Friday, December 24, 2010

Gallbladder Itchy Skin


"For us, the older generation, too disillusioned by war and for war, as well as other experiences, - wrote John Guareschi - the goal remains the sentimental Christmas of each year. Christmas is for us to stage the annual long hard journey: the leafy shade of the tree which, left the sunny, dusty road, we stop a moment to collect our ideas, our memories, and look back. And together with our loved ones are: the living and the dead. And in our crib for reborn every Christmas, with baby Jesus, the hope for a better world. "
's right, as it tells the immortal pen of John Guareschi, which is Christmas.
's right, as they depict the words of the father of Don Camillo and Peppone, the Nativity of our homes back to life and meaning, every year passes, never going out of fashion.
's right, like all our elders have taught us that the Christmas season takes shape and heat, even in a world like ours too often blinded by the cold arrogance of those who feel they have more need of Christmas.
Guareschi was an extraordinary man, a man born in the wrong era, a man of another era. Behind the mustache and checkered shirt under his lurked the heart and mind of a man who could not tolerate the bad habit of progress, of that "pork progress" if it has "enriched the material life of man" has, at same time, "depleted, up to destroy it, their lives spiritual. "
Guareschi was a guy who sent her to say, was an Italian who has always had the courage of his ideas, he was a Christian who did not care too much about the pacifism end in itself. Feel that they belong to a world he saw and slowly disappear, including the church, the house and a glass of red wine, Giovanni Guareschi has painted with his words an Italy that often made people laugh but still believed. A small country, one of which he wrote Guareschi, even if that split had already damned forever, deep inside, that's the lowest common denominator represented by the simple wooden cross that symbolizes the Christian identity of Europe of ours, our home and of each country.
"I am a reactionary, I'll post my delight, because I am opposed to progress and want to relive the things of the past. But on a very reactionary, because the real sinister reactionary is someone who, in the name of progress and social equality, would have us go back to the wild cave and was able to dominate a mass of well-developed but uncivilized brutes. " So, without too many turns of phrase, Guareschi described himself, beyond any boring rhetoric of mediation and tolerance. He was a man all of a piece Guareschi: a simple Po never willing to compromise enough to end up in jail while the law does not recant his ideas, his values \u200b\u200band his writings. And jail, actually, we ended Guareschi: because of its indomitable spirit of writer assault without fear of anyone. In 1950 he was sentenced to prison for insulting the Head of State, Luigi Einaudi, Guareschi and in 1954 he was again accused of defamation for publishing the "Candide" Alcide De Gasperi two letters dating back to 1944, in which De Gasperi asked to Anglo Americans to bomb the outskirts of Rome in order to demoralize the spirit of the Italian people.
short, Giovanni Guareschi was a consistent man who always had the courage of his actions and his words. But in addition to his journalistic activities indomitable Guareschi is the image of a great father family and a old man who knew how to dig deep in the hearts of men of his time.
Guareschi's strength was the strength of a Christian who breathed the air of the people - that is our - that sinks its truest identity in that Child's crib. Because from there, and only from there, by that Jesus who was born just look at our crib is the very meaning of life. And in that regard
Guareschi, one day, he wrote: "The fact is that we all think of Christmas as a day off the calendar. As a day out of time. Christmas is for us all as an end point. And our dream is to trudge all year then drops to stop for a bit '. As if, that day, the time should stop. But you can not ever stop, because time does not stop. It would be enough to stop a minute, but this is not given neither to the living or the dead because eternity is a closed circle that always begins and never ends. It 's something that continues without ever having started and never able to finish. And unconsciously we think that, when it comes to Christmas and try to explain our immense anguish with trivial reasons. But the fact is that we, on that day, look out for a moment on the abyss of infinite admiration for the greatness of God is not enough for us not to men enough faith to make us forget our infinite smallness. "

Emanuele Pozzolo


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Bullets To Use Remington 870

Auguri di buone feste

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Put Your Head On A Different Hairstyle

Fini Guareschi finished second

dint of jumping here and there, sooner or later, you fall ill. That 's what happened today at Gianfranco Fini and his parliament: the group of "Finian" has no right to political pressure and came apart. The team orders of the President of the House and his faithful mouthpiece have not had the expected result: so, the vain dream sfascista of no confidence in the Berlusconi government has melted like snow in the sun. Gianfranco
Fini had staked everything on his shoulder to Berlusconi: if he succeeded in missing the parliamentary majority to the government, Fini law was to enter the Olympus of the great myths of the left. That was not good and Gianfranco must accept it.
the eve of the long-awaited important, the Chamber of Deputies, Fini met with his Future of Freedom and to take stock of the situation and close ranks. And it seems to have said: "If we lose we destroy everything, my story and yours." Unfortunately for Mr. Tulliani Parliament is sovereign - giving confidence in the Government - has buried the politically "Farefuturo" Finian and sudden reversals of vari.
Gianfranco Fini non è un uomo stupido, è un cinico e un calcolatore: eppure stavolta il suo pallottoliere ha fatto cilecca. E assieme al pallottoliere finiano hanno fatto cilecca anche tutte oniriche speranze di costruzione di una non meglio precisata destra anti-berlusconiana e anti-leghista.
Il confuso progetto politico di Fini è abortito prima ancora di vedere la luce: e questa è una benedizione per la nostra terra. La voglia trasformista insopprimibile che albergava da qualche anno nel cuore del Presidente della Camera dovrà rimanere soltanto una voglia: e non troverà sbocchi realizzativi.
Con una splendida battuta il sociologo torinese Massimo Introvigne ha riassunto quello che poteva essere il dilemma dei “finiani”: "They could choose between shame and Berlusconi. They chose the shame and Berlusconi are also held. "
E 'exactly what happened to the various Bocchino, Grenada, Briguglio, Red and Tremaglia They had before them the opportunity to betray their constituents, their values \u200b\u200band their own history or continue to support the Government of which, until 'yesterday, were staunch supporters. I "tullianini" chose to betray all the way, by voting no confidence in Berlusconi behaved like a casino and any D'Alema.
But their treason was punctuated by the mournful notes of defeat: Silvio Berlusconi, the axis of the North and the majority have held up. That that did not hold, however, was the group of future and freedom that imploded at the first serious parliamentary test.
was livid Gianfranco Fini's vote just after reading the results of the count of the Members, because the new leader of the "Farefuturo" and "bocchiniani" knows that politically it is finished. Fini wanted to be a bully, yell and force the hand: he wanted to play tug of war with Silvio Berlusconi and the Northern League but was defeated on all fronts.
now remains to be seen what will happen between "Finian" after tummy recorded vote of confidence before and after the first significant dissociation of deputies from the ranks of the Future e Libertà, ora, bisogna capire chi sono e quanti sono i “finiani pentiti” che tenteranno ci accorrere piangenti ai piedi di Berlusconi. Di sicuro non sono pochi coloro che si staranno già mangiando le mani per il terribile passo falso commesso: abbandonare Berlusconi e andare con Fini per molti parlamentari eletti nel centro-destra era una scommessa sul proprio futuro politico. Gianfranco Fini ha comprato gli ingressi in Futuro e Libertà di gente come Roberto Rosso, Benedetto Della Vedova e Daniele Toto promettendo in cambio l’assicurazione sulle prossime candidature politiche: molti dei parlamentari “finiani”, dopo la batosta di oggi, vedono molto traballante la loro carriera e quindi non stupisce che già si vociferi about obscene thoughts and nth jump. Roman
The situation is still delicate: beyond the achievement of confidence in Parliament, it remains to be seen whether the numbers available to the majority will work to continue the path of reforms. But this is a whole other story that will cover the future of our country. With today's vote, Italy was completed at the shoulders (hopefully permanently) processed the old politics of left, center and right. Today from Rome came good news: Gianfranco Fini is over.

Emanuele Pozzolo

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Transporting Mini Cupcakes

Roberto Rosso, the face of the old politics

I got to read the convoluted letter that his friend Roberto Rosso left a few newspaper groped to explain the outrageous antics of policies which he and Gianfranco Fini's followers are becoming protagonists.

Perhaps the politician formerly known Democrat, former DiPietro, a former legal secretary, and former ex forzitaliota pidiellino relevant today as neo-riciclatosi finiano, believes that people have short memories, and yet few are those who escape the political parable Mr. Roberto Rosso.

Few among the citizens of Vercelli, forget that Roberto was red until Berlusconi made him comfortable, just forget that even Roberto Rosso has held positions of government, always and only by Silvio Berlusconi; e pochi dimenticano che Roberto Rosso ha giocato a fare l’alfiere dei valori cristiani sino a quando non gli è convenuto maggiormente abbracciare le istanze del laicismo finiano più turpe e deteriore.

Nessuno può dimenticare che Roberto Rosso, proprio lui, il “grande” cattolico che promosse l’astensione per far fallire il referendum sulla procreazione medicalmente assistita, oggi, si trovi nel partito fondato da Gianfranco Fini: ossia colui che criticò duramente le “ingerenze confessionali” volte a far fallire il referendum sulla legge 40.

L’esercizio della memoria è una nobile attività che certe persone dovrebbero avere la dignità e la decenza to apply to themselves first, before we criticize the consistency of others. Just in terms of values \u200b\u200bof righteousness comes from smile to read the "catechetical sermon" that Roberto Rosso addressed to myself: I am afraid that the new regional coordinator and the Future of Freedom is too used to looking at the speck that is in the eye of others without being able to see the beam that is in his eye.

conclude these few lines of comment suggesting a fact that perhaps not everyone knows: that makes the story on the "Roman step" by Roberto Rosso halfway between the tragic and the comic. About three months ago - September 2, 2010 - on the columns of "L'Espresso" proprio Roberto Rosso, assieme ad alcuni suoi ex colleghi pidiellini, scriveva di “non aver mai espresso l’intenzione di aderire al gruppo politico dell’onorevole Fini” e che rinnovava la sua “più convinta adesione al gruppo politico” di cui faceva parte (Pdl) e, dulcis in fundo, esprimeva “la più ampia fiducia al Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi e al suo Governo”.

Oggi Roberto Rosso – aderendo a Futuro e Libertà – è riuscito, ancora una volta, a smentire se stesso: questa sua dote naturale sicuramente è stata molto apprezzata da Gianfranco Fini, il gran maestro di tutte le abiure. Per questo l’on. Rosso è stato ritenuto degno di conseguire “ad honorem” il titolo di “ras piemontese” di Fli: se lo è davvero meritato.

Emanuele Pozzolo