Rethinking the State in key federal
To Italy serves meddle with the Constitution: the institutional architecture designed by the Constituent Assembly of 1946 deserves a thorough reflection, in light of new political challenges that the new globalized millennium has launched the very idea of \u200b\u200bnation-state derivation Enlightenment and Renaissance.
It 'clear that the "institutional machinery" Italian is too slow and inadequate to respond effectively to the needs of our country: the many passaggi tecnici e le procedure eccessivamente arzigogolate che il nostro attuale ordinamento repubblicano impone alla politica, prima di poter avviare un momento di riforma profonda del sistema, sono da superare.
La paralisi riformista che interessa l’Italia può essere sorpassata solo con un’iniezione di decisionismo e di autonomia all’interno dell’ordinamento istituzionale italiano. Le garanzie democratiche pensate e costituzionalizzate, dai “padri costituenti”, in un clima storico di pericolo “totalitario” vanno, oggi, rilette alla luce delle necessità politiche contingenti e future.
Non serio né saggio credere che la Costituzione italiana sia intangibile e immodificabile: il miglior way to preserve the substance of things, sometimes, you just change in form. Institutional instruments of the Italian State has to be reconsidered as soon as possible key federalist: To provide a greater degree of autonomy and a stronger level of local decision to the ganglia of the greater proximity of institutional planning.
What Italy is also an urgent infusion of "political responsibility": it is necessary to simplify the institutional procedures, the bureaucracy and streamline the decision-makers so they can more easily assign specific responsibility for certain policy choices to the real creators of the same .
The Italian political class, dal periodo risorgimentale ad oggi, ha vissuto nell’illusione di poter scaricare le responsabilità di certe decisioni a livelli diversi: il Governo nazionale scarica il barile sulle Regioni, le Regioni scaricano il barile sugli enti amministrativi, provinciali e comunali, e questi ultimi scaricano, ovviamente, sui cittadini.
E chi paga, in fin dei conti, sono sempre i cittadini: famiglie, lavoratori e imprese. E’ proprio da qui che bisogna partire per ripensare l’architettura istituzionale e amministrativa del nostro Stato: la sovranità deve salire dal territorio e l’autorità dello Stato centrale non deve essere un postulato indiscutibile, ma deve essere il risultato della cooperazione delle varie sovranità regional.
At issue, these days, should not be put only the failure surface of our state machine: it is urgent and thorough reform also reflect the very concept of sovereignty derived from the people and territory.
Federalism is not a courtesy of the central state to the "periphery" Federalism is a sacred right that every people has self-determine its way through history. From this point of view, it is clear that only by granting greater political and economic autonomy to the "suburbs" the "center" will be certain logic of an automatic increase of responsibility.
Federalism, commonly said, everyone agrees: agrees that the North will hold the territory more resources than those mentioned, still, is sacked by Rome in Rome agreed that will automatically increase the level of virtuosity of the peripheral bodies (because they respond directly management of their citizens), and agrees well with the people of the South that will finally shed its elite patronage and mafia that has, over the years, slowed down and stifled the development of the south.
The historic struggle between institutional "power center" and "peripheral powers" is, ultimately, the clash between two well-defined political factions: on the one side are the supporters oppressive and totalitarian politics of Jacobin derivation and on the other hand, there are people who have no other ambition than to live in peace in a normal state.
E 'is time in which our people feel the irrepressible need for freedom and seriousness: the people, perhaps, is also prepared to make sacrifices, even of a fiscal nature, but as long as you really see a difference.
can no longer tolerate a state that throw away public money, we can no longer tolerate a state that favors the new arrivals in the granting of social benefits, it can no longer tolerate a state that let murderers and terrorists on the loose, can not longer tolerate a state that steals the North more than half of what the North has, it can no longer tolerate a state that allows the construction of outposts's terrorist on our soil.
This must change: the people want answers, invoking the claim.
The political class must be able to listen - just as can the Northern League - the feeling of the people. The political class must work out, having listened carefully to the people, to find satisfactory answers. But people do not want a paper or wind responses, responses to words, people want the facts, concrete.
