuele Pozzolo Parent
Northern League to the city of Vercelli

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What To Write On Wedding Card For Friend

Cast il manager, ma è un Castoro!

The animal is so full of analogies similar to what is written below. Just by nature very often we have to learn and very often makes us think that after all every time you write you process already exists in "Nature". Amazing True! Very often I am surprised that companies have these remarkable animals and innate managerial but then if I think it best if not the case, probably the world "animal" would be quite different.

Here we are with a cast that is beaver team leader, as well as mentor, which helps with its simple methods for the challenges of every day to achieve a long-term goal. Because his efforts to succeed in life despite the difficulties that arise every day, realizing from their mistakes and handle each crisis as a challenge.

guys he is a self-leader managers "(long-term genealogical) from innate abilities with its very friendly to make, despite all the difficulties of the characters e delle testardaggini altrui.

Cast vi fa capire che solo nella vostra maggiore fiducia delle vostre capacità si potrà avere un giusto successo, che solo assumendovi le proprie responsabilità voltate il passato e guardate al futuro, accettando il passato. Perché molte o meglio troppe volte lui vi trova che vi considerate delle vittime.

Questo “animale” (ricordate), di nome Cast è un castoro e come tale lavora solo in team per raggiungere un traguardo un obiettivo che vale una vita intera. Lui sa che solo con la condivisione del progetto e con uno scopo comune si ha il giusto successo nel riuscire nelle cose.

His innate ability to see things and deal with success is the result of a legacy from his grandfather and grandfather of his grandfather that changed with time (by virtue) and evolved to form today a formidable company. A company of attentive staff who are committed to achieving a common goal and that are mutually accountable for results achieved.

But it was not always so. In each generation of beavers have faced problems and hardships of all kinds, but using a strategy adapted to these situations have always led the Beavers to find happiness.

One thing our friends have learned over time, a fundamental mistake very common and very important in any type of organization, the "group" to "persons concerned" try to resist change because we are not involved in its implementation. Contrary to what everyone thinks, beavers teach that resistance is not about change but the control is imposed.

Lesson: Cast encourages you to speak. But success is in listening.

When you are lonely hearted, weak, just look for all the friends or allies. Talk is good, you feel the same did not have a reason to exist is not contradictory to a face that can make you feel for something "wrong" or "right and proper." Addressing the concerns of staff. Stylized our concepts and see in a concise style of conduct of directors of the good leader. It should above all know that the work is done by two major trends:

1) Department or rather the art of directing (AB)

  • A - Listen (Talk / t); B - Involve (Knowing).
2) To support or rather the art of delegating (CD)

  • C - Praise, D - Encourage.
A) Listen - Hold, Develop, Manage, controls.
B) Involve-Collection of concerns: about the information, personal, and about the implementation, to the impact (cost benefit), for the Collaborative for improvement.
C) To praise, flattery and not give consent for the "servility".
D) Encourage, support. Never leave people alone. Especially those who are "growth" of self leadership.

Le attività di un buon capo Leader (sopratutto di se stesso) deve intraprendere nei contesti del proprio lavoro verso la sua organizzazione, che sia privata, pubblica o lavorativa si basa sull'Organizzare, Istruire e Focalizzare i lavori , deve catturare la presenza dei collaboratori per costruire le azioni adeguate a cosa si sta svolgendo.

Pier Giorgio

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Dog Has A Yeast Infection

Sei al Top quando... Decalogo “funzionale”

Il decalogo funzionale o meglio una serie di frasi che ci aiutano, giornalmente a vivere in maniera coerente. Se il buon giorno si vede dal mattino, ed è sempre così, allora it is always best to start well, because it is good and why better to be a step forward on things rather than see them before us gfestite or unreachable by others.

I propose a series of phrases, quotes that can help us tackle today better than yesterday and see in a concrete and used to our lives. Do not touch the word "positivity" into the barrel in an otherwise serious discussion that ... they do not go out.

Note the reference to God is not just a religious event, but if that I have to "replace" with your beliefs or your "I".

Come sempre e con dovere vi dichiaro che quanto sotto scritto non è farina del mio sacco ma da chi certe cose le ha sviscerate e comunicate il sig. Zig Ziglar, di cui la sua missione è consistita nel far passare alcuni di noi dalla sopravvivenza alla stabilità, una maggiore quantità di noi dalla stabilità al successo, e tutti noi dal successo alla significatività. Un buon compagno di viaggio: Buon lettura.

