Friday, April 23, 2010

Simulation Games Like Poptropica

Per una nuova scuola a trazione regionale

Our children have a right to know the cultural context in which they were born and live, have the right to learn the difference between Jesus and Muhammad and have the right, sacrosanct, and to encounter the traditions of their grandparents and their ancestors.
This is the education that the younger generation should be able to receive: upon whom this burden falls are the family and school. These are the two biggest "educational agencies" of our time: the next time, unfairly, despised the Catholic Church. If often, unfortunately, it is best gloss on the quality and soundness of the education imparted by the family, it is also appropriate to draw a veil on the quality and seriousness of the education imparted by the school. The disintegration
development of many households el'ideologizzazione pathological curriculum produced in children and young people a sense of cultural confusion and hesitation towards the future really worrying.
E 'should be printed well in mind that the school is "not a" problem, "the" problem.
The future of our land goes to the skills and knowledge of our children: children and young people today can make money tomorrow what now are getting in terms of education and culture, family and school. If family dynamics can not be resolved entirely by politics - even if the policy can and should do much more in support of the traditional family - the problem of the school, in contrast, can and must be faced and solved by those who are called to lead the country.
model school setting Risorgimento, centralist and levels and failed mercilessly from all points of view: the Italian school - from elementary through the junior high, reaching up to high school - shows, year after year, all its limitations and its flaws.
It was thought in the past that the school could be a place of incubation approval for the new Italian citizens: the same study subjects had to be learned by a student and a student at Piedmont Sicily, senza sfumature e senza differenze.
Questo tipo di impostazione centralista e omogeneizzante del sistema scolastico ha impoverito, in un secolo e mezzo di unità d’Italia, le nuove generazioni a livello di conoscenze culturali e tradizionali. Al di là dello studio della matematica e di qualche scienza ritenuta, più o meno, oggettiva è evidente che la volontà di unificare i programmi curricolari scolastici su scala nazionale non può che produrre un enorme vulnus di conoscenze storiche legate indissolubilmente alla dimensione territoriale, sia essa comunale o regionale.
La scuola unitaria italiana, nata ufficialmente dalla Legge Casati del 13 novembre 1859, nasce più con un intento politico che con un intento pedagogico and cultural heritage: the school was seen as the most effective way to start quell'italianizzazione cultural entirely absent in the context of state unity and essentially forced to hear anything from the people of the Italian peninsula.
Beyond the goodness of the intent of schooling for all children of war and rampant illiteracy, the Casati Law already contained, embryonic form, all limits that the subsequent legislative reform school (Coppino Law, Law Orlando, Law Crediton ) have shown, a centralized and inefficient management of school education. It was then, in 1923, the "Gentile reform", who designed a new school structure National guidelines strongly modeled on Mussolini's fascism, which prevailed over the desire to reward merit but lacked the foresight to recognize the regional cultures.
must be said, to tell the truth, that the "Gentile reform" was a good reform the institutional framework for the period in which it was conceived and promulgated: so much so that, in fact, the current structure is based Italian school Gentile's still on the foundation. That said, it is necessary to point out the length of school plant flag: it's time to lay down new foundations for the Italian school and be able to produce, in spite of too many failures or legal abortions, something new and efficiently.
must take account of changes in history and global developments, cultural, social and economic, to achieve it to redesign a school system that is not based on ideological grounds more central but who knows, by contrast, recognize and value the identities local and regional authorities.
The richness and diversity of Italian regional culture may be lost forever if we do not aim to pass on to future generations due respect and the necessary religious knowledge, linguistic and historical links with the territory of belonging.
Italy is made from a history and a monolithic culture, but owes its immense wealth linguistic, artistic and traditional to a "summa" of local identities that are rooted in the depths of history. E 'must act accordingly by designing a new educational system based primarily on two pillars: school autonomy and the transmission of a regional cultural background strongly tied to the territory.
mind you that give a strong identity and the traditional school system all levels means extending the freedom of education and cultural training was to offer a very high level to its young people. Local identity and openness to new They should not be read as antithetical concepts: in a world increasingly global need a strong and distinctive identity in order to make the most of every opportunity that our territories and our cultures give us.
In other words, for example, the study of regional languages \u200b\u200bis not antithetical to the teaching of English, now essential for coping in the modern world. As well as knowledge of religious traditions, artistic or local food and wine is not in conflict with respect for the traditions of others. The issue is not to evoke an unlikely return to the past groped you simply want to design a solid future for future generations.
The future of our land will, inevitably, by quality of the spirit, culture and education which will flow in the veins of future generations of Italian, is for this reason that the school, in all its dimensions, plays a very critical view of a major reform project in the traditional sense and Federal State. E 'for this reason that you must hope the emergence of a school system with strong regional tension: a school system that recognizes the fundamental plural regional autonomy, which is based on equality between public school and private school and is based on regional lists for the allocation of work assignments to teachers.
would be a revolution, it is clear. But it is an unavoidable and fundamental step: especially in a critical moment like this, where the Italian school system is facing the challenge of thousands and thousands of foreign children: just to be able to assimilate to our cultural identity deeper, even with these new young residents, we must strive to create a school that knows how to transmit values \u200b\u200band principles besides mere concepts.
"Everything that I do not know I learned in school," wrote a sarcastic and funny Leo Longanesi: we must work in order to avoid the perpetration of the image of an Italian school system is inefficient and bureaucratic. We must strive to bring i valori e il merito tra i banchi scolastici.
Non lo dobbiamo fare per noi, ma per le nuove generazioni.