As Umberto Bossi said in no uncertain terms: "The league is not interested in power come tale. Non pensa solo a conservarlo, ma se ne serve per mettere in pratica certe idee. Noi non cerchiamo gli applausi del pubblico. Mai la superficialità ha prevalso sui progetti di lungo impegno, capaci di trasformare la società. Questo è il nostro stile, ruvido magari, ma onesto. Questa è la nostra fede”.
E’ proprio per questa fede, che poi è amore della libertà, che la Lega sta quotidianamente dalla parte della gente, con la gente: per difendere quel sogno concreto ed epocale che si chiama Federalismo.
Quel sogno che, grazie alla Lega, sta progressivamente diventando realtà.
Emanuele Pozzolo
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Point And Shoot Raw Format
I traguardi non finiscono mai.
Come nelle gare a tappe del ciclismo, come nelle discese della coppa del mondo di sci, come nelle “sante” gare podistiche amatoriali della domenica, come nella vita e nel lavoro: i traguardi non finiscono mai.
I nostri traguardi sono come sfide e non finiscono mai per chi si sente leader di se stesso or operator of a working structure, developing more and more integrated view of our things so they can manage, convey ideas and support solutions in the best way to others.
Today as yesterday, as tomorrow we know that the goals never end and then we are ready to be imported even a cog in our society, but we know that you need to manage, coordinate relations and interdependent processes, and be more specific, flexible and innovative to meet the goals we have set.
Why you say, we always say to other "hard work" but because it is in our nature to be encouraged not to sit and watch things go. Because we like to be part of the system, because we are flexible to the situation and we change our capacity as needed.
My opinion is this, until we have the "flexibility" we have the power to alter to achieve a goal. The principle of flexibility resides / is what differentiates us from "animals", to be able to reason and choose. Although not always easy nor simple, just that many times we forget these two important "gifts" that being umano ha!
Già è proprio l’elaborazione della flessibilità del nostro modo di essere parte del “management” a coniugare molti degli sforzi per ottenere i risultati, dunque le condizioni organizzative definiscono il potenziale per la flessibilità mentre le forze competitive determinano ciò che è richiesto. Il traguardo è il successo delle nostre attività.
Dunque l'incastro tra il mix di flessibilità organizzativo e le forze ambientali competitive è in perenne mutazione. Il management ha la necessità di sondare ed assorbire informazioni sull'allineamento e adattabilità ongoing processes.
Then it's up to us to turn our talents to add value to ourselves and then make it available to your work.
Now, you say, how do we achieve this? How to manage our flexibility in favor of our goals which are at the end of work processes and activities with all the possible changes in values?
say, first of all, there are no magic formulas, that much depends on how we are determined and consistent with ourselves, and this is my point of view. Then see if our vision of things follow some guidelines that you can find below, know that they are "tracks", written by a gentleman named Peter F. Drucker.
• The best way to predict the future is to create it. Who better than us knows that the goal is the future, some work on it.
• Wherever you've seen a successful business means that someone has taken bold decisions. Besides being manager of themselves above all that one is always under discussion.
• People who do not take risks generally make a couple of big mistakes a year but people who take risks are most Sometimes two big mistakes a year. Always choose the "do" to wait for the "transformation".
• The purpose of business is to create and leave a customer. Every customer has a customer
• What is measured can be improved. But be careful what you measure because that is where the differences arise.
• Do follow the actions of the reflections. Reflections can come from other actions. A sort of Deming PDCA cycle.
• Efficiency is doing better what is already done. Not to be confused with effectiveness.
• Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.
• The corporate cultures are like the cultures of peoples. Never try to change one. Instead, try to get away with that with which you are.
Honesty for honesty believe that these few points to collect, or becomes very best. As in the title targets never end and have written this small article is the proof.
