Muslims must respect the law
The Northern League is still interested in the situation in the Islamic center of worship and cultural website, now illegally, in Corso John Paul II No 34: while I understand the need on the part of Muslims to find a space suited to the fulfillment of their prayers, believing it only right to remark on the persistence of a situation of substantial illegality in the use and intended use of the building above.
No rule allows members of the Association Assalam meet, more or less open to the public for the time of the Islamic prayer ritual: this irregular situation can not last over time and therefore urge that strikes a sensible solution needs legality and freedom. The Northern League
reiterates the need to return as soon as the situation on the rails of legality and hopes - as reported to the Mayor of Vercelli in a meeting of some giorno fa – che si possa giungere alla stipulazione di un «patto di lealtà tra vercellesi e comunità islamica». Tale convenzione consentirebbe ai musulmani della nostra città di poter pregare in un loro spazio, purché rispettino il decalogo siglato con il Comune di Vercelli.
Questo strumento di convenzione tra ente comunale e comunità islamica è già stato pensato e attuato a Novara dal sindaco leghista Massimo Giordano e ha prodotto risultati, ad oggi, soddisfacenti: agli islamici si chiede di sottoscrivere un “patto” in cui loro si impegnano a rispettare e promuovere la parità tra uomini e donne, a ripudiare il fondamentalismo e il terrorismo, a dissociarsi dall’Ucoii e a consentire il libero accesso alle forze dell’ordine che intendano effettuare controlli negli edifici di proprietà della comunità islamica.
La sottoscrizione di tale accordo è un passaggio essenziale, sostanziale e non solo formale, perché qualora i membri della comunità islamica dovessero venire meno a quanto stabilito dal “patto”, l’intesa raggiunta verrebbe meno, automaticamente, e perderebbe così gli effetti prodotti.
In cambio di tali impegni assunti da parte islamica, il Comune potrebbe offrirsi di valutare, assieme alla comunità islamica e nel pieno rispetto delle leggi vigenti, le diverse soluzioni prospettabili, in termini di zone cittadine, per la destinazione di un edificio a centro di culto islamico. The Islamic center would not assume, however, the conformation of a mosque which is along the center of worship, culture and Islamic court. What the League is prepared to grant Muslim guests, in case of conclusion of the "covenant of good faith," is just a space for communal prayer: space, however, controlled and linked to the maintenance of conventions on these commitments.
The League wants to set a model of integration unequivocal: it is necessary that the guests Islamic exceed certain ambiguities, respecting our Christian traditions, our laws and our culture. Only in this way you can achieve a coexistence that, as difficult and arduous, is guided by the criteria della lealtà e della legalità.
Emanuele Pozzolo
Capogruppo Lega Nord al Comune di Vercelli
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Naruhina Love Stories
Nessuno ne sa abbastanza
The phrase of the year, or better for now deserves the highest step of things to remember for this year. A sentence that contains the most is true in the workplace. Why work alone or with only a small number of people, when you can involve other people to develop your strategia.
Perché ogni risorsa ha il suo punto di vista e non va ignorato e merita di essere ascoltato a riguardo dei processi interni che rendano operativa la strategia aziendale. Più sono numerose queste risorse più è alta la probabilità che la strategia funzioni e che si porti a compimento.
L’azienda dove i dipendenti sanno esattamente che cosa devono aspettarsi dal piano aziendale è perché hanno una attività di lavoro per la strategia già ben programmata e condivisa nei punti lavoro. Badate che questa attività (quello della partecipazione e definizione dei lavori strategici) non è il lavoro principale della risorsa nell’azienda. Ma sanno di far parte del sistema e fanno girare il sistema.
Se i dipendenti possono partecipare attivamente alla “decisione” di dove andare, vi (ci) aiuteranno a prendere la decisione migliore, vi (ci) aiuteranno a fare in modo di arrivarci. E potete scommetterci che per arrivarci lo faranno in modo motivato perché sono entusiasti del sistema. Sanno che non sono una pedina, ma come parte del motore vero dell’economia dell’azienda.
Una cosa importante, la creazione della strategia non può dirsi finita finché l’intera azienda non conosce chiaramente “che cosa deve fare per darle seguito”, compresi tutti i dipendenti al di sotto del livello del Direttore Generale. All you ready, you have understood!
È proprio vero: Nessuno ne sa abbastanza
Pier Giorgio
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
How To Wear Always Ultra
Back to the law
In un tempo, come il nostro, dove l’autorità dello Stato è messa sempre più in discussione da ragionamenti pseudo-garantisti c’è bisogno di attuare un vero e proprio programma di restaurazione del concetto stesso di autorità. Oggi, troppo spesso, la legge viene messa tra parentesi in nome della sociologia buonista: sta prendendo piede una nuova preoccupante ideologia giuridica che potrebbe essere denominata “giustificazionismo sociologico” dell’illegalità.
Secondo i dogmi This new method of observing the existing legal there would be sources of justification for any form of illegality. A Rumanian rapes a woman? The justificationism kindly explains that the Eastern people are biologically more inclined towards violence. A gang of niggaz put fire to a small town in Calabria? The justificationism is pleased to make us think about the sociological causes of extreme hardship faced in the rioters. Of the insane Islamic terrorists blow themselves up in a public place, killing hundreds of innocent people? The justificationism tells us that after a response is a bit 'too radical but still comprehensible to Western imperialism.
