
know that Roberto Cota will govern the Piedmont, until the end of term, is a source of serenity and hope not only for all those who have confidence in the Northern League, but also for all those men and women who identify with the traditional values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, epitomized in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. Just
Roberto Cota, in fact, less than a year ago - February 24, 2010 - had made a bold and far-sighted clutching a true alliance with organic and programmatic associations Catholic pro-life, by signing the "Pact for life and family. " True Catholics Piedmont - disgusted by the UDC unforgivable betrayal that had just announced to support the electoral pro-abortion Mercedes Bresso - Roberto Cota subjected to the then proposed a series of political demands relating to respect for human life, from its embryonic stage until natural death, and for protection and promotion of the traditional family based on marriage between one man and one one woman: Cota responded with enthusiasm and conviction of the proposals came from the Catholic world, engaging in first person to promote, not only in theory, policy action in the regional government to realize the values \u200b\u200bdefended by the Catholic Church.
Introvigne, deputy national coordinator of the Catholic Alliance and a great promoter of the "Pact of Steel" between Cota and the Catholic world Piedmont - just by colonne de “La Padania” – disse che “la sottoscrizione del 'Patto per la vita e per la famiglia' da parte di Cota è un fatto storico e senza precedenti a questi livelli in Italia, sia perché gli impegni sono precisi, dettagliati e tecnici, sia perché non si tratta di una semplice dichiarazione di buona volontà ma di un patto bilaterale sottoscritto con quattro garanti, uno dei quali sono io, che vigileranno – e lo faremo davvero – sugli impegni assunti”.
La grande vittoria elettorale di Roberto Cota e della Lega Nord è stata duramente avversata da certe frange del laicismo militante anche per questa ragione: crea fastidio un uomo politico che si riconosce nei valori sociali del cattolicesimo, much less than it horrifies some propagandists of nowhere the electoral victory of the Catholic faithful ready to implement those Christian values \u200b\u200bin society are rooted in Europe. Against Cota, in fact, have tried everything, both before and after the vote, but unfortunately it went wrong at those who have tried to put under the protection of democracy in defiance of the values \u200b\u200bembodied by Cota.
Now, following the ruling Council of State, the bad brackets of the attempted coup against the people of Piedmont was ruthlessly closed, Roberto Cota will finally bring all the 'political attention of the Piedmont regional government to implement the "Pact for life and family. "
our respect, from the defense and promotion of social values \u200b\u200bof Catholicism will unfold that wind of profound change and true not only in Piedmont, but the whole Western society desperately needs: the Piedmont region can and should be the pioneer the rediscovery of the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, which is based on the identity of our lands and our peoples.
Only by attention to the family and educational policies and, above all, the sensitivity to the smallest and most defenseless members of our society can start a 'work of real change. Indeed, as Benedict XVI said, "children have the right to be conceived and brought to womb, brought into the world and brought up within marriage: it is the relationship that is accepted by their parents that they can discover their own identity and achieve his own proper human development. " "In company with a noble tradition of defending the rights of all their members, one would expect - the Pope said, during an 'audience at the Vatican - that this fundamental right of children had priority over any alleged right of adults to impose their alternative models of family life and, of course, on any alleged right to abortion. Since the family is the first and indispensable teacher of peace, promoting more reliable coesione sociale e la migliore scuola delle virtù di buona cittadinanza, è nell'interesse di tutti, e in particolare dei governi, difendere e promuovere una vita familiare stabile”.
Emanuele Pozzolo
Articolo pubblicato su "La Padania" di giovedì 21 ottobre 2010
Patto per la vita e la famiglia
Testo del patto sottoscritto da Roberto Cota, candidato alla presidenza della Regione Piemonte, il 24 febbraio 2010 a Torino, con quattro garanti – Massimo Introvigne (vice-responsabile nazionale di Alleanza Cattolica), Marisa Orecchia (presidente di Federvita Piemonte), Mauro Ronco (docente di diritto penale, già componente del CSM) e Maria Paola Tripoli (fondatrice del Servizio Emergenza Anziani).
“Sottoscrivo un patto per la vita e per la famiglia: non generico – perché è facile parlare di vita e di famiglia come concetti astratti, senza precisare in concreto che si tratta della vita dal concepimento alla morte naturale e della famiglia monogamica ed eterosessuale, fondata sul matrimonio di un uomo e di una donna – ma specifico e articolato in impegni precisi.
1. Considerando che un aborto non è mai una vittoria per nessuno ma è sempre una sconfitta, m’impegno per quanto riguarda le competenze regionali di applicazione della legge 194 a proporre e sostenere percorsi di Practical support and active women who, rather than trivialize abortion as a solution, always look for alternatives, opening up regional institutions to the collaboration with the voluntary pro-life. In application of that law, whether in Piedmont will be given the RU486 pill, this will only happen with a protocol that provides for the admission of women after administration of the pill until the completion of the course abortion, ruling out any possibility of abortion do it yourself at home own.
2. Life is truly and fully alive until natural death, as I tried to witness with my commitment to Parliament on the occasion of the tragic story of Eluana and discussion of Draft legislation on end of life. To be more clear, the virtuous model for me is humble, quiet and heroic efforts of the Sisters of the newspaper who witnessed Misericordine Eluana to bring it to life, not that of someone who - to quote the document Federvita - "offered a Piedmont Hospital for her death. " Rejecting in the strongest terms any suggestion of euthanasia, the region led by me will be close with not only theoretical support to the families of patients in the state today called persistent vegetative state, and will support its mission in palliative care.
3. Rejecting any suggestion of a clear approval of the family founded on marriage, in accordance with article 29 of the Constitution, all other forms of cohabitation also homosexual. I am opposed to ceremonies, records and other initiatives to introduce surreptitiously equivalence between homosexual unions and heterosexual monogamous marriage.
4. I am committed to a regional policy for the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, I recognize as a fundamental unit of society, through support to young couples wishing to marry and policy services, taking into account the load family and the number of children.
5. Aware in particular the unique role played in Piedmont in over three hundred years of activity from the Catholic school, which has made our region servizi inestimabili, praticherò una politica che renda effettiva la libertà di educazione mediante erogazione di bonus o rimborsi che consentano alle famiglie la scelta della scuola libera, la quale andrà sostenuta anche quanto all’accoglienza di portatori di handicap e di figli di immigrati cui proporre percorsi autentici d’integrazione, prendendo in esame anche una politica di detrazioni fiscali nel quadro del federalismo fiscale.
6. La politica a favore della vita e della famiglia andrà a beneficio anche delle famiglie e in particolare delle donne e delle bambine immigrate. Prenderò misure regionali, e sosterrò quelle del governo nazionale, che vigilino contro gli abusi sulle donne e sui minori, non tollerino le mutilazioni genitali femminili, l’avviamento alla mendicità e alla prostituzione da parte di organizzazioni malavitose, la poligamia e i matrimoni forzati, e prevengano l’imposizione del burqa e di altre forme di velo integrale a donne e ragazze che non desiderano portarlo. Di concerto con il governo nazionale, farò il possibile per convincere anche chi insegue l’utopia di una società aperta all’immigrazione senza regole e senza limiti che si tutela davvero la vita e la famiglia degli immigrati onesti, venuti da noi per lavorare, e si pratica la virtù cristiana dell’accoglienza, solo tenendo conto che il numero d’immigrati che il Piemonte può accogliere non è infinito, e che le regole e la lotta against illegal immigration are also for the benefit of legal immigrants, as well as the safety of all. "
Turin, February 24, 2010
Roberto Cota
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