Emanuele Pozzolo

(Articolo pubblicato su "La Padania" di giovedì 23 aprile 2010)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cajun Themed Decorations

L'Italia? O sarà federale o continuerà a non essere

Ci aspettano mesi di triste retorica risorgimentale, di sfarzo forzato e di lugubri luoghi comuni sull’unità d’Italia. Il 150° anniversario dell’unità italiana rischia di essere un’impietosa carnevalata cara alle forze massoniche e anticlericali che hanno in mano l’establishment pseudo-culturale e salottiero di certa borghesia italiana. Rischia di essere una festa non sentita dal popolo.
Suoneranno le fanfare tricolori, play the notes of a country that does not exist yet. One hundred and fifty 'years were not enough to create a nation alive, united, true. So much red tape, many dark pages, a 'horrible civil war, a couple of world wars and a permanent parliamentary dictatorship-patronage: more substantial and worthy of mention has produced the recent history of united Italy. A little of the sublime was produced after the passage of Cavour, of Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel.
Yet the "boot" is a land that has written the most glorious pages of world history, from ancient imperial Rome, first pagan and then Christian, through the heroic resistance of the Northern League in Milan Lombard against foreign oppression of Barbarossa, leading up to the commitment of the great anti-Islamic Blessed Marco d'Aviano, in Vienna in 1683, contributed in some manner to repel the invasion of the Ottoman army.
We should be proud of our history and personalities that have helped shape the character and save the blood of our peoples. We should be able to reappraise the profound identity, religious and historical, that contributed significantly to the image stand out plural, rich and beautiful of all those lands that go down to the south by the Alpine rocks of the Mediterranean. Francesco Guicciardini
Very properly maintained, già più di cinquecento anni fa, che l’Italia è la patria del “particulare”: scorre nelle nostre vene quel robusto ed irresistibile amore, tutt’altro che deteriore, per la propria città, per la propria tradizione e per la propria gente.
Qualche incauto osservatore perbenista liquiderebbe, e liquida, questa peculiarità come volgare campanilismo. Molti professoruncoli tardo-risorgimentali credono che l’amore per il proprio “campanile” sia antitetico al bene comune: nient’affatto. Chi non sa amare la sua “piccola patria” non potrà mai essere in grado di costruire una “patria più grande”.
Lo scriveva già, negli anni Sessanta del last century, the young Adriano Romualdi, "loathed by the pathologist of each nationalism - nationalism as pride, as energy nationalism, nationalism as courage - it can not rise to the authority and legitimacy of a new, larger nation. Neither those who have theorized the distrust of the nation as such, the love of a larger home. "
What was absent during the nineteenth century, forced political unification of Italy it was the sense of "homeland": the true goal of the "resurgence", Mason and the Enlightenment, was the creation of a state apparatus and institutional unit only anti-Catholic. Missing people, missing people throughout the heat "unitary" small homelands Po Valley, and southern Apennines were trampled in the name of an ideological project to create table a handful of notables.
limits the outcome, after the breach of Porta Pia, are the most obvious fact: Italy has only existed in its most artificial and aesthetic. What has always lacked was the one truly national spirit, instead, characterizes many European nations.