Pier Giorgio
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Unleashed Jet Li Wikipedia
La cittadinanza è l'ultima frontiera di civiltà
Si sente, sempre più spesso, molta gente che parla del tema della “cittadinanza” come se stesse giocando a carte. C’è chi vuole estendere velocemente la cittadinanza agli stranieri presenti sul territorio nazionale e c’è chi bolla come “iniqui” gli attuali tempi di attesa, previsti dalla legge, per l’accoglimento dell’istanza per l’ottenimento della cittadinanza italiana.
Proprio attorno al concetto di “cittadinanza” si sta scatenando un dibattito che merita di essere analizzato con serietà e pacatezza, cercando di andare al di là degli ideologismi fine a se stessi. Anzitutto è utile comprendere di cosa si parla quando si dice o si scrive “cittadinanza”: la cittadinanza è quello status giuridico che qualifica la condizione della persona fisica alla quale l'ordinamento giuridico di uno stato riconosce la pienezza dei diritti civili e politici.
La cittadinanza non è dunque un orpello: è anzi la premessa giuridica tramite la quale un soggetto entra a far parte, a pieno titolo, di una comunità nazionale. La cittadinanza non può essere vista come uno strumento utile all’integrazione dello straniero, proprio perché la cittadinanza non va letta come uno “strumento”: il diventare cittadini italiani non può essere la premessa per una compiuta integrazione culturale e sociale, bensì deve essere il punto d’arrivo del percorso di assimilazione giuridica e culturale Community design of the host country.
The granting of citizenship to an immigrant must be properly framed within a perspective of more premium and compared to a target path implemented with seriousness, rigor and conviction on the part of the aspiring new citizen. To do the "citizenship" of a given state to an alien is a legal act of great political importance because it means recognizing that the subject originally "stranger" has completed a course of integration or assimilation, which had as its end the "nationalization" cultural and social subject.
grant Italian citizenship to a Moroccan, a Senegalese, a Chinaman, a Pakistani or a turkish word means to recognize that that person from "outside elements" became "internal element" to our national community. It 'clear that, in support of political recognition of this type, call the facts, the evidence, the evidence - to use a procedural language - sometimes to witness the alleged path of the aspiring new citizen supplement.
not be enough time to proof of integration or assimilation of immigrants in our community fabric: other factors are far more concrete and vital elements that can really produce in the community host national final completion of the certainty of a process of integration.
It 'important that the chronological data - without being sped up and facilities - continues to function as the first "filter" in a serious legislation on the granting of citizenship: but next to this first condition is linked to the time necessary to develop other forms of assessment related to legal conduct, the compatibility of religion and cultural and linguistic knowledge of those who aspire to obtain Italian citizenship.
To become part of a new "home" is essential to be able to demonstrate an interest and a real commitment on the way of sharing historical identity and values \u200b\u200bof the community it would become an integral part. There can be no shortcuts on the road to the achievement of citizenship, because every impression of a speed-sensitive and serious phenomenon, as it happens, would only produce untold damage to the concept of "national community".
The concept of "national community" in a country like Italy, which already leaves much to be desired: the intrusion of outside elements forced the Italian culture in the EU assembly could definitely make our national undermines any remaining glimmer of identity, "our" .
E 'for That is why - even the defensive and conservative in our historical identity, religious and cultural - that you can think of a more "Federal filter" on the road to obtain Italian citizenship: it could provide a sort of regional preparatory examination, which tests knowledge and basic cultural compatibility, in order to obtain Italian citizenship. It could also provide for a possible constitutional exemption at the discretion of each region to assess possible improvements in timing required to obtain citizenship, starting with a national minimum of ten years of continuous employment and legal presence on Italian soil.
E 'needs to be weighed very carefully all aspects of interest to form the "social personality" of the hypothetical new Italian citizens: not least to put a stop zone for all those religions or cultures that are as directly antithetical to the values \u200b\u200bon which the basis of our Western Christian civilization.
It 's time to close ranks in defense of our homelands our society suffocating wave of globalization that threatens to crush any connection with history, with blood and with identity.
Emanuele Pozzolo
Si sente, sempre più spesso, molta gente che parla del tema della “cittadinanza” come se stesse giocando a carte. C’è chi vuole estendere velocemente la cittadinanza agli stranieri presenti sul territorio nazionale e c’è chi bolla come “iniqui” gli attuali tempi di attesa, previsti dalla legge, per l’accoglimento dell’istanza per l’ottenimento della cittadinanza italiana.