1. Capisci chiaramente che il fallimento è un evento, non una persona; che ieri è terminato la scorsa notte e oggi è il tuo giorno nuovo di zecca.
2. Hai fatto amicizia con il tuo passato, sei focalizzato on the present, and optimistic about your future.
3. You know that success (a win) does not make your fortune, and failure (a loss) does not lead to your downfall.
4. You are filled with faith, hope and love, and live without anger, greed, guilt, envy or thoughts of revenge.
5. You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your rights to your responsibilities.
6. You know I do not advocate what is morally right is the prelude to being the victim of what is criminally unfair.
7. Are you sure of who you are, so you're at peace with God and in communion with men.
8. You become friends with your opponent you win the love and respect for those who know you better.
9. Understand that others may give you pleasure, but true happiness comes when you do things for others.
10. You are friendly with the grumpy, courteous to rude, and generous with the needy.
11. Ami's unpleasant, from hope to the hopeless, friendship to people with no friends and encouragement to the discouraged.
12. You can look back with forgiveness, forward in hope, down with compassion and up with gratitude.
13. You know that "He who wants to become great among you must be your servant."
14. Recognize, acknowledge, develop and practice the physical, mental and spiritual that God has given you for His glory and for the benefit of humanity.
15. You're in the presence of the Creator of the universe and He says, "Well, good and faithful servant."

"Look right and see the good man, a man of peace will have a seed" (SaI. 37.37).

Keep the Ten Commandments in hand, create a business folding and consult it daily:
Remember: you must claim in order to achieve a balanced success.

Pier Giorgio

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bible Quote Seven Deadly Sins

Vercelli never Muslim

Since last September, when the league has raised the issue of the mosque in Vercelli, until now the league and myself have dealt with each other almost daily and the Islamic center of worship during John Paul II: a rigorous and we were the only serious political force to stand in no uncertain terms to build a mosque on the common and at the same time, we were the only ones to engage in a frank and sincere dialogue with the Islamic community, represented by the "Assalam.
In recent months, the undersigned has also met some members of the Muslim community trying to understand the needs of Muslims and trying to convey to them our concerns about the decision to build an Islamic place of worship in Vercelli. The reports were characterized on the basis of mutual respect and, I hoped, of sincere cooperation. So much so that about a month ago during a meeting with the mayor Corsaro suggested to find a solution to this problem, using as a reference tool of the "covenant of good faith", ie an agreement between your community and Muslim community, already being implemented by Novara Northern League mayor Massimo Giordano, who has produced results, so far, satisfactory.
line of serious dialogue and fair play in the league, at Vercelli, ha finora improntato i suoi rapporti con la comunità islamica vercellese non ha prodotto i risultati sperati dato che i fatti dimostrano che gli islamici, da un lato ci chiedono collaborazione e spergiurano di rispettare la legge, e dall’altro se ne infischiano della legge e si fanno un baffo degli accordi presi.
Purtroppo infatti, nonostante nessuna norma di legge, nessuna sentenza e nessun permesso consenta ai membri dell’Associazione “Assalam” di fruire dei locali siti in Corso Giovanni Paolo II n. 34, l’utilizzo di tali locali è continuo e costante. Gli islamici si riuniscono settimanalmente per la loro preghiera rituale in un posto che, ad oggi, non ha ancora ottenuto permessi di alcun genere: la gravità della situazione si è fatta insostenibile anche perché ci risulta che gli islamici abbiano avviato dei lavori edili per ristrutturare l’edificio di loro proprietà. Ovviamente anche questi lavori necessiterebbero di permessi che, a quanto sappiamo, non sono mai stati ottenuti.
Siccome le gravose normative burocratiche edili vigenti in Italia non valgono solo per i cittadini italiani ma devono essere rispettate, a maggior ragione, anche dagli ospiti stranieri, noi chiederemo con forza alle competenti autorità di ordine pubblico e al Sindaco di Vercelli di interessarsi alla vicenda affinché venga posta la parola fine ad ogni illegalità.
Non è tollerabile che l’Associazione “Assalam” chieda una risoluzione politica Shared situation and work together under the table to force the hands of public authorities. If the law is equal for all Islamic rulers also have to pleasure to meet standards that are the foundation of civilized life: not enough to be Muslims for not respecting the law.
The attitude of listening and dialogue, which the League has so far been against the needs of the Islamic community will resume only when the guests Islamic demonstrate, in deeds and not words, to respect the laws. Until then, the Northern League will monitor constantly to avoid any "smart", under the veil of false piety and tolerance, try to get through the bad what failed to get the best.