The sense of Italian home is just outside the stadiums and at the carousel of fans, after a few victories of the national football elsewhere sense latita tricolor. And the reason for this inaction is due not to some conspiracy League: just the "Italians" before you feel tricolor feel Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli, Emilia, Romagna, Tuscany, Marche, Abruzzo, Rome, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Sicily and Sardinia.
The sense of belonging to a "greatest country" can only go through the recognition of different local and regional identity: a question of proximity, closeness, blood and language.
just felt strongly anchored to our roots and regional community we can develop a more responsible and inclusive sense of national belonging. There will be no rhetoric nor the imposition and united to form a new Italy. There will be more or less artificial anniversaries to restore a sense of logic faded flag. Federalism serves.
Need to develop a cultural and political sensibility that sees in the many areas of the Italian people and the strength on which to build a new federal homeland. By the peoples of the North has already been raised, proud, loud and clear, the voice of change: Padania there and beat her more vibrant political coup.
now is to be able to explain even the most quarrelsome and obtuse centralist Jacobin that Italy will be tomorrow or federal or will not be. The people of the North felt it necessary to defend with tooth and nail, his own identity, their family and their work to still look to tomorrow with a smile: Federalism is the only way by which it can pass a true and complete Italian unification Federal.
Padania is not Italy and conceptual entities and inevitably conflicting policies: Federalism may be the turning point of the territorial balance, Italian economic and productive and can serve as a historical task of the federation of the peoples and regions of Italy.
From a complete implementation of federalism will also train tomorrow's Europe, because, as prophesied Gianfranco Miglio, "The twenty-first century for Europe was announced with the death knell, and the reason is that there is so determined to celebrate a revival. Brussels thinks the community of tomorrow as a great nation-state, and false for an expanded version of its member countries. But if it does not refer to the Maastricht euro-region is born old, already outdated. "
Without federalism, without identity or history, in essence, do not go anywhere and do not build any future. So it is time to move on: to build our future, the federal tomorrow.

Emanuele Pozzolo

(Article published in La Padania "of Saturday, April 17, 2010)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Application Letter For Trainee Dental Nurse

8D Problem Solving, che cosa è veramente.

Hello everyone, today I submit this post as it is for some time are within the working process that uses a method called 8D Report. But what really is the best method or Report 8D 8D Problem Solving? How do you use? But especially when it is useful to apply it and when not. Advantages (benefits), Cons (Limitations).

We come to us. The method of 8D Problem Solving (Eight Disciplines) can be used to identify, correct and eliminate the recurrence of quality problems. 8D is a methodology for solving problems to improve product and process. It is structured into eight disciplines, and emphasizes the synergy of the group. The team as a whole, is thought to be better and smarter than the sum of quality degli individui. 8D è conosciuto anche come: Global 8D, Ford 8D, o TOPS 8D.

