Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aroma Rice Cooker Ratios

Stabilire un sistema efficace per la gestione della performance

Un traccia di lavoro percorribile

Inizio con l’evidenziare che senza una adeguata gestione delle performance non si hanno i parametri necessari per identificare sia lo stato dell’arte nei i progresso e ne i regressi. Dunque un sistema di gestione della performance che possa dirsi efficace comprende tre componenti:

• La prima è il performance planning, la pianificazione della performance. Quando tutti hanno compreso perfettamente la visione e la direzione organizzativa, è nel corso della pianificazione della performance that the leaders agree with the staff's goals on which to focus action. In the planning stage, the traditional hierarchy is always a useful reference because, in case of disagreement between managers and employees, the decision rests with the manager, since he is the representative of organizational goals.

• The second component is the performance coaching. It is in this aspect of the organizational pyramid is inverted, because the manager is obliged to do everything possible to help employees succeed. Log in question at this point the concept of leadership in service to others. In this phase, the manager works for its people, it commends the progress and redirect the inappropriate behavior.

• The third component is the performance review, ie the evaluation of performance, the time when managers and employees sit at a table and evaluate the performance. Which of these three aspects organizations typically spend more time? Unfortunately, the aspect of evaluation. In many organizations with whom we meet in our work, we hear often: "You will find interesting new tab that we have prepared for the evaluation of performance." And we promptly smile, thinking that it could easily hunger paper. Why? Why those cards they want to measure aspects che nessuno sa come valutare. Per esempio, «spirito di iniziativa», «assunzione di responsabilità»,o «idoneità alla promozione». Belle parole. Quando nessuno sa come effettuare la valutazione, le energie si volgono alla gerarchia. Dopo tutto, chi ha buone relazioni con il capo ha maggiori probabilità di ottenere una valutazione positiva.

• Alcune organizzazioni effettuano un'ottima pianificazione della performance, definendo obiettivi molto chiari. Tuttavia, dopo che sono stati definiti, quale pensate che sia il loro destino? Il più delle volte sono archiviati e nessuno li prende più in considerazione fino al momento della performance review. Allora tutti si danno un gran da fare per ritrovarli. Fra le tre componenti della gestione della performance, a quale pensate che si dedichi meno tempo? La risposta è: al coaching. E tuttavia esso rappresenta l'aspetto più importante, perché è nel coaching che si ha un costante feedback (valutazione dei progressi e re indirizzamento dei comportamenti inadeguati).

(Segue … Le competenze dei nostri nuovi manager)

Pier Giorgio

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Billed Knit Hat Patterns

Formazione, da una richiesta, una mia proposta

Il documento che segue è una piccola traccia in risposta ad una richiesta ricevuta. Spero che il tutto sia decisamente comprensibile e decisamente utile a tutti.

"But what is the right strategy or the right style of leadership that leads to concrete and tangible results in your manager who now run our business or the resources contained in them? How should this gentleman / a autocratic or democratic? The fact that every one of us is at a different stage of growth depending on the particular job they are to perform at a particular time. "

The answer: To allow employees to give their best if you need to adapt leadership style to the level of each of them. Different tactics for different people.

The proposal: Quella di formare i manager alla gestione mirata delle loro funzioni, ovvero prepararli alla “Leadership situazionale”. Una disciplina che si basa su due convinzioni: le persone possono e vogliono crescere, e non esiste stile di leadership migliore per incoraggiare la crescita. Lo stile “situazionale” va adeguato alla situazione, un comportamento di sostegno intrappolato con un comportamento direttivo.

Il perché: Assumereste mai dei perdenti? Proclamate forse: «Lo scorso anno abbiamo perso alcuni dei nostri migliori perdenti, e siamo alla ricerca di nuovi perdenti che ne prendano il posto»? No! Volete dei vincenti o dei potenziali vincenti. Volete le migliori people as possible and giving you the best. (Continued ... Establish an effective system for performance management . html)


Pier Giorgio

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Play Pokemon Pearl On Mac

Multi processualità, falso mito.