Emanuele Pozzolo
Parent Lega Nord to the city of Vercelli

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Where To Dispose Of Broken Dvd Players

When we suffer the racism

To see what social outcomes has produced some runaway gooders and anti-racism in some way is not necessary to theorize that much: just travel on any of the lousy trains every day travel the rails of the Italian railways.
In our traveler, equipped and regularly paid ticket stamped, it could happen - as has actually happened at nine o'clock, a few days ago - on the Turin-Milan, to watch a scene nothing short of appalling.
Il controllore, svolgendo le funzioni per le quali è assunto e pagato, passa sedile per sedile a domandare l’esibizione del biglietto da parte dei viaggiatori: c’è chi il biglietto si è “dimenticato” di obliterarlo, c’è chi il biglietto proprio non ce l’ha e c’è chi, invece, ha tutte le carte in regola per proseguire il viaggio.
Questa ultima categoria umana di viaggiatori – va detto, per inciso – è in netta diminuzione.
Così facendo il controllore, generalmente, multa i passeggeri, o furbi o sbadati, che non hanno obliterato il biglietto e intima a coloro che il biglietto non l’hanno neanche mai avuto di prepararsi per scendere alla stazione successiva. Così funziona per tutti: anche sulla tratta ferroviaria Torino-Milano.
Eppure, di questi tempi, può capitare di assistere alla scena di un ragazzo negro che – invitato a prepararsi a scendere dal treno, in quanto non possessore del regolare biglietto – si scaglia, con urla e insulti animaleschi, contro il controllore. Fin qui, molti diranno, nulla di nuovo.
Di sicuro ci sono anche molti italiani che tentano di fare i “furbi” e viaggiare gratis sui mezzi pubblici. E’ vero. Ed è un dato che, spesso, proprio questi furbetti nostrani si fingano anche offesi quando qualcuno li scopre.
Ma la parte più interessante e, al contempo, preoccupante di questa storia è As the African boy she said, during the string of insults shouted at the Italian controller. And 'This is the core of the whole affair. Why, after having raised his voice and after declaring himself the victim of discrimination, the boy with dark skin gives the following sentence, also addressed the poor controller: "Go to hell white shit". This plot
finesse by the African was even maintained, complacent laughter and vulgar, by a small group of North Africans, also ready to be thrown off the train because it does not already ticketed. Everything has been suffered by the Italian controller with nervous silence: violence Minutes of the African dignity was swallowed up by the Italian worker.
's where we come: a fury of self-examination to make us "anti-racist" by dint of dropping the straps, by dint of tolerating all this and more, now, we who are direct victims, at home, the racism of others.
"white shit": this is the most disturbing part of this whole ugly story. Because it is from these words that comes out the hate that a good portion of immigrants living in our cities hatch to us.
We have opened the doors of our homelands with people who too often has no intention of integrating with us: too many immigrants do not hide their impatience with our rules, for our identity, and now also the color of our skin.
Think about it until we have time: let us stop playing at the professional do-gooders because one day soon we bitterly repent of our lax and our hyper-tolerance.
's time to react, and not you come and say that they are isolated cases. Because if you make on the case of real mass behavior. If manners are tough tough Well these ways are applied: the policy must realize that the "multiculturalism" is a ridiculous and dangerous chimera.
Too many immigrants turn to our city with the attitude of the "gentlemen" on other people's homes: they firmly believe to be the masters of our house. Many of these immigrants, we have welcomed into our cities, they use our laws as if they were rolls of toilet paper: they both understand that no one can do anything otherwise you risk the now infamous accusation of racism.
professionals "politically correct" never tire of reminding us that we should not use the word "nigger", although not at all derogatory, not to offend the sensibilities of the first African came from us. Yet all this "anti-racism activist seems exclusively dedicated to the protection of African immigrant populations, Arab and Asian. Because we feel we need to define "white shit". Paradoxically
fashion "anti-racist" has produced a new form of racism: that of blacks against whites, that of aliens against the natives, that of minorities against majorities. Unless we wake up and immediately, what we expect is a future where we will be in our home.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Operating A Franklin Stove