Uso del metodo di risoluzione dei problemi in otto punti chiamate discipline. Le applicazioni:
• Maggiori non conformità
• Reclami del cliente
• Occorrenza ripetuta di determinati avvenimenti
• Metodo di gruppo necessario

Le fasi del 8D Problem Solving. Il processo
D0. Preparare e Creare Consapevolezza. Prima di tutto, dovete prepararvi per 8D. Non tutti i problemi richiedono 8D. Inoltre, 8D è un processo to solve problems based on facts that involves some specialized skills and a culture that promotes continuous improvement. A certain level of education and training is necessary before the method 8D operate effectively in an organization.
D1. Establish the team. Assemble an interdisciplinary team (with an effective team leader) who has the knowledge, time, authority and ability to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. Set the structure, objectives, roles, procedures and relationships to establish an effective team.
D2. Describe the Problem. Define the problem in measurable terms. Specify internal or external customer problem by describing it in terms of specific and measurable: Who, what, when, where, why, how, how (5W2H Analysis).
D3. Implement and Verify containment efforts Intermediate. Temporary fix. Define and implement those intermediate actions that will protect all customers from the problem until permanent corrective action to implement. Verify the effectiveness of containment measures with the data.
D4. Identify and Verify Root Cause. Identify all potential causes that might explain why the problem happened. Cause and Effect Diagram. Test each potential cause with the description and the facts of the case. Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate the root cause. Note that there are two parallel types of root causes: a Root Cause of the Event (the system that allowed the occurrence of the event) and a root cause of the Escape / vanishing point (the system that allowed the escape without detection, event).
D5. Choose and Verify Corrective Action. Confirm that the selected corrective actions will solve the problem for the customer and will not cause undesirable side effects. Define contingency actions, if necessary, based on the severity of potential side effects.
D6. Implement and Validate Permanent Corrective Action. Set the controls continue to ensure that the root causes have been eliminated. At least once in production, monitor the long-term effects and implement additional controls and contingency actions as necessary.
D7. Prevent Recurrence. Identify and implement steps to be taken to prevent that from happening again the same or a similar problem in the future to change the specifications, update training, review and improve the work flow management systems, operating systems, the practices and procedures.
D8. Congratulate the team. Riconoscere gli sforzi collettivi del vostro team. Divulgare il vostro successo. Condividere le conoscenza e l'apprendimento con tutta l'organizzazione.

Punti di forza del metodo 8D Problem Solving. Vantaggi (benefici)
• Metodo efficace per l'individuazione di cause alla radice, sviluppare azioni adeguate per eliminare le cause alla radice e ad implementare azione correttive permanenti.
• Contribuisce ad esplorare il Sistema di Controllo che ha permesso la fuoriuscita del problema. Il Punto di Fuga è stato studiato con lo scopo di migliorare la capacità del Sistema di Controllo di rilevare il guasto o la causa quando e se dovesse accadere di nuovo.
Prevention • Cycle explores the systems that have enabled the mechanism of failure and the cause of being for the first time

Limitations of the structure 8D Problem Solving or better. Disadvantages (limitations)
• The training method 8D may take time and might be difficult to develop.
• Requires training in the 8D problem solving process as well as the instruments for data collection and analysis such as Pareto charts, fishbone diagrams and flowcharts, to name a few.

Now it's up to you to judge the methodology, remember that there is always taken to your hotel and decided to check it as any new system always has a downside: The "time" the commitment of resources, and this is not just a detail.

