Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What To Wear To A Sorority Interest Meeting

Islamic identity: either the law or comply with any Christian dialogue

The choice of the Islamic Association "Assalam 'take back to the courts to discredit the institutions of Vercelli says much about the concept of coexistence and dialogue that motivates the Muslim community Vercelli. In front of a repeated behavior illegal employment of unauthorized sites, by the Islamists, the Municipality of Vercelli could not intervene, as has rightly, to put an end to lawlessness.
The choice of the Islamic community to call themselves "discriminated against" by the city of Vercelli is simply ludicrous and totally without foundation: the guests that Muslims should take the lead law enforcement is not a useless trinket but it is essential for anyone who wants to live at home ours. If the members of "Assalam" Italian laws, procedures and timing of administrative measures are too narrow to do is advise them to go elsewhere.
Unfortunately, in the case concerning the construction of the center of Islamic worship in Vercelli, it became clear that strategy ambiguity that characterized the positions of the various Islamic communities of Europe: on the one hand pretend to be carrying box, while the other act - sometimes in conflict with the law - to get what they have in mind anyway.
The appeal against the city of Vercelli is further proof that the Islamic community Vercelli more interested in achieving their goals rather than engage in a harmonious and balanced integration process, noting further test of strength that the association "Assalam" We highlight what it intends to engage in act is, unfortunately, the tombstone on every possible attempt at dialogue with the city of Vercelli.

Emanuele Pozzolo Parent
Northern League to the city of Vercelli

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What To Write On Wedding Card For Friend

Cast il manager, ma è un Castoro!

The animal is so full of analogies similar to what is written below. Just by nature very often we have to learn and very often makes us think that after all every time you write you process already exists in "Nature". Amazing True! Very often I am surprised that companies have these remarkable animals and innate managerial but then if I think it best if not the case, probably the world "animal" would be quite different.

Here we are with a cast that is beaver team leader, as well as mentor, which helps with its simple methods for the challenges of every day to achieve a long-term goal. Because his efforts to succeed in life despite the difficulties that arise every day, realizing from their mistakes and handle each crisis as a challenge.

guys he is a self-leader managers "(long-term genealogical) from innate abilities with its very friendly to make, despite all the difficulties of the characters e delle testardaggini altrui.

Cast vi fa capire che solo nella vostra maggiore fiducia delle vostre capacità si potrà avere un giusto successo, che solo assumendovi le proprie responsabilità voltate il passato e guardate al futuro, accettando il passato. Perché molte o meglio troppe volte lui vi trova che vi considerate delle vittime.

Questo “animale” (ricordate), di nome Cast è un castoro e come tale lavora solo in team per raggiungere un traguardo un obiettivo che vale una vita intera. Lui sa che solo con la condivisione del progetto e con uno scopo comune si ha il giusto successo nel riuscire nelle cose.

His innate ability to see things and deal with success is the result of a legacy from his grandfather and grandfather of his grandfather that changed with time (by virtue) and evolved to form today a formidable company. A company of attentive staff who are committed to achieving a common goal and that are mutually accountable for results achieved.

But it was not always so. In each generation of beavers have faced problems and hardships of all kinds, but using a strategy adapted to these situations have always led the Beavers to find happiness.

One thing our friends have learned over time, a fundamental mistake very common and very important in any type of organization, the "group" to "persons concerned" try to resist change because we are not involved in its implementation. Contrary to what everyone thinks, beavers teach that resistance is not about change but the control is imposed.

Lesson: Cast encourages you to speak. But success is in listening.

When you are lonely hearted, weak, just look for all the friends or allies. Talk is good, you feel the same did not have a reason to exist is not contradictory to a face that can make you feel for something "wrong" or "right and proper." Addressing the concerns of staff. Stylized our concepts and see in a concise style of conduct of directors of the good leader. It should above all know that the work is done by two major trends:

1) Department or rather the art of directing (AB)

  • A - Listen (Talk / t); B - Involve (Knowing).
2) To support or rather the art of delegating (CD)

  • C - Praise, D - Encourage.
A) Listen - Hold, Develop, Manage, controls.
B) Involve-Collection of concerns: about the information, personal, and about the implementation, to the impact (cost benefit), for the Collaborative for improvement.
C) To praise, flattery and not give consent for the "servility".
D) Encourage, support. Never leave people alone. Especially those who are "growth" of self leadership.

Le attività di un buon capo Leader (sopratutto di se stesso) deve intraprendere nei contesti del proprio lavoro verso la sua organizzazione, che sia privata, pubblica o lavorativa si basa sull'Organizzare, Istruire e Focalizzare i lavori , deve catturare la presenza dei collaboratori per costruire le azioni adeguate a cosa si sta svolgendo.

Pier Giorgio

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Dog Has A Yeast Infection

Sei al Top quando... Decalogo “funzionale”

Il decalogo funzionale o meglio una serie di frasi che ci aiutano, giornalmente a vivere in maniera coerente. Se il buon giorno si vede dal mattino, ed è sempre così, allora it is always best to start well, because it is good and why better to be a step forward on things rather than see them before us gfestite or unreachable by others.

I propose a series of phrases, quotes that can help us tackle today better than yesterday and see in a concrete and used to our lives. Do not touch the word "positivity" into the barrel in an otherwise serious discussion that ... they do not go out.

Note the reference to God is not just a religious event, but if that I have to "replace" with your beliefs or your "I".

Come sempre e con dovere vi dichiaro che quanto sotto scritto non è farina del mio sacco ma da chi certe cose le ha sviscerate e comunicate il sig. Zig Ziglar, di cui la sua missione è consistita nel far passare alcuni di noi dalla sopravvivenza alla stabilità, una maggiore quantità di noi dalla stabilità al successo, e tutti noi dal successo alla significatività. Un buon compagno di viaggio: Buon lettura.

1. Capisci chiaramente che il fallimento è un evento, non una persona; che ieri è terminato la scorsa notte e oggi è il tuo giorno nuovo di zecca.
2. Hai fatto amicizia con il tuo passato, sei focalizzato on the present, and optimistic about your future.
3. You know that success (a win) does not make your fortune, and failure (a loss) does not lead to your downfall.
4. You are filled with faith, hope and love, and live without anger, greed, guilt, envy or thoughts of revenge.
5. You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your rights to your responsibilities.
6. You know I do not advocate what is morally right is the prelude to being the victim of what is criminally unfair.
7. Are you sure of who you are, so you're at peace with God and in communion with men.
8. You become friends with your opponent you win the love and respect for those who know you better.
9. Understand that others may give you pleasure, but true happiness comes when you do things for others.
10. You are friendly with the grumpy, courteous to rude, and generous with the needy.
11. Ami's unpleasant, from hope to the hopeless, friendship to people with no friends and encouragement to the discouraged.
12. You can look back with forgiveness, forward in hope, down with compassion and up with gratitude.
13. You know that "He who wants to become great among you must be your servant."
14. Recognize, acknowledge, develop and practice the physical, mental and spiritual that God has given you for His glory and for the benefit of humanity.
15. You're in the presence of the Creator of the universe and He says, "Well, good and faithful servant."

"Look right and see the good man, a man of peace will have a seed" (SaI. 37.37).

Keep the Ten Commandments in hand, create a business folding and consult it daily:
Remember: you must claim in order to achieve a balanced success.

Pier Giorgio