Proprio attorno al concetto di “cittadinanza” si sta scatenando un dibattito che merita di essere analizzato con serietà e pacatezza, cercando di andare al di là degli ideologismi fine a se stessi. Anzitutto è utile comprendere di cosa si parla quando si dice o si scrive “cittadinanza”: la cittadinanza è quello status giuridico che qualifica la condizione della persona fisica alla quale l'ordinamento giuridico di uno stato riconosce la pienezza dei diritti civili e politici.
La cittadinanza non è dunque un orpello: è anzi la premessa giuridica tramite la quale un soggetto entra a far parte, a pieno titolo, di una comunità nazionale. La cittadinanza non può essere vista come uno strumento utile all’integrazione dello straniero, proprio perché la cittadinanza non va letta come uno “strumento”: il diventare cittadini italiani non può essere la premessa per una compiuta integrazione culturale e sociale, bensì deve essere il punto d’arrivo del percorso di assimilazione giuridica e culturale Community design of the host country.
The granting of citizenship to an immigrant must be properly framed within a perspective of more premium and compared to a target path implemented with seriousness, rigor and conviction on the part of the aspiring new citizen. To do the "citizenship" of a given state to an alien is a legal act of great political importance because it means recognizing that the subject originally "stranger" has completed a course of integration or assimilation, which had as its end the "nationalization" cultural and social subject.
grant Italian citizenship to a Moroccan, a Senegalese, a Chinaman, a Pakistani or a turkish word means to recognize that that person from "outside elements" became "internal element" to our national community. It 'clear that, in support of political recognition of this type, call the facts, the evidence, the evidence - to use a procedural language - sometimes to witness the alleged path of the aspiring new citizen supplement.
not be enough time to proof of integration or assimilation of immigrants in our community fabric: other factors are far more concrete and vital elements that can really produce in the community host national final completion of the certainty of a process of integration.
It 'important that the chronological data - without being sped up and facilities - continues to function as the first "filter" in a serious legislation on the granting of citizenship: but next to this first condition is linked to the time necessary to develop other forms of assessment related to legal conduct, the compatibility of religion and cultural and linguistic knowledge of those who aspire to obtain Italian citizenship.
To become part of a new "home" is essential to be able to demonstrate an interest and a real commitment on the way of sharing historical identity and values \u200b\u200bof the community it would become an integral part. There can be no shortcuts on the road to the achievement of citizenship, because every impression of a speed-sensitive and serious phenomenon, as it happens, would only produce untold damage to the concept of "national community".
The concept of "national community" in a country like Italy, which already leaves much to be desired: the intrusion of outside elements forced the Italian culture in the EU assembly could definitely make our national undermines any remaining glimmer of identity, "our" .
E 'for That is why - even the defensive and conservative in our historical identity, religious and cultural - that you can think of a more "Federal filter" on the road to obtain Italian citizenship: it could provide a sort of regional preparatory examination, which tests knowledge and basic cultural compatibility, in order to obtain Italian citizenship. It could also provide for a possible constitutional exemption at the discretion of each region to assess possible improvements in timing required to obtain citizenship, starting with a national minimum of ten years of continuous employment and legal presence on Italian soil.
E 'needs to be weighed very carefully all aspects of interest to form the "social personality" of the hypothetical new Italian citizens: not least to put a stop zone for all those religions or cultures that are as directly antithetical to the values \u200b\u200bon which the basis of our Western Christian civilization.
It 's time to close ranks in defense of our homelands our society suffocating wave of globalization that threatens to crush any connection with history, with blood and with identity.
Emanuele Pozzolo
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Pokemon Soul Silver English Rom Mediafire
Salviamo la politica
policy today, too often, not more passionate because it is too contaminated by the business, from benefices and personal interests. Rarely encountered a politician able to speak to the hearts of the people, able to evoke emotions and convey ideas. For men and women of the third millennium globalized the noun "policy" has become synonymous with "business".