Pier Giorgio

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Soul Eater Doujinshi Online

No alla pillola Ru486, no all'omicidio in compressa

Si fa un gran parlare, negli ultimi giorni, della “pillola abortiva” Ru486: soprattutto dopo le recenti uscite dei Governatori leghisti di Piemonte e Veneto, Roberto Cota e Luca Zaia. Al di là delle dotte ed utili considerazioni mediche e scientifiche che è giusto sviluppare in merito a questo delicato tema, è necessario tentare di approcciarsi a queste problematiche anche dal punto di vista etico.
Cercando di stare al di là di ogni, pur importantissima, discussione religiosa è necessario partire da un dato scientifico assolutamente incontestabile: sin dal momento del concepimento si è di fronte ad una vita umana. Mente sapendo di mentire chi afferma that the fetus is just a "clump of cells and blood."
Starting from the empirical knowledge of this fact, we understand that any action on the removal of artificial human life present, from the moment of conception, embryonic state in the womb of the woman is a document to be classified as murder.
a long one will do two more, the human embryo - at every stage of its development over time - will be considered as human life in all respects. And this kind of objective consideration - I emphasize - goes far beyond any kind of sectarian dogmatism: deny the humanity of life in its embryonic stage would to deny the scientific knowledge to which man has come, after centuries of research.
are useless historical conventions according to which life trips, overnight, after a given time limit embryo: let us not make fun of in a conscious way.
Let's see, rather, to understand how you can protect at most - and so lay Christians - human life at every stage in its infant stage but first: It is essential, in this view, explaining that abortion is not the last resort of anti-conceptional, abortion is the voluntary suppression of a human life.
From this consideration, bitter but true, we must begin to re-educate society to procreative responsibility and a respect for human life that must be said, is lacking today. It is not morality, is not bigotry, nor is it to die bourgeois respectability, if in the name of hedonistic pleasure and sexual demands can even have the right to kill a human, then it has really hit rock bottom. E 'should be staggered: it is essential to share and re-evaluate laws that provide the legal basis of certain alleged rights. Law 194 - the legislation that in Italy regulates the voluntary termination of pregnancy - is the result of an old and ideological conception of abortion, inteso come diritto delle donne e non come dramma della società ed omicidio di una giovane vita. Alla luce dello sviluppo scientifico e delle nuove conoscenze mediche che – dalla promulgazione della legge 194 fino ad oggi – l’umanità ha acquisito è eticamente e giuridicamente doveroso avviare una rivalutazione etica, giuridica e politica della normativa vigente, ad oggi, in Italia.
Soprattutto in un momento di confusione politica evidente, indotta dall’acceso dibattito nato in merito alla distribuzione della pillola dell’aborto facile e solitario, è necessario ripensare in chiave pro-life l’intero quadro normativo italiano in tema di tutela della vita nascente: è necessario ribaltare la visione dei rights with an emphasis on protecting the rights of the weaker party. It is unfair that a living being in its infancy - has, as science teaches us, of all the biological characteristics useful to qualify as a "human being" - is killed in the name of hypocritical self-determination of another human being. Not enough to be bigger and more powerful to have more rights than other human beings if not go back to the era of the caves in which there existed the law of the jungle. As even the greatest legal thinkers of the Enlightenment and secular liberal teach us: our freedom ends where someone else's freedom begins. That someone else can often be smaller than a hand, it may not be able to speak, may not have even moved his first step, but this does not deserve to be killed without consideration and without mercy. It 's a matter of humanity, freedom and equality. It 's a matter of rights.

Emanuele Pozzolo
Parent Lega Nord to the city of Vercelli

Shiny Eevee Soft Reset

Le vere origini dei rom

I receive from the public and Costel Antonescu:

Roma Romanians are not

In Italy

Gypsies in Italy, as elsewhere in the world represent a diverse community, with its myriad shades and a thousand words. Thousand are also year history of the Gypsies essentially divided into three main groups:

Roma, Sinti and Kale (Gypsies in the Iberian Peninsula). These groups are connected with many major groups and subgroups, similar and different, each with its own peculiarities. They have a common origin
North India and a common language, Romani or Roman hib divided into several dialects. The public opinion of Roma and Sinti who know little or nothing, it tends to confuse and to standardize the various gypsy groups, especially tends to marginalize and condemn without understanding. The Gypsy population in Italy is about 0.16% of the entire national population being estimated at a number of people between the 80,000 e le 110.000 unita. Sono presenti solo Sinti e Rom con i loro sottogruppi. I Sinti sono soprattutto insediati nel nord dell'Italia e i Rom nell'Italia centro-meridionale. Essi rappresentano gli zingari di antico insediamento a cui hanno aggiunti vari gruppi zingari di recente e di recentissima immigrazione. Circa 1'80% degli zingari che vivono nel nostro Paese hanno la cittadinanza italiana, il 20% circa e rappresentato da zingari extracomunitari, soprattutto provenienti dai territori della ex-Jugoslavia. Circa il 75% e di religione cattolica, il 20% di religione musulmana e il 5% raggruppa: ortodossi, testimoni di Geova e pentecostali.

