Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Catch Pokemon Vba Cheats

Scegliamo Cota, votiamo Lega e scriviamo Buonanno

Ogni giorno incontro tanti giovani e tanti "diversamente giovani" per le strade di Vercelli: alcuni mi dicono che la Lega sta facendo un campagna elettorale decisamente "battente".
Probabilmente qualcuno si chiede come mai il sottoscritto, assieme tutto il gruppo della Vercelli, Northern League, is spending so obviously for the win and Roberto Cota Gianluca Buonanno. It is not just a matter of common party of ideals and values: it is the deep conviction that brings me - and us - to ask everyone to give confidence to Roberto Cota as President of the Piedmont Region, to vote for the Lega Nord and Buonanno write next to the symbol of our party.
Beyond the easy slogans and propagnadistici beyond ideologies are right to focus on people who go to vote: I can assure you, without fear of contradiction that in the midst of a corrupt and dirty politics all too often, and Roberto Cota Gianluca Buonanno differ from all other politicians for their professionalism and administrative capacity.
- Roberto COTA is above all a person's normal feature in modern-day politics is a quality that smacks of old times. I met Roberto Cota few months ago and I immediately felt a man with his head on his shoulders well away from caricature and absolutely false that some former Christian Democrats would give sellers of men in the league. Cota is married (to a woman, just one!) And a daughter, in short, has a normal family and this is a very rare quality these days! Speaking with Robert I found in him a fervent Catholic and consistent so that, under the organizational impetus of his precious Introvigne (Vice President National Catholic Alliance), it was possible to create a true alliance between the Catholic world and Roberto Cota. The signing of the "Pact for Life" shows how to Cota are at heart "non-negotiable values" fundamental commitment Catholics in politics.
- Gianluca Buonanno, however, I knew him (indirectly) from the time he even knew who I was, I knew what he was loved by the citizens of Serravalle Sesia for his unquestionable good governance. I then got to know personally Gianluca when I started my political career in the Northern League: I was able to perceive the practical and concrete that transmits Buonanno at any time. Buonanno is not a politician but the words un politico (uno dei pochissimi) dei fatti: a dimostrazione di quanto sto scrivendo c'è il lavoro immenso che Gianluca ha fatto in tutti i paesi che ha amministrato: Serravalle prima e ora Varallo Sesia sono state trasformate completamente da quando Buonanno è stato eletto. La gente della Valsesia, infatti, premia Buonanno con consensi bulgari: dimostrazione di quanto apprezzino tutti, al di là dei colori politici, il lavoro che Gianluca ha prodotto negli anni.
E' per queste semplici ragioni che insisto a sostenere che nel prossimo fine settimana tutti i vercellesi devono andare al loro seggio per votare: e devono scegliere di dare fiducia a quei candidati che possono rivelarsi utili allo sviluppo del nostro territorio. Smettiamola di votare chi you live in Vercelli only when it's time to pick up our vote. We reward those who worked so good and honest service to its community and Vercelli in Piedmont in urgent need of starting anew.
And the only restart can pass the election of Roberto Cota for President of the Piedmont Region and the presence of a strong patrol in the Northern League Regional Council: thus, Sunday 28 and Monday, March 29, we are not to be idle at home, go to the polls , vote and write to the Northern League side BUONANNO!


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