Muslims must respect the law

The Northern League is still interested in the situation in the Islamic center of worship and cultural website, now illegally, in Corso John Paul II No 34: while I understand the need on the part of Muslims to find a space suited to the fulfillment of their prayers, believing it only right to remark on the persistence of a situation of substantial illegality in the use and intended use of the building above.
No rule allows members of the Association Assalam meet, more or less open to the public for the time of the Islamic prayer ritual: this irregular situation can not last over time and therefore urge that strikes a sensible solution needs legality and freedom. The Northern League
reiterates the need to return as soon as the situation on the rails of legality and hopes - as reported to the Mayor of Vercelli in a meeting of some giorno fa – che si possa giungere alla stipulazione di un «patto di lealtà tra vercellesi e comunità islamica». Tale convenzione consentirebbe ai musulmani della nostra città di poter pregare in un loro spazio, purché rispettino il decalogo siglato con il Comune di Vercelli.
Questo strumento di convenzione tra ente comunale e comunità islamica è già stato pensato e attuato a Novara dal sindaco leghista Massimo Giordano e ha prodotto risultati, ad oggi, soddisfacenti: agli islamici si chiede di sottoscrivere un “patto” in cui loro si impegnano a rispettare e promuovere la parità tra uomini e donne, a ripudiare il fondamentalismo e il terrorismo, a dissociarsi dall’Ucoii e a consentire il libero accesso alle forze dell’ordine che intendano effettuare controlli negli edifici di proprietà della comunità islamica.
La sottoscrizione di tale accordo è un passaggio essenziale, sostanziale e non solo formale, perché qualora i membri della comunità islamica dovessero venire meno a quanto stabilito dal “patto”, l’intesa raggiunta verrebbe meno, automaticamente, e perderebbe così gli effetti prodotti.
In cambio di tali impegni assunti da parte islamica, il Comune potrebbe offrirsi di valutare, assieme alla comunità islamica e nel pieno rispetto delle leggi vigenti, le diverse soluzioni prospettabili, in termini di zone cittadine, per la destinazione di un edificio a centro di culto islamico. The Islamic center would not assume, however, the conformation of a mosque which is along the center of worship, culture and Islamic court. What the League is prepared to grant Muslim guests, in case of conclusion of the "covenant of good faith," is just a space for communal prayer: space, however, controlled and linked to the maintenance of conventions on these commitments.
The League wants to set a model of integration unequivocal: it is necessary that the guests Islamic exceed certain ambiguities, respecting our Christian traditions, our laws and our culture. Only in this way you can achieve a coexistence that, as difficult and arduous, is guided by the criteria della lealtà e della legalità.

Emanuele Pozzolo
Capogruppo Lega Nord al Comune di Vercelli

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Naruhina Love Stories

Nessuno ne sa abbastanza

The phrase of the year, or better for now deserves the highest step of things to remember for this year. A sentence that contains the most is true in the workplace. Why work alone or with only a small number of people, when you can involve other people to develop your strategia.

Perché ogni risorsa ha il suo punto di vista e non va ignorato e merita di essere ascoltato a riguardo dei processi interni che rendano operativa la strategia aziendale. Più sono numerose queste risorse più è alta la probabilità che la strategia funzioni e che si porti a compimento.

L’azienda dove i dipendenti sanno esattamente che cosa devono aspettarsi dal piano aziendale è perché hanno una attività di lavoro per la strategia già ben programmata e condivisa nei punti lavoro. Badate che questa attività (quello della partecipazione e definizione dei lavori strategici) non è il lavoro principale della risorsa nell’azienda. Ma sanno di far parte del sistema e fanno girare il sistema.

Se i dipendenti possono partecipare attivamente alla “decisione” di dove andare, vi (ci) aiuteranno a prendere la decisione migliore, vi (ci) aiuteranno a fare in modo di arrivarci. E potete scommetterci che per arrivarci lo faranno in modo motivato perché sono entusiasti del sistema. Sanno che non sono una pedina, ma come parte del motore vero dell’economia dell’azienda.

Una cosa importante, la creazione della strategia non può dirsi finita finché l’intera azienda non conosce chiaramente “che cosa deve fare per darle seguito”, compresi tutti i dipendenti al di sotto del livello del Direttore Generale. All you ready, you have understood!

È proprio vero: Nessuno ne sa abbastanza

Pier Giorgio