L'arrivo in Italia

L'origine indiana degli zingari si è scoperta nel XVIII secolo attraverso lo studio della lingua zingara. Con lo studio filologico si è potuto ricostruire ipoteticamente l'itinerario seguito dagli zingari nel loro lungo cammino in quanto essi prendevano a prestito parole dai popoli con cui venivano a contatto. Dall'India del nord sono arrivati in Europa attraverso la Persia, l'Armenia e l'Impero Bizantino. Dai Balcani si sono diramati in tutta Europa, arrivando anche in Russia e, con le deportazioni, nelle Americhe e in Australia. Sono molti gli studiosi che credono che i Rom abruzzesi, fra i primi gruppi zingari arrivati in Italia, siano arrivati attraverso l'Adriatico provenienti dalle coste albanesi e greche, probabilmente per sfuggire alla repressione dei turchi ottomani. A sostegno di tale tesi si e fatto riferimento all'assenza in the parlance of the Roma in terms of Abruzzo Germans and Slavs. But one might object: the Ottoman Turks conquered the whole of Greece and Albania today between 1451 and 1520 (L. Piasere), while the Roma arrived in Italy long before (the first document recording the arrival of gypsies and of 1422 but there are many clues that lead us to believe that the Roma arrived even earlier), Abruzzi Roma have in their spoken German words is as thio, Glas, Breg (German Antioch = table glas = glass, berg = mountain) both terms as Croatian Serbs plaxtà = sheets (sc phahta), NIOT = anything (sc NIST), Otar = to catch, grasp (you were sc), Nikto (Nikki) = none (Sc Nikto) to pukav. = Spy, report (sc bukati), po (pro) = for (sc bit), and, because the Roma with their caravans would have to travel by sea, in their awkward, unusual at the time and threatened by Turks, that for centuries had been shown to move with confidence and speed to land? All this leads one to believe that the bulk of the Roma arrived in Italy Abruzzo from the north by land coming from Albania or Greece, crossing the former Yugoslavia and the German-speaking territories. It is possible that small groups actually have arrived in Italy across the Adriatic along with other minorities such as Croats, Serbs and Albanians. Everything is still yet to try. From this brief introduction one can well understand how difficult it is to reconstruct the history of the Roma is available because the documents are few and incomplete, and because the Roma have left no written record. The history of the Roma is a story that comes from within his own community because they are a people without writing entrusting the "memory" and the oral tradition, the task of transmitting its own history and culture. The history of the Roma is made from Caggi (non gypsies) through observations of the Roma who were somehow affected by the curiosity and wonder that give rise to or through the provisions of public authorities. So from reading Chronicles of the fifteenth century can be briefly reconstruct the routes taken by the gypsies in Europe. The first document that signals the arrival of Gypsies in Italy is that of July 18, 1422, an anonymous Bolognese chronicle contained in Rerum Italicarum scriptores Ludovico Antonio Muratori: "A July 18, 1422 in Bologna was a duke of Egypt, the whose name was Andrea, and was with women, little boys and men of his country, and could be a hundred people ...... "From" crying "and calls that have followed from 1500 until 1700 you can deduct policies pursued by the authorities against the gypsies: policies of deportation, imprisonment, repression, deportation, or voted in the most comprehensive policies rifiuto. (Attualmente siamo nella fase della politica di assimilazione).