Hello everyone, this post again in our journey through the Performance and Performer, follow me because it will, as always , a nice trip. Accompany me and we will all have something more to share: Knowledge, knowledge.

know more and more often during the day we alternate in many activities, our frenzy is that we want to do so, and all together. This leads us to believe that they play a lot of "work" at once. Already our lives seems also well marked by activities in multi-task, both in the business world and private sectors. The multi processuality is one of the great myths of our era. We plan to focus on several tasks simultaneously, but in reality, our attention moves constantly from one activity to another.

Our mind gives us the same false impression, but unfortunately not the same results: there is the possibility of dividing attention between two conscious activities. Under certain conditions, we can consciously do two things at once, but do not take two conscious decisions - as easy - at the same time. Certainly, we are able to walk while drinking, or talking with a friend of ours while we drive, but (whether to walk or drive) after an amount of exercise such that almost automatically the main activity. The fact is that we do not practice most of our daily activities often enough to make it automatic.

In fact, the benefits we get from the multi processuality are often illusory, because in juggling various tasks, the brain slows down. A practical example of just what is said in this simple analogy: we do not get any advantage in going up the stairs two steps at a time when the extra effort slows us down enough to let us use the same time that we spent going up one step at a time. In essence, this is what often happens when we try to perform two mental tasks at once.

So the basis of all is that our brains, our processor is unique for all activities, a change from one activity to another causes an enormous amount of energy and time than other problems. One of them is that we forget what we were doing or that we were going to do. Our brains produce a sort of list of things to do, which takes note of everything we have to remember that in the short term, such as an email address that we have just been informed. The contents of the list of things to do, however, may disappear in about two seconds (the scientific information which is acknowledged), things start to fade and, as demonstrated by some researchers, having taken into account for fifteen seconds a new question, we have forgotten the old. In some occasioni, i casi di oblio possono raggiungere addirittura il 40%. Questo, ovviamente, può indurci a commettere grossi errori.

Un altro costo è rappresentato dai periodi morti: se, mentre stiamo lavorando a una cosa, ci interrompiamo per farne un'altra, abbiamo bisogno di un po' di' tempo per tornare a concentrarci su quello che stavamo facendo in precedenza.

Ora un dato di fatto, alcune ricerche condotte sui posti di lavoro hanno evidenziato che sono necessari quindici minuti per recuperare uno stato di concentrazione profonda dopo una distrazione come una telefonata. I risultati di questi studi coincidono con quelli research on the work habits of employees of a large multinational computer, which employed an average of fifteen minutes to return to demanding mental activities, such as writing a report or a machine code, after responding to an e-mail Inbox. Why so much? In general, it distracted to respond to other messages or look at news, sports or entertainment on the Internet.

Until this type of distraction is within the confines of our office, we are probably safe. The researchers, however, should convince yourself that, in reality, the multi processuality can be quite dangerous. Take a simple task like answering a cell phone while we drive. There are many studies on mobile phones but it should be noted in a particular way, that the effects of a telephone conversation relating to driving skills and the result was that: "Any form of use of mobile phones has meant a significant reduction in the ability to respond to traffic situations on the road. " Imagine now we are struggling with our ringing Barry Black, a navigation system that informs us and gives us the directions to make the road, the radio speaking in the background, the instrumentation of our car more and more complex and elaborate lights that illuminate and written while "just" drive!

A fact is we are used to divide our attention between different tasks that can jeopardize our security as well as cause even more disturbing and dangerous conditions for those close to us. Then let us remember that when this occurs a person may look directly at something without seeing it.

We have a single brain, we have to get used to treat it well and allow the management of multiple processes to modern computers that are equipped with multiple processors, which allow the machine actually to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, as a person with two or more heads, because people do not see so I can candidly tell you: One thing at a time please!

me to thank those who carried out the scientific research gave me valuable significant similarities, Mr. Joseph T. Hallinan, and especially my mother that I suggested the topic, not wanting, in one of many talks that we do during the great meals that are ready to find those who masterfully. Thanks.

Pier Giorgio