Today is frankly difficult, if not impossible, to convince people, especially young people, that politics is the ideal space in which we compare the principles and ideas for the realization of a just society: citizens look at politics with less interest and increasing distrust. Too many politicians, at nazionale così come a livello locale, sfruttano le cariche istituzionali, a loro conferite in nome del popolo, per raggruzzolare qualche manciata di denari.
La politica di oggi, non solo quella italiana, sta volando troppo in basso, talmente rasoterra che rischia di sprofondare. Non si tratta di facile moralismo borghese da salotto e, si badi bene, non si tratta nemmeno di giustizialismo forcaiolo: è chiaro a tutti che l’esercizio del potere pone, da sempre, coloro che lo esercitano in una posizione di perenne tentazione. Quando si gestiscono milioni e milioni di euro, quando si è consapevoli che da una propria decisione possono dipendere sviluppi economici di una certa rilevanza, quando si ha a che fare con l’impresa e la finanza, there, the admixture of politics and business is high.
Very often, in Italy as elsewhere, rather than representing the policy - as it should be - the public space in which you compare and realize the ideas, has become the favorite place for exchange of patronage: a "quid pro quo" that stinks rotten and that often makes it impossible to breathe the air around the public institutions.
The relationship between politics and the public becomes, gradually, each day more difficult. The reasons for the ever increasing distance that people show respect to the "political class" are not only be attributed to the widespread "'s business logic" that moves too many politicians: not just the fault of scandals, corruption and bribes if the Italians vote less and less and less interested in politics.
The real problem of modern-day politics is indissolubly linked also to the "comprehensiveness" of politics itself: the citizens, men, women, boys, girls, fathers, mothers and grandparents of our country longer understand the language that politicians use. In normal people, people who wakes up early in the morning, work, toil and take home a salary every month, not so much interested in the "words" of politicians, interested only in "facts." And the facts, sometimes hiding: so what next right.
People want to live in a country with a train, do not say beautiful and precise, but at least decent and clean, the people would want to live in a country with hospitals equipped and functioning, people would want to live in a country locked in with thugs prison and police officers on the street, people would want to live in a country with a crucifix firmly to the wall of the classroom. No big deal in short: no bloody revolution, any change swirling, no shock. Only facts that go in the direction that people want.
Someone, perhaps, might say that is low "populism". Not at all, is democracy.
Because "democracy" is not synonymous with only anti-fascist parades, di sperticate lodi alla Costituzione e di battibecchi televisivi: democrazia è anzitutto realizzare quello che il popolo vuole, nell’ambito della legge naturale e della tradizione della propria civiltà.
E’ necessario riscoprire al più presto un’autentica passione popolare per salvare la politica dalla sua fine: è necessario comprendere che la più importante “riforma” che la politica può attuare non passa per le pur auspicabili modifiche degli equilibri costituzionali ma, molto più semplicemente, passa per il rapporto diretto tra il “politico” e il “cittadino”. Ecco cosa c’è da riscoprire: la gente, la nostra gente.
C’è una ragione, In fact, for the growing consensus, largely cross the Northern League is getting a few years now: this reason is the great ability to listen and respond, in terms of facts, that the League's political class - ranging from Umberto Bossi and coming up the last of the militants - have been shown to develop over time. The League
dialogue with citizens, hear their needs and understands their fears: that is why it is able to provide sound policy responses, practical and achievable. There are theories, or programs immutable superstructure, there are only solid and sound principles. As Joseph de Maistre said the policy is a "science experiment": so the good policy is not to be ideological and sectarian but should be able to catch, starting with shared values \u200b\u200band listening to the demands of the times, the needs of real people.
E 'exactly what is missing in politics today: the ability to interpret and megaphone solver needs of the people. From the smallest necessity to the biggest problems of the country urgently needed a new political class that knows how to really talk to people, even in simple but passionate, sincere, true.
Emanuele Pozzolo
policy today, too often, not more passionate because it is too contaminated by the business, from benefices and personal interests. Rarely encountered a politician able to speak to the hearts of the people, able to evoke emotions and convey ideas. For men and women of the third millennium globalized the noun "policy" has become synonymous with "business".
Today is frankly difficult, if not impossible, to convince people, especially young people, that politics is the ideal space in which we compare the principles and ideas for the realization of a just society: citizens look at politics with less interest and increasing distrust. Too many politicians, at nazionale così come a livello locale, sfruttano le cariche istituzionali, a loro conferite in nome del popolo, per raggruzzolare qualche manciata di denari.
La politica di oggi, non solo quella italiana, sta volando troppo in basso, talmente rasoterra che rischia di sprofondare. Non si tratta di facile moralismo borghese da salotto e, si badi bene, non si tratta nemmeno di giustizialismo forcaiolo: è chiaro a tutti che l’esercizio del potere pone, da sempre, coloro che lo esercitano in una posizione di perenne tentazione. Quando si gestiscono milioni e milioni di euro, quando si è consapevoli che da una propria decisione possono dipendere sviluppi economici di una certa rilevanza, quando si ha a che fare con l’impresa e la finanza, there, the admixture of politics and business is high.
Very often, in Italy as elsewhere, rather than representing the policy - as it should be - the public space in which you compare and realize the ideas, has become the favorite place for exchange of patronage: a "quid pro quo" that stinks rotten and that often makes it impossible to breathe the air around the public institutions.
The relationship between politics and the public becomes, gradually, each day more difficult. The reasons for the ever increasing distance that people show respect to the "political class" are not only be attributed to the widespread "'s business logic" that moves too many politicians: not just the fault of scandals, corruption and bribes if the Italians vote less and less and less interested in politics.
The real problem of modern-day politics is indissolubly linked also to the "comprehensiveness" of politics itself: the citizens, men, women, boys, girls, fathers, mothers and grandparents of our country longer understand the language that politicians use. In normal people, people who wakes up early in the morning, work, toil and take home a salary every month, not so much interested in the "words" of politicians, interested only in "facts." And the facts, sometimes hiding: so what next right.
People want to live in a country with a train, do not say beautiful and precise, but at least decent and clean, the people would want to live in a country with hospitals equipped and functioning, people would want to live in a country locked in with thugs prison and police officers on the street, people would want to live in a country with a crucifix firmly to the wall of the classroom. No big deal in short: no bloody revolution, any change swirling, no shock. Only facts that go in the direction that people want.
Someone, perhaps, might say that is low "populism". Not at all, is democracy.
Because "democracy" is not synonymous with only anti-fascist parades, di sperticate lodi alla Costituzione e di battibecchi televisivi: democrazia è anzitutto realizzare quello che il popolo vuole, nell’ambito della legge naturale e della tradizione della propria civiltà.
E’ necessario riscoprire al più presto un’autentica passione popolare per salvare la politica dalla sua fine: è necessario comprendere che la più importante “riforma” che la politica può attuare non passa per le pur auspicabili modifiche degli equilibri costituzionali ma, molto più semplicemente, passa per il rapporto diretto tra il “politico” e il “cittadino”. Ecco cosa c’è da riscoprire: la gente, la nostra gente.
C’è una ragione, In fact, for the growing consensus, largely cross the Northern League is getting a few years now: this reason is the great ability to listen and respond, in terms of facts, that the League's political class - ranging from Umberto Bossi and coming up the last of the militants - have been shown to develop over time. The League
dialogue with citizens, hear their needs and understands their fears: that is why it is able to provide sound policy responses, practical and achievable. There are theories, or programs immutable superstructure, there are only solid and sound principles. As Joseph de Maistre said the policy is a "science experiment": so the good policy is not to be ideological and sectarian but should be able to catch, starting with shared values \u200b\u200band listening to the demands of the times, the needs of real people.
E 'exactly what is missing in politics today: the ability to interpret and megaphone solver needs of the people. From the smallest necessity to the biggest problems of the country urgently needed a new political class that knows how to really talk to people, even in simple but passionate, sincere, true.
Emanuele Pozzolo
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