I Rom abruzzesi

I Rom abruzzesi, con cittadinanza italiana, rappresentano dunque uno dei primissimi gruppi zingari arrivati in Italia e grazie alla lunga permanenza sono relativamente più inseriti nel contesto sociale ed economico della società maggioritaria rispetto ad altri gruppi di recente immigrazione. In passato le attività principalmente esercitate erano quelle che lasciavano spazio all'essere e alla creatività e quelle che facilitavano i rapporti umani. Da qui l'attività di musicisti, di fabbri calderari, di commercianti di cavalli, di lavoratori di metalli. Il progresso tecnologico, il boom economico, lo sviluppo delle attività have supplanted the traditional industrial activities and the majority of the Roma had to make an economic conversion, but the way of facing life and internalize the social structure and especially the Roma for centuries and remained almost unchanged. The fundamental institution upon which society holds the Romani language and the family, understood in its broadest sense, ie as a group that is recognized in the descent from a common ancestor. Always been the subject of violence the Roma have strengthened relations and ties of family solidarity endogamous, while maintaining a hostile attitude towards the outside. There is this deep sense of mistrust and a deep need for defense. The social system and lived in the deep parts human, essentially based on strict compliance with ethical and moral standards that regulate and govern the Romani community to ensure the full integration of individuals. They protect the dignity and honor of the Roma there are no classes or social hierarchies simplistic if we exclude the rich and poor, so that even the richest and the poorest in connection with, and vice versa according to a principle of equality that reflects a horizontal perspective of life. In this context, the Abruzzi Roma feel part of a singular whole that makes him stand out is the one fall (non-Gypsies) and other Gypsy groups (foreign Roma, Sinti, Kale). this translates into a lifestyle with its own ways to express themselves and behave. Some rules are binding, for example: the Romni Abruzzo and absolutely no ethics Romany allowed to smoke, to wear pants, makeup, wear swimsuits at the beach, to gamble. Women who want to have a good reputation and strive to be respected by the Roma to adapt to comply with these moral norms, which confuses them with others. A Roma feel perfectly safe in the bosom of his community, made up of many individual groups from all parentelari where there is neither king nor queen as it tends to make people believe the sensationalism journalism covering with the fantasy and the imagination of its shortcomings informative. In the Roman world is therefore presented in terms or in terms of criminalizing or mythological, one or the other form of distortions are affecting the Gypsy world, producing negative stereotypes and prejudices that the Roma are victims. The safety of the Roma comes from the tradition which places it in front of the safe future of the cohesion, placing it safely before the unpredictable. This results in a strong emotional balance. The tight relationship between education, cohesion and psychological wellbeing are threatened with conflicting external contacts. Think of a Roma child who attends public school: to come into contact with a reality that presents models of the functional life of the majority society in which it is difficult for him to fit, the inevitably causes a loss because it is forced to make a difficult choice but in most cases leads him to retrace the path of family affection, as an adult show a hostile attitude toward the company is not yet prepared to receive him except through assimilation. The same is true of mixed marriages in which the individual is outside to be a disturbing factor if it fails to integrate. The cornerstone of the social structure of the Roma and the patriarchal family, where the old, considered wise, it is recognized representative. There are Roma who are excluded because of their bad moral qualities, are considered "Gaval" and mocked and ridiculed. Frequent contacts inside del mondo romano hanno da sempre attivato una fitta rete di comunicazione interna che porta i Rom ad essere a1 corrente di ciò che accade a famiglie zingare anche molto distanti. I mass media rappresentano oggi, assieme alle organizzazioni tentacolari pseudo-zingare, la più grande minaccia all'esistenza dei Rom poiché infondono modelli di vita che allontanano i giovani dalla tradizione facendo allargare le maglie delle relazioni sociali e familiari, creando anche nuovi gusti e nuove esigenze che alterano l'etica romanès e che infondono nei Rom l'arrivismo e la necessità di possedere a tutti i costi il superfluo. Da qui le attività illecite. I Rom non preparati alla maniera dei caggé, cadono nel tranello. Cerchiamo ora di capire e di conoscere some fundamental aspects of culture and life of the Roma Abruzzo: language, legal system, the party (engagement and marriage), death.


The language of the Roma Abruzzo called "Romani" or "Romany © hib" is closely related to the neo-Indian languages \u200b\u200band still faithfully a large number of words of Indian origin. The Romani language has been enriched by loans from Persian, Armenian, Greek, Croatian Serbs, some dialect words from Germany and Italy-central elements to witness the route followed by the Roma began the long road from the north-west India to the west .