A matter of form?
Hello some time ago I addressed this issue in a very energetic and constructive discovering that there are many opinions on the topic in question. The views and opinions made from it (the "opportunity" to be exact) are very mixed, at least on the nature of "residence".
Opportunity is thus: A question of type, social class, culture, mentality?
Of course the argument is of the simplest but I was really tickled that I'm here now to treat it. I must admit I found it difficult to collect all the material produced in that hour of intense exchange of views, keep in mind and put them down with a certain logic. Not knowing how to start I thought one of my dear mentor at the most critical to begin by saying, "Well, start from the beginning!
Brilliant, let's start from the beginning the true etymology the word through the dictionary, what does it say whether.
HOEPLI - Character of whom, of what is appropriate, cost-effective: the chance of this law was recognized by all, have, not have the sense of opportunity to do something. -
DeAgostini - Being fit; Convenience: An opportunity for a decision. Occasion, circumstance fit: not having the opportunity to do a certain thing to miss an opportunity.
Now on the second attività di elaborazione dell’analisi di questa tematica, distinguere l’opportunità da altri vocaboli simili ma che ne discostano il significato. Perché direte voi? Bé se non facciamo chiarezza su alcune parole prendiamo dei grandi e grossi abbagli:
Opportunità non è dunque: Opportunismo, Opportunistico e neanche Opportuno, appunto. Bene e i sinonimi? Bé, lasciamoli stare.
Ritorniamo a noi, io ho cercato come si legge sopra di evidenziare come le opportunità sono viste e sentite da noi “persone”. Ebbene la prima divisione che ne è scaturita è stata: The opportunity to have a well-defined category in our vision of life, are placed on a scale with well-defined and vary over time. Let me explain the opportunities place them in the image of ourselves that we, the relationship with others and vice versa, the objectives we set ourselves, the attitude we have towards those we are around, the work and desires. This is my opinion. But it is not for everyone, as I said at the beginning I identified three distinct bands (types) of thoughts on the opportunities in fact.
The first is that of "social class": Yeah, not all born with a "pedigree" high-ranking for him to allow the opening of certain ports and business management. Let's face it mister "x" is much easier and shares a status that is self-generate himself. I do not lunge on this topic not to be pathetic and redundant. It is clear and under the eyes, but this does not preclude the opportunity for others is that only "He" has a beautiful baby on the table that sometimes does not evaluate it carefully.
The second is that of culture: The culture is what makes the difference in every one of us is without prejudice to anything you've got it or I do not have it.
The third is the mentality, for me the engine of opportunity: The mentality is the attitude of how we come across situations, the spring which is triggered when the culture you need to sync with actions. When you go from idea to fact.
attention Then there is always a bit 'of San Ass, which never hurts, but you know how to say a certain sport: we waste all 100% of shots not facts. See post of 06/18/2009 "A program objectives with a significant specificity."
Now I present to you a question that a man named Fred Smith has done, and then responded to what helps us to understand better. Because individuals non sviluppano e non usano i loro talenti e non si aprono alle opportunità che gli si prospettano?
Rispondo secondo quanto ha detto il sig. Fred Smith, una ragione è la negazione. Molti reputano comodo negare un talento. Usano la scusa “povero me”, oppure sono solo un diplomato di scuola superiore. Dopotutto, se negano i loro talenti, allora forse possono persuadere gli altri che in realtà non hanno nulla da offrire. Di conseguenza, non saranno criticati o condannati per Il fatto che non fanno niente, poiché non hanno alcunché con cui possono fare qualcosa.
Poi Fred presenta la seconda ragione per cui le persone non use their talents, or procrastination. Will use them in the future does not exist on the Island "Sooner Or Later" ("Sooner or later I will), which is an island that does not exist. The first island-o-Then one of the greatest excuses ever given. Tomorrow is the largest employment and labor-saving device ever discovered.
I think the fear (which is the opposite of faith) is the main reason for the failure to use the opportunities offered to us. Many people do not realize that failure is an event and not a person, then decide not to take any unnecessary risks and do nothing. Then you do not have failed because they never tried. And the opportunity melts like snow in the sun.
The fourth reason why people do not use their talents and opportunities facing both nell'irresponsabilità. Consider it more convenient to blame other things and other people for their failures. They do not accept any responsibility for the failure and feel at ease into blaming the system. In their view, be responsible and not a failure, but accept responsibility and do not succeed is a failure.
"These six words - if it should happen, it depends on me - they are absolutely valid. The solution is to do it now."
How to stay motivated? Bé ho letto e riletto alcune cose che sono state enormemente incoraggianti per me. Fra le mie frasi preferite c'era questa: 'Se non ti piace chi sei e dove sei, non preoccuparti perché non sei bloccato riguardo a chi sei o a I dove sei. Puoi crescere. Puoi cambiare. Puoi essere più di ciò che sei'.
Questa per me è opportunità!
Chiudo questo mio post ringraziando la persona con cui ho condiviso le opinioni i punti di vista dalla quale è nato questo "articolo".
Pier Giorgio
Pier Giorgio