Friday, November 13, 2009

Connectingh Samsung 330 To Dvd Player

La produttività e il morale: Un rapporto imprescindibile

First a little definition of productivity. Productivity is the amount of work done and that in turn depends on the quality of work and all this will depend on the collaborative activities of resources in terms of skills and behaviors.

So already identifies that productivity is somehow subject especially on the attitudes of resources to their work, which somehow has to play. Implied that the whole matter are "relieved" the technical aspects of the production plant, machinery and other equipment.

Well, the resource with their existential and moral aspects of present conditions in that moment its working structure deteriorating or improving the overall performance of work activities.

We all know that when morale is low, the work is "unpleasant" and this spoils the enthusiasm which would increase the cynicism more than you get out in the morning.

Gee then think about how to get back to that place on Monday and narrow with the unbearable state of mind to pieces. Already we think by Friday night so you end up che ti rovini il fine settimana e ti ritrovi con la domenica affossata nella malinconia.

Notizia importante: I lavori infelici si trovano in ogni luogo e a tutti i livelli di categoria. Quanti di voi concordano con me che almeno una volta ci si è trovato in questa condizione di insopportabilità?

Come dicevo la produttività il morale vanno a braccetto dunque sta a noi responsabili di noi stessi o di un team, dirigenti, ecc, cambiare rotta verso questo atteggiamenti maleodoranti.

L'anonimità, a nessuno importa realmente chi tu sia come persona; l'irrilevanza, you that there is or is someone else in your place is basically the same, the non-measurability, no one cares that you work really well or not.

These are some points to work both with ourselves and with our collaborators. Ask yourself questions and see if the answers are finds of real, true and measurable.

now set before you my views on this issue, it is certainly not that I have a magic formula but follow me a little 'and you'll learn the three essential steps to remove (an act of positivism) situations smelly.
  • diagnosis, or rather the ability to assess the needs and level of growth, all we have and varied.
  • Flexibility, or the ability to use the range of behaviors available.
  • Selection, or the ability to adopt behaviors that meet the needs.
On the other hand, we must think about the "success" in real and tangible way to make sure that morale is up, as our performance or productivity, that they say. Sunday Sweet Sunday!

soon, Pier Giorgio