We live in a historical moment in which ethical, legal and political environment we are witnessing a true short circuit between causes and effects. The very concept of punishment - which involves the violation of the law - is constantly questioned, relativized and depleted by reasoning that base their arguments on smoky discutibilissime sociological premises. Each type of deviation or error is now justified on the basis of a socio-economic assessment of the agent: the sense of personal responsibility - a concept that underlies all Western law - has almost disappeared. But
really believe that the law should be packed, weighed, or worse, tailored to each sociological type of situation? If we recognize that the principle of equality of the law is still the guiding star of action we must understand that modern legal not matter the socio-economic conditions of any offender, the law must punish with the same standards and with the same rigor .
It 'clear that if the person who steals an apple is a non-possessing the negative ethical judgments on the theft itself is very relaxed state of need of the agent. Must not be less of a legal opinion about the abuse committed, because if you held the good, the application of the penalty, excuse the state of need, then there is a relativization total of the law.
The Western law derives, like it or not, the Ten Commandments: The table of rules dictated by God to men does not contain any variant of the sociological imperatives they contain. The objectivity of the standard was the constant development of European law. E 'with the modern legal affirmation of the Enlightenment that has gradually seen a relativization of the concept of substantive law.
The situation is gradually taking hold in Europe, but especially in Italy, is worrying, because next to the aforementioned desire to sociological excuses to justify any kind of wrongdoing is gaining a real fashion denigration against the self-defense. The tendency to speak of "self defense" and not of "legitimate defense" is in itself indicative of the fact that we tend not to consider the conduct aimed at defending his own person, their families and their property as a right. Contrary to what is fashionable modern legal state in the universe - and following the words of the jurist Ligurian Vittorio Mathieu - it is right to classify the "legitimate defense" as a duty, not only as a right: "You can come to kill for exercise a duty and self-defense is a case of this kind. "
front to explode the boisterous "justificationism sociological" is to rediscover the essence of the law firm. Not the judge who must restore ex post equality: the court should confine itself to the veracity of the facts and, where applicable, the penalty applied. Who should take action to improve society is political: it is he who must seek to remove obstacles that stand between a life of dignity and respect for the law.
E 'must recover as soon as the direction of state authorities. Without forgetting that it is the duty of defense to every man, because - as Ernst Junger wrote - "the inviolability based on the breadwinner of the home that presents itself on the doorstep brandishing an ax. "
Emanuele Pozzolo
In un tempo, come il nostro, dove l’autorità dello Stato è messa sempre più in discussione da ragionamenti pseudo-garantisti c’è bisogno di attuare un vero e proprio programma di restaurazione del concetto stesso di autorità. Oggi, troppo spesso, la legge viene messa tra parentesi in nome della sociologia buonista: sta prendendo piede una nuova preoccupante ideologia giuridica che potrebbe essere denominata “giustificazionismo sociologico” dell’illegalità.
Secondo i dogmi This new method of observing the existing legal there would be sources of justification for any form of illegality. A Rumanian rapes a woman? The justificationism kindly explains that the Eastern people are biologically more inclined towards violence. A gang of niggaz put fire to a small town in Calabria? The justificationism is pleased to make us think about the sociological causes of extreme hardship faced in the rioters. Of the insane Islamic terrorists blow themselves up in a public place, killing hundreds of innocent people? The justificationism tells us that after a response is a bit 'too radical but still comprehensible to Western imperialism.
We live in a historical moment in which ethical, legal and political environment we are witnessing a true short circuit between causes and effects. The very concept of punishment - which involves the violation of the law - is constantly questioned, relativized and depleted by reasoning that base their arguments on smoky discutibilissime sociological premises. Each type of deviation or error is now justified on the basis of a socio-economic assessment of the agent: the sense of personal responsibility - a concept that underlies all Western law - has almost disappeared. But
really believe that the law should be packed, weighed, or worse, tailored to each sociological type of situation? If we recognize that the principle of equality of the law is still the guiding star of action we must understand that modern legal not matter the socio-economic conditions of any offender, the law must punish with the same standards and with the same rigor .
It 'clear that if the person who steals an apple is a non-possessing the negative ethical judgments on the theft itself is very relaxed state of need of the agent. Must not be less of a legal opinion about the abuse committed, because if you held the good, the application of the penalty, excuse the state of need, then there is a relativization total of the law.
The Western law derives, like it or not, the Ten Commandments: The table of rules dictated by God to men does not contain any variant of the sociological imperatives they contain. The objectivity of the standard was the constant development of European law. E 'with the modern legal affirmation of the Enlightenment that has gradually seen a relativization of the concept of substantive law.
The situation is gradually taking hold in Europe, but especially in Italy, is worrying, because next to the aforementioned desire to sociological excuses to justify any kind of wrongdoing is gaining a real fashion denigration against the self-defense. The tendency to speak of "self defense" and not of "legitimate defense" is in itself indicative of the fact that we tend not to consider the conduct aimed at defending his own person, their families and their property as a right. Contrary to what is fashionable modern legal state in the universe - and following the words of the jurist Ligurian Vittorio Mathieu - it is right to classify the "legitimate defense" as a duty, not only as a right: "You can come to kill for exercise a duty and self-defense is a case of this kind. "
front to explode the boisterous "justificationism sociological" is to rediscover the essence of the law firm. Not the judge who must restore ex post equality: the court should confine itself to the veracity of the facts and, where applicable, the penalty applied. Who should take action to improve society is political: it is he who must seek to remove obstacles that stand between a life of dignity and respect for the law.
E 'must recover as soon as the direction of state authorities. Without forgetting that it is the duty of defense to every man, because - as Ernst Junger wrote - "the inviolability based on the breadwinner of the home that presents itself on the doorstep brandishing an ax. "
Emanuele Pozzolo
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