Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do I Have Bell's Palsy

Influenza ora la tua performance: Pianifica - Preparati - Nutri aspettative (parte 1/3)

To go where you want to be, you need to plan to win, and the plan must be good. Gee good and should work. The good news is that you started so fantastic even before they are old enough to make choices. Your arrival has been well planned from eternity. Maybe your mother and father have not planned specifically to put you in the world, and may have thought that your timing is not fosse del tutto giusto; ma, carissimo/a, ti assicuro che sei l'individuo vincente che sei stato destinato a essere.

"Puoi pianificare, prepararti, nutrire aspettative e assumerti l'impegno proprio dove sei, facendo esattamente ciò che stai facendo".

Dobbiamo credere in noi, per siamo tutti quanti unici individui, splendide creature, avvolte bizzarre.

Il prossimo esempio e racconto ti aiuterà a capire perché lo sviluppo della tua dichiarazione della missione è importante per il tuo successo ed è una caratteristica delle persone "di success ", that they get what they want.
  • It tells the story of his grandfather who was walking on the beach with his grandson. My grandfather often stooped to pick up a sea-urchin and threw him into the water. After a while 'the grandson asked his grandfather: "Grandpa, what are you doing?" The grandfather smiled and said, "Well, son, these urchins are living organisms and discarding them if they do not die in the sun." The grandson replied, " But, Grandpa, there are thousands! What difference can I do? "The Grandfather quietly stooped, picked up another hedgehog, threw him into the sea and said:" For this guy, makes all the difference in the world. "
Message: maybe you can not change the world, but when you change your world, you have made a very important step to change the world of other people (without knowing many of them) through the words you use and the actions we .

Someone once said that no drop of rain is responsible for the flood, or a snowflake is reproached the blizzard, but the reality is that each / has played a role in . Unfortunately too many people throw up their hands to heaven and say, 'What can I do? " Speaking figuratively, you can reject the sea-urchin at sea so that it can live. You can give help and give a hand to those in need. You can give your opinion and be an encouragement, not only for the people around you, but through them you can influence many other individuals.

followed in: Influence now your performance: Action now, the benefits now.

Pier